Check out this video, namely about 5 minutes in. Wow. Uh, as I have said before, these guys have a wealth of talent, and hearing stuff like that totally supports that. I suppose I can say I have a bit more optimism about this album now (while still trying to avoid being burned by them).
edit: here's an except of an interview I just saw from an Australian zine.
Combined with a new Mars Volta album due out "hopefully later this year", the band will be bringing the majority of the new songs to Adelaide next month.
"It's about 80 per cent new material," Bixler-Zavala says.
"For the most part it's showing a lot of the new side of Mars Volta." When asked what this "new side" is Bixler-Zavala is more than happy to explain.
"I personally describe it as future punk," he says.
"We definitely go off in tangents live but it's the polar opposite of Bedlam in Goliath, that's for sure, and Octahedron wasn't really successful in trying to capture it so this new stuff is hitting the nail on the head for us." That said, Mars Volta has been dusting off some older, more familiar songs for the tour.
"There's some stuff that does translate and some stuff that doesn't," Bixler-Zavala says. "We're giving some things a modern take.".Last time Bixler-Zavala was on the phone to Hit the singer was having trouble coming to grips with the band's "evil spirits" that had been contacted via a ouija board during the recording of The Bedlam in Goliath but the singer is past all those "scary times" now.
"Yeah, we made it over to the good side," he says.
4/14/11 1:00AM

the upcoming album will feature thirteen songs of what Rodriguez-Lopez describes, "is a simplified version of what we've done before".
Cedric Bixler said recently about it: “Sorry no spanish [sic] on this record, no Zeppelinesque voyages, no Santana like flourishes or vishnu accuasations [sic]. No congas, no Hammond organ stabs, no 30 minute songs, no drums that sounds like mosquitos buzzing in your ear. Just future punk. That’s the only way to describe it from my point of view.”
There's I'm sure a lot more out there. I'm pretty guilty of not even reading the Volta section on The Comatorium message board.
But with these guys, instead of being a band I want to check-in with weekly or more often, I know it'll come out before I know it. They've already recorded not only this upcoming record, but likely the next 2 or 3. At least they've written enough. But these quotes do give me a little optimism that they mean to go in different directions, much like 2009's Octahedron was to a point.
Maybe this new album will be a bigger comeback? Maybe it'll have some of their At the Drive-In style riffs/energy etc?
Deantoni Parks I guess is their new drummer. Has been since 2010. He probably is best known for playing with Omar's solo band/projects.
Or maybe it'll be completely different from the previous Volta albums and ATDI as well? Color me a little more intrigued than I would have guessed. More to add when it's available.