Thank You Scientist and Kindo seems kind of obvious and I think they either toured together or at least played festivals like ProgOctober Fest in Chicago together.
In the Presence of Wolves I have known about for a few years, and while I've never loved them, I am hoping they could win me over live.

April 12 Jersey City, NJ
April 19 P Pittsburgh, PA
April 20 Toronto,ON
April 22 Lansing, MI
April 23 Columbus, OH
April 24 Chicago, IL
April 25 St.Paul, MN
April 26 Lawrence, KS
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April 28 Salt Lake City, UT
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May 1 Seattle, WA
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May 12 Orlando, GA
May 14 Carrboro, NC
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May 16 Ardmore, PA
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May 19 New York, NY