facebook announcement from Daniel
"That odd feeling in our stomachs will be even more prominent this time around, since this tour marks the farewell of both Johan and Fredrik. See, I went and dipped my toes into the serious now, but I can't dwell on it too long then I won't have any energy left for convincing ending! Anyway, Léo and I are already guessing who of us will get to be Christopher Lambert in Highlander. Léo does have the youth, energy and motivation on his side. But I have red-hot statistics holding my fort."
after last week's Johan Hallgren-leaving announcement, Daniel writes this. So, Pain of Salvation is now just Daniel and Leo? Daniel could probably benefit from a hiatus for the band. Then they reform after x number of years. Mike Portnoy and Dream Theater? I wonder if Daniel is a little too stubborn to do that, even with all these longtime bandmates leaving.
Who knows, maybe a year or even 6 months from now, the Daniel Gildenlow/Mike Portnoy project will be announced. If it does, somehow it would be nice to see this post cited. The odds are probably better I join Pain of Salvation, than that happening though.
That all being said, Fredrik will be missed, assuming there is a Pain of Salvation sans their upcoming tour, much of which is with Opeth. I always liked Fredrik's work with PoS. The keys always seemed to fit in their music. Never over-used. Similar to the early Dream Theater or even somewhat how Porcupine Tree have used them. Texture instead of chops, etc. Although really since Be, they haven't been as noticed.
Maybe something more will come out with this announcement as to why he also is leaving, whether Fredrik will be doing other music, etc. I noticed on his Wikipedia page earlier how he released something titled "Piano" in 2007 and/or 2009. I have no idea what that refers to, a solo album(s) or something else. But I'm curious about it now.