Already Ours, 22 and some others are among my top albums.
But 1 thing I wonder about is how 2019 may be like 2009, the year the same thing kind of happened; many long awaited albums came out, or long on hiatus artists put out new albums, etc.
2009 was the end of 2000's but it was also just a year with a ton of depth.
I wonder if 2019 the same may happen.
And then of course come the end of 2019, many will be making their best of the decade and even 21st Century best of's, which is fine, although i contend many records I will hear long after the end of this year and would want to shoehorn them in post-haste.
There is something about real-time, enjoying music not long after it's released or made. But the issue always is, not hearing it at-the-time given any number of reasons.
I dunno, I guess we'll see. Certainly Pepe Deluxe, dredg, King's X, Arch Matheos and the Ours albums are among my most anticipated.
This new Amanda Palmer album is...intriguing to say the least. 20 tracks, 10 instrumentals. And 1 she spent a number of years on.
But then again, there's a good chance my top 5 or 25 albums come next November will include a percentage that aren't mentioned below. That seems to be the case every year, so I wouldn't be shocked if this year is no different.

22 - You Are Creating: Limb 2
Release in November, 2nd part of the You Are Creating concept. This also released with Limb 1, so in a way it's a double album.
I'm really enjoying this, maybe as much as Limb 1 and it makes the whole You Are Creating release even better.

Arch / Matheos
Super stoked for this album. Sympathetic Resonance is a favorite prog metal record this decade, and of course I and so many other Fates Warning love John Arch.

Bent Knee
All their albums are really good, Land Animal, their last record from 2017 among those. Ben Levin told me last Summer another album was in the works, and given how prolific they are, I would hardly be surprised.

Biffy Clyro - Balance, Not Symmetry [Original Soundtrack]
The film was shot last September, and the Soundtrack I thought was coming long before the film which comes out in 2019.
But I can't find it right now.
They also have something titled Jungle Adventures with Nick Knowles on Wikipedia for 2019.

Dirt Poor Robins
The EP's and Raven Locks graphic novel are among the biggest things I'm excited for this new music year/season. I love more or less every song they've recorded.

I guess a lot of it has been Crowd-aided, but the 1st new Disillusion album since Gloria from 2006 is apparently planned to come out finally in 2019. The 2016 single "Alea" is incredible.

Dream the Electric Sleep
Their 2018 release New Giants Underground was old material I guess re-recorded. But in 1 or 2 posts on Facebook, I recall Matt Page mentioned how there was a new album of new-material coming soon as well.

Dream Theater - Distance Over Time
They spent a little more time. I have yet to check out the 1st single, but many comments say it sounds like Octavarium in some ways. But also somewhat Dream Theater by the numbers.
Odds are more will find interest in it, including myself, than The Astonishing at least.

They got together at various times during 2018 to write. They've been posting here and there on Social Media about it, how it's coming in 2019. Even just today (12/10/18) they posted also a "boxed set / scrap book" release, along with a new album and touring.
Fanboy-bias..super intrigued.
Maybe a 2nd-life/comeback etc..chances are it will not resemble Chuckles, as much as I enjoy that album, many do not. I'm not sure how much they would do that thing again, at least under the dredg name.
Anyway..depending on things, as regular activity about the details will show up on my Social Media if not in here as well.
Definitely a Top 10 Anticipated.

East of the Wall
I love The Apologist and Farmer's Almanac.
Redaction Artifacts I honestly don't remember all that well. But that came out 6 years ago. Given the time they spent on this upcoming album, I'm pretty curious about it.

Enchant - Beauty and Sadness
They had a boxed set that came out earlier this year and I recall from an interview at ProgStock, with both Doug Ott and Ed Platt, they were looking to release this new album Beauty and Sadness in 2018.
I don't believe it came in 2018, so it may not be too far away.

(Relatively) New all-female band from down under who sound enough like Warpaint I want to check out what they do. Their 1st 2 singles came out in 2018, so 2019 may find more music coming, which given they have been together for many years, they likely have a number of songs they could record and release.

Facing New York - Dogtown
This is released this coming week, 12/14/18. 1st Facing New York album since 2008.
I was never a huge fan, but something about the long hiatus and now a new record has me curious about this.

Fish - Weltschmertz
The final proper studio album from the former Marillion frontman.
I enjoyed the A Parley with Angels EP enough to be still looking forward to this one quite a bit. Maybe given it is his retirement album, there may be a little more to it (some of the Marillion guys as guests?).

Flying Colors
Their 3rd album is anticipated, although I don't know how late in the year it may come given the schedules of so many of the members. But Portnoy has mentioned in a few interviews the plans are to make the 3rd LP in 2019.

These guys are rather prolific and have hinted on Social Media about their next album. They have 4 excellent albums, their last being What Went Down in 2015 which was one of my favorites that year.

