-House of Fools upcoming 2nd LP Versus the Beast is finally mixed and mastered. How it's released, and of course WHEN still remains to be announced. If I had to guess, they'll Self-release it, and it'll come out no later than March, but possibly as early as January.
-The Steve Morse/Neal Morse/Mike Portnoy/Dave LaRue/Casey McPherson collaboration album is being mixed in NYC right now by Michael Brauer and as Portnoy announced, is expected to be released in March. The title of the album or even the band's name is still un-announced. Morse Code?
-I dug White Denim on Saturday, so much so I bought their new album on Vinyl rather blindly.
-Along with them, and The Dear Hunter's performance, I think if I can find the time today or this week, I'll try and write some things I got to chat with people there, including members of The Dear Hunter. Rob Parr specifically.
-1 note I can add right now about that is I did get to ask Casey Crescenzo about what he knows of The River Empires and their 2nd album. And what he said kinda stuck in my head and while I wasn't totally surprised, still disappointed. Pretty much involving TRE's questionable future. Jessy I guess is not as focused on recording music for it right now, and possibly other things like actual cinema soundtrack work, etc. But I am taking this with a grain of salt, given Casey is not the #1 source behind the band. At the same time having been through this with other bands so often, I am trying to accept their may never be another The River Empires album, or it could be a long time for now. But until Jessy announces something more official, that's just speculation.
-The Neverending White Lights album that is released tomorrow, November 8th, is going to run $10.19 just in shipping costs from Canada, lol. I'm scratching my head about that a bit, especially for a compact disc. If it was Vinyl, I'd totally understand. But I may hold on my hard-copy purchase for a little bit for that reason.
The albums of the year crunch time is now happening. I probably will post a few reports as I am able to make progress with it.
hopefully more to come soon.