1. I thought this band had broken up, but maybe not? Their last album that I recall was Get Hot which came out 10 years ago, in 2008.
This new album Dogtown is being released next Friday December 14th, 2018.
2. I used to know a handful of people who loved them on various forums. Among the dredg and Kaddisfly fans, among others. I even recall they toured with Kaddisfly, maybe more than once on the West Coast.
3. While I bought their S/T debut album from 2005, not too long after it came out, as one of many of those cheap, used promos cds at Cheapo. I recall struggling with it, even after reading the glowing comments. I couldn't get into the vocals and low-fi production I found hurt it. I remember thinking on paper I should dig them, but there was something missing. But, I also remember 1 track "Styrofoam Walls" really liking.
Get Hot though I found more boring than the debut, so I kind of wrote them off and after no info about them for many years, I came to assume they were done.
Matthew Fazzi though went on to form Happy Body Slow Brain which I guess now is basically the same band under the name Rare Futures. And I do enjoy music under both their names, although I can't say I love them.
But I guess Matthew Fazzi isn't with FNY now, but they have this new album coming out next week, and there's already 5 tracks available to checkout below and on the other streaming sites.
I imagine there might some folks who find this blog who remember them and would want to check out this album. And honestly, the 1st track below I am kind of digging more than I expected. This might be 1 of those what-the-fuck gems (Small Leaks Sink Ships almost found that category back in 2015, after knowing them many years before and not being too into them. But now, I fucking love them of course).
Facebook from November 2nd
We are releasing our new album "Dogtown" on December 14th.
We are also playing two shows: December 12th at The Hi Hat in Los Angeles and December 14th at Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco.
This link allows you to purchase a bundle that includes one ticket to your preferred show, an exclusive shirt and "Dogtown" vinyl.
See you in December.

1. Dogtown
2. Big Rev
3. Gods of the Good Shit
4. Hail Mary
5. Birth of Venus
6. Trouble
7. Shame
8. Heaven is High Hell is Low
9. Your Love