King's X
Along with a book and documentary, a new King's X album is planned to finally come in 2019. The 1st in 11 years. I'm kind of a life-r, so I am naturally really excited for this. Their last record XV was very strong.

Local Natives
They have toured and mentioned LP4 a number of times on Social Media. And they are a bit like Foals, being pretty prolific and active. I wouldn't be surprised to see their next album come in 2019.
Sunlit Youth from 2016 was quite good and compares favorably among their excellent catalog.

Muse - Simulation Theory
This was released in November and while some of it sounds overproduced, it also has somewhat of a cool love letter to the 80's. "The Dark Side" and "Thought Contagion" maybe being my favorites.
I guess I am probably higher on it than their last record Drones, but at the same time, I don't know how often I will listen to the whole thing given the production among some other reasons.
I'd still love to see them live again.

Mutemath - Voice in the Silence [EP]
Paul Meany found some older tracks and re-mixed or even re-recorded them? I forget. The 1st 2 videos I checked I enjoyed. I don't want to look at this as a farewell as more of a transition release.
I love Mutemath though, so I'm bound to dig this, although I still haven't heard it all.

Neverending White Lights
Daniel Victor posted on Social Media a handful of times in the last year+ about writing and recording, so while that does not guarantee anything, I am hopeful the 4th NWL album will be coming soon.
Whenever it does, it is one I am very excited for as I enjoy all 3 of the records he's made under the Neverending White Lights moniker. The melancholy, therapeutic stuff never fails for me.

Ours - Part 2: New Age Heroine
This being released in early November, this is an early favorite of mine already.
"Fly" is a standout, but I enjoy almost every track on this album.

Ours - Part 3: Spectacular Sight
The 3 tracks from the sampler sent to Black Card holders in 2017 were all quite good. "Across the Clouds" maybe being my favorite.
Lot of hopes, per I love the 1st 2 Parts of course, fanboy-biased included.
I suppose my only wish is the number of ballads to be a little less, but I can't be sure about that until I hear them per I love a ton of the ballads Jimmy writes.
And it's coming soon, maybe January or February even.

Ours - (TBA)
This is the 3rd album in a year anticipated from Ours. It was supposed to be a Jimmy Gnecco solo record, but he changed his mind when he posted about all the albums last month.
I am anticipating it to be more acoustic but some wonderful tunes fans know him to have performed live for many years.
Will "Living in a Video" or "Shoot the one in the Middle" make it? Mechanical Lovers? "Hurt like a Tattoo" "Forever" "Autumn" (already released online if I recall)..then again, there's likely ANOTHER album not too far away for those if they don't.
Also the remixed version of Ballet the Boxer 1 is coming as well.

Amanda Palmer - There Will Be No Intermission
The release date of March 8th, 2019 I literally read about today (12/12/18).
I loved her last two proper studio records Theatre is Evil and Who Killed Amanda Palmer.
Like those, per the email list, she spent a ton of time and emotion into this thing. And per the track list and email list, it sounds like an epic work, having 10 songs and 10 instrumentals (or interludes I think).
I wouldn't be shocked to get pulled into this, but to be honest, it was hardly at the top of my radar, so in a way, it's a minor sleeper. Which are often records I get won over by pretty easily. It honestly happened with those other records in fact, and both were in my top 15 albums for the year they were released.
"Drowning in the Sound" is already available to the Patrons, which I am picky about given it's a min of $1 per month, but it is tempting to sign up and get that and access to a long list of other Patron-only versions of this album (along with other stuff as well like Presale codes, etc)
edit: YouTube stream for Drowning in the Sound

Pepe Deluxe
Can't wait.
a HUGE anticipation if it comes. They take-their-time for good reason as Queen of the Wave is maybe my 2nd favorite album this decade.
I hope I'm not expecting too much here, but I know when this comes out it's going to be a huge deal to me.
And they recorded a number of tracks in Germany in 2018, so stuff has been put to tape already.

Protest the Hero
Looking forward to this. Maybe playing Fortress and Kezia over the past few years brought some new found inspiration. I just hope Roddy's voice is okay, after some concerns earlier this year.

The Red Paintings
Crowd-sourced a few years back. Like Pepe Deluxe..Trash has been taking his time, but 6 years now since The Revolution is Never Coming, this one hopefully will be showing up one of these years.
Love the style, just hope it's not so hotly produced this time.

Sculptured - The Liminal Phase
Been in the works for many years, Facebook shows recording being done in 2018.
Very excited to hear something new from Sculptured as I love Embodiment which goes back to 2008, and their older albums as well.
Samples, piano, chamber instruments with organic sounding proggy black metal?..yes sir!

