Monday, October 14, 2019


This Article is a pretty good history + update on the band Gospel.

Okay, so if you search this blog, you'll find more than reference and/or feature writings talking about this band.

But to summarize: they released a really cool progressive post-hardcore album in 2005 The Moon is a Dead World.

And I forget how long after, maybe 2 or 3 years later

edit: in reading what I wrote last year here, their break up, or at least 1 of them happened in 2010.

But "Tango" is amazing.

That article and their Facebook Page under "onetruegospel" they did a reunion show on September 20th at "St.Vitus" which I am presuming is in New York City. The band originates from Brooklyn anyway, but some members had moved away and are moving back.
Anyway, I'll just quote a couple key parts of that article:

I ask if that mean we’re finally getting the completed “Magic Volume of Dark Matter,” a never-recorded album-sized song that looms enormous in Gospel’s lore.

“Hopefully! We have other new songs we’ve been working on that we need to record,” says Miller. “Songs we wrote a few years ago when we were playing. ‘The Magic Volume’ is a huge undertaking, but we are hoping to get everything recorded.” 

But the band did mention several times that  they’re preparing to enter the studio again, most likely this Winter⎯

“It’s probably going to be called Absurd Challenge,” quips Dooling about the next album. “Because it is.” But Gospel seem more than up to the meeting the task, on their own terms. Praise be. 

So naturally I am verrry curious and optimistic to see what they do, when, however soon. I wonder if doing the reunion might escalate the process somewhat. 2020 or maybe 2021? I guess I am not going to assume anything, other than there is good reason to start following them and paying attention to their Social Media in the coming months/year(s).

The way that article reads, the stuff they may be doing could be amazing, but there also is the concern of the time gap. Cautiously optimistic I suppose, but I'm happy that anything new could be coming our way from Gospel.

Absurd Challenge sounds like a great title for an album from these guys.

It does sound like they will be taking their time to get the writing and recordings as best as they can, which may bode well.