So, if a Minneapolis or St.Paul date is not added, as it doesn't appear it will (the 13th would be only date, but why would they come to MN after Tennessee and before Indianapolis? the routing doesn't make sense).
Passover begins Monday April 14th, which would mean if I wanted to go to the Chicago show, I'd miss the 2nd night/seder which really isn't seder, but more of just dinner. Then again, attending the Nashville,TN show on Saturday the 12th might not be much difference in price and would not force me to miss work nor anything Passover-related.
Nothing I see, but I wonder/suspect they'll have a few other bands on tour, I wonder if The Dear Hunter could be one of them. Then again, that's the fanboy in me of course.
2013 Bend Sinister in Chicago.
2014 Bend Sinister in St.Paul, MN
2014: The Reign of Kindo in Chicago (or TN).
2015: The Reign of Kindo in Minneapolis or St.Paul?