Been many years since their last album (2011 I recall the Purple Buffalo album came out), but Facebook shows they have it in the works.
not gonna say anything about the new album - just gonna do it - it has been a beast - and we hope it'll have been worth the wait

I Love their use of trumpet!

Snarky Puppy
Culcha Vulcha was pretty sweet, and their live shows standout of course.
No reason to not check it out, and this album is due in March per a recent press release for it and their tour in May.

Their 2018 2 singles I enjoyed in my fanboy-fashion.
Another epic gap in time since their last album, but they got together in 2018 and recorded a lot; I suspect it wasn't just those 2 new tracks.

Like *Shels, I thought they broke up, but not the case. Wikipedia and their Facebook mentions new music coming, so another great blast from the recent past may show up in this coming year.

The Tea Party
The new song "Black River" is pretty good and a new album is likely coming.I loved The Ocean at the End, so I am naturally very excited for a follow-up from these guys.
All the Greta Van Fleet listeners need to hear this band as well (or instead). They've always carried the (Post) Zeppelin torch in a such a great way.

Tears for Fears - The Tipping Point
It's been delayed obviously, as it was mentioned in 2017 and maybe even going back to 2016. Perhaps due to their touring schedule?
"I Love You But I'm Lost" came out that year anyway, and I would think would be on this.
I enjoy, but haven't been blown away by their post-80's albums, including Everybody Loves a Happy Ending, which 2019 will mark 15 years since.

Jon Anderson - 1000 Hands
Jon Anderson while prolific in some ways, has a million albums, projects, etc that are still yet to come.
Topic here on progressiveears with Detailed artwork
Video interview here
There's a whose-who on that credits list and this album has been in the works for 27 years I guess. Steve Morse, Ian Anderson, Steve Howe, Jean-Luc Ponty, Chris Squire, Pat Travers, Rick Derringer, Tower of Power, Billy Cobham, Carmine Appice, Chick Corea, Rick Wakeman, Alan White, etc , etc
1000 Hands? Maybe 1000 Musicians? lol.
The record was finished, but it didn't get released this Fall which it may be due to rights and getting the labels so many of these musicians are on, to SIGN OFF on this.
Hopefully it will get cleared and can finally come out in this coming year.

Joey Eppard - Word to the Wise
Like 1000 Hands, this album has been in the works for many years. Joey has just needed the time and means to finish it I guess. But it was announced I think in 2017, with the artwork there.

More singles, an EP or an album, or all of them hopefully will be coming soon.
I've come to just hope but not expect it from Fjokra, The last couple of years, the singles and videos Fjokra has done have been great, which hopefully per their success, will lead to more soon, including this coming year.
Anything Fjokra does is a big deal to me of course.

For the Imperium
A new single came out in 2018 "Power Tan," and "Titans Fall" a few years before in 2015 (along a few others per their YouTube channel)
But its been a number of years since their last record, Hail the Monsters from 2013.
And recently they wrote a lot and recorded 8 songs per their November 9th update on Facebook.
A new album seems likely soon given that.

Speaking to Maggie Morris last Winter at the Typhoon show where her band Sunbathe opened, she mentioned they had a new album coming.
Now the timing on it could be delayed given her work in Sunbathe, Katherine Paul's music with Black Belt Eagle Scout, etc.
But hopefully the next Genders album will be coming soon given that conversation with her and how long it's been since their last album, 2013's Get Lost , or to be fair, 2016's Phone Home EP.

He was I guess recording down the hallway or street from Kimbra when Kimbra was recording songs for what went on Primal Heart.
Been quite awhile since 2011 huge splash Making Mirrors. If I recall, he did make 3 albums with The Basics since, but I have never fully gotten into them.
I know he's done other stuff with art and music, etc which may be also why his next album hasn't come yet; even 1 or 2 stories about him retiring from music, which I thought sounded surprising.
But assuming the comment Kimbra made in at least 1 interview about him recording nearby in NYC, I would hope something from that will show up soon. Even just a new single, etc.

2018's release Ocean Sounds is a live performance recorded in an isolated area of almost all previously recorded songs. I think 1 or 2 tracks were new. But in at least 1 of the notes about, mentioned a new album would also be coming soon.

Imogen Heap
New music I guess is coming, but she also is touring again. It may be singles or more. I do recall at 1 point in 2018, her posts on twitter mentioned her next recorded work.
But then again, it could be a soundtrack or something else. She is prolific, but at the same time, she has taken her time with her studio albums with many years between them. That being said, 2014's Sparks came out now 5 years ago already.
I will be totally on board whenever it does come as she's brilliant at times. I loved Sparks quite a lot.
edit: Wikipedia
In July 2018, Heap confirmed a new album has been finished, but that she is struggling with contract issues.

