Friday, February 16, 2024

Small Leaks Sink Ships - Prison Kitchen (Single) (2024)

New tune from the masters, Small Leaks Sink Ships.

listened 3 times. Really fucking good despite dealing with a jackass neighbor blasting his music and having to run Grey Noise simutaneously.

Judd's vocal performance sounds quite a lot like what he did on "Broken Church Bells" from the Polaroid People EP from 2018.

 But I imagine this tune was leftover from the time they were writing for Low Tide. Although 1 podcast with London suggested much of the initial music for their next record was swapped when things with their record label went South per COVID.

I dunno, it sounds much of the Polaroid People and Low Tide ilk, that I suspect it wasn't written in the last 6 months to a year. But I dunno. I do really dig it, and it will have to tide me over and compensate for the fact they are going on tour and I won't be seeing them.