Another new song "Propeller Seeds" that I can't tell entirely if many of the earlier submitted contribution were used or not. It is for sale here as a 3D Audio experience.
Formats: 320kbps MP3, Apple Lossless or FLAC Lossless
- Propeller Seeds
- Propeller Seeds (Spaces and places commentary)
- Lifeline (unplugged at 'Propeller seeds' release party)
- Propeller Seeds (video)
- Premium 3DiCD Virtual Artwork App
and it's $5 just for the "mp3 bundle" here. Meh...I was hoping honestly to pay-what-you-can (or desire) and $5 is a little more. $1 or even $2 might seem a bit more reasonable, even if it is the "3D Audio Experience."
I guess I'll have to think about this..
Imogen Heap - Propeller Seeds from Imogen Heap on Vimeo.
3/22/11 8:04PM
"Lifeline" a possible title for this, "Heapsong1"..there's definitely a song in the works there. The sample I sent in, doesn't sound like it's going make the cut. But it does need cuts, it appears anyway.
Mixed feelings, as I am always happy to hear new music from her, but the smothering and dictated process with all these fans, almost makes it not seem entirely to be an Imogen Heap song, but a song with a lot of little bits from people, who may have submitted something worth including, but mostly sounds like stuff she could have come up with. But I suppose how are we to know for sure.
It also just feels like a big competition and luck contest. "Oh, Immi chose my sample, yippee!" I guess when the finished result comes out, I may not care so much.
Video streaming by Ustream
3/14/11 1:18AM
This is starting. The 1st song that is.
I'm curious if there's something I could contribute now. There's a bit on it, including a Press Release PDF file there.
The 3-year process to finish it, well, kind of makes me wonder if it'll come out like a bunch of singles (or eps), sort of what Revere did or some other bands. It is rather inventive and different at least, but 2014 still seems a long ways away. But getting a new song every 3 months should help the process.

her official page news link
Earlier today at Midem in France Imogen announced her plans to release a crowd sourced song.
Imogen Heap will release the first song and video from her new album on the 28th March 2011. However, she hasn't written the song or any other material yet for the album. The album will gradually reveal itself over the next three years as every three months Imogen will release a brand new track.
Rather than wait and release all the tracks as an album in the conventional way, Imogen plans to put the songs out as soon as they are ready and keep them relevant to the time they are created. Then as Imogen still wants to have another physical album to put on her shelf next to Ellipse, she'll release the album for those who'd like to hold it.
14th March: The 'recording' process will begin when Imogen will be online gathering sounds (anything from a cat purring to a busy market, drum loops to dulcimer) from all over the world via her website from anyone who fancies joining in.
15th March: Will see Imogen collecting words in the same way with an aim to encapsulate that day in time, lyrically.
16th & 17th March: Will be all things visual. Stencils, photographs, video footage to be incorporated into the music video.
18th March: Imogen will reveal the middle section of the song only... here she will encourage people to write a 'solo' (beatbox, cello, vocal, you name it) over this section and then to perform them live online the next day. One or some of these will be added into the mix.