Their last all-instrumental album The Return of Jazzkamikaze was released in 2012, and they do still update their Facebook here and there. I thought I noticed something about writing and/or recording within the last year or 2, per I added them to my list last year for that reason.
Will it be purely Jazz again? we'll see. I would love them to make music with vocals like on Supersonic Revolutions, but I am skeptical ala that was a 1-time experiment. Sadly if it was, it was excellent, but I don't blame them if it wasn't in their interest to make more music like it.

The 4th LP has been long delayed from anxious, hopeful fans who honestly, are far more rabid than I am about this band, despite the fact I was a fan long before many of them,
I wonder if this is a bit like Australia's Tool. They play live still, but due to time and priorities, the next record is still on the back burner.
It may come soon, or I may be here in 2022 still anticipating it.
I will certainly be looking forward to it when it is talked about, even though Asymmetry from 2013, while not bad, I found kind of forgettable. But their previous 2 LPs have a lot of good music on them as well. The mixing/production of course has been something I'll never get past with the much praised 2nd album Sound Awake.

Lehto and Wright
It's been 7 years now since their last record, 2012's November.
These guys are still among my favorite local artists and Children's Songs matches up among the best albums this decade still.
But 9 years since that came out in 2010.
I'm sure another album will be coming, it's just time and such for them I'm sure. John Wright of course has his other great band The Galactic Cowboy Orchestra who I wouldn't be surprised if an album was in the works for as well.

Spencer Ludwig
Ex-Capital Cities trumpet savant has been on Social Media and released some singles over the last year or 2. When the 1st full-length or EP even comes, I would think isn't too far away. I recall he has label support, etc which helps in terms of time and money to record in studio.
I do think Capital Cities miss him, but how the jist of his solo music compares remains to be heard still.

Moron Police
Their album Defenders of the Small Yard came out in 2014. Fun/funny energetic Hard Rock.
I know Sondre Skollevoll is now a member of Major Parkinson which may be why their next record hasn't come out yet. But I recall asking him on Facebook earlier this year about Moron Police and he said another record was in the works.

Northern Abbey
An EP was mentioned in 2018, which I can totally follow why it didn't come out yet given Nick Lambert's work with this great project being done when time allows.
But whenever it does come, I'm totally looking forward to it as I love both the EPs and the last single "Glimpses" from 2017.

Presto Ballet - The Days Between
I don't even recall hearing their last album, but this record is released this Friday December 14th.
I mainly know this heavy retro classic/prog band from Kurdt Vanderhoof of Metal Church, for their debut Peace Among the Ruins from 2005. But in scanning rateyourmusic, the previous record from 2012 Relic of the Modern World is actually their highest rated.
So beyond this album, I probably need to hear that one and possibly the other 2 records that followed their debut.

Queensryche - The Verdict
The 3rd Todd La Torre album in Queensryche Mark III or IV lineup? of sorts.
Given I can't see missing the show they are doing with Fates Warning, I may need to hear this and spend some time with those other 2 La Torre albums.
This comes out on March 1st.

Shelter Red
Facebook May 22nd, 2018
Shelter Red
"Chained On A Burning Lake"
"Chained On A Burning Lake"
This is just the beginning of things to come...
Yeah, so a new record sounds like it could be coming, just #SR2K19 instead.These guys along with Long Distance Calling remain probably my 2 favorite "Post Metal" bands today, if that tags fully works.

Roine Stolt's The Flower King - Manifesto Of An Alchemist
Time and mood will dictate when I check this out. It came out late last month, so it's for 2018-2019. I guess it's not exactly in the vein of many of TFK's albums, but more song-oriented, which may not matter for me. But at least it is slightly different.
the last The Flower Kings album I was into honestly was The Rainmaker.

Sigur Rós
It's been a few years since Kveikur (2013), and I know some people have mentioned they had a new album coming.
They're huge, so unlikely need money. And I dunno how extensive their tour schedule has been the last few years. But if not extensive, I would think their next record is coming soon.
I do wonder what will happen with their longtime drummer situation as Orri Páll Dýrason had to leave the band earlier this year.

Tiny Giant
Some singles over the last few years suggests a debut album was coming from Chloe Alper's current, main project since the end of Pure Reason Revolution.
They've been kind of quiet over the last year though, and there is a PRR reunion coming in June, but I'm not sure how much that means as far as new music coming from Tiny Giant.
If/when their next release comes, I will check it out as I have liked their singles.

Buke and Gase - Scholars (1/18/19)

Dan Mangan - More or Less
This was released on November 2nd, but I have yet to hear it.

Steve Hackett - At the Edge of Light (1/25/19)
The Neal Morse Band - The Great Adventure (1/25/19)
I know many are excited about this.Other names?
Steven Wilson
Cloud Cult
The Dear Hunter
Pain of Salvation
Sound and Shape