The whole thing is now on YouTube.
Being I'm at work, I haven't seen it yet, but hopefully tonight I'll get an hour to spend watching this thing.
This is happening at a school in North Carolina.
Interpreted in Dance and Movement.
Told through dance, movement, lights, and imagery, this beautiful and affirming piece finds joy in loss. Produced with permission and in partnership with Cloud Cult. Recommended for all ages.
Per the way that is written, I'm wondering if this is taking the Light Chasers album and using it as a soundtrack to the DANCE PERFORMANCE? which could be very cool itself.
But I also would wish/wonder if it was either
a) Cloud Cult themselves performing it while the interpreted dance performance happens
b) A group of musicians performing it while the interpreted dance performance happens
But even if neither of those situations are happening (and it's not written they are) this will still be cool to see what this group does with the album.
Light Chasers is my favorite Cloud Cult album and one of my favorite albums, especially in the last 20 years.
Given I don't foresee traveling to NC for this though, I will be looking forward to the film in January of course.

We're honored to have the entire Light Chasers album presented via dance, lights and imagery by Western Carolina University. Performances are this Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Cullowhee, NC. More info and tickets:…/current-productions/light-chasers.aspx
This performance will also be available in film format in January.