Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Category: Music
Hello everyone, dan here! It has been a while since my last blog as I took a breather from everything internet over the holidays. I left for a week or so in kelowna on dec 19th and spent some quality time with the family and the glories of cable television. As par normal I wrote a few new songs at the family piano and also learned about 10 Christmas carols to sing with the family. I also watched about 10 trashy movies which were available on the free movie channels on TV. On the 27th I left to go to Mexico with my lady and had a wonderful time in a haze of sun and margaritas. We spent our time on the mexican riviera mostly in a place called Tulum which had the raddest beach i've ever seen. I got back into town on the 5th of January and its taken almost til now to catch up and regroup for the new year. Its gonna be a big one for us starting with our first ever show at the commodore coming up on jan 22nd where we will hear whether we are 50,000 - 150,000$ dollars richer. What that money means for us is that we will be able to focus for the next year almost full time on the band and we will try to start touring much more in the states and maybe even in Europe. It is a very exciting time and we also hope to go in as soon as possible to work on a new record. I've got a good bunch of songs ready to go and we've started rehearsing doubletime to try to learn new material! For all you torontonians, you should get in touch as we are hoping to spend a couple months in toronto this spring to focus on eastern canada/us and to be closer to our manangement and label folks! So there is definitely a lot about to happen for bend sinister and it truly is a happy new year for us or a happy big year! Here are some photos from mexico to show you how much fun i have all the time, lol! Bye
As a huge fan of this criminally unknown band out of Vancouver, BC. The money they won recently and now it sounds like will be able to use to record their next album and TOUR THE US FINALLY! is a really big deal to me and hopefully others.
As I signed their blog on their myspace, they should try and get on a tour with a band like The Dear Hunter or dredg. I can only imagine, potentially, how much it may help.
or heck, maybe Porcupine Tree, lol. Like PT, Bend Sinister are represented by The Agency Group afterall.
I may have to shoot TAG an email about that idea, even with the expectation that it may not do a damn thing. There's nothing to lose.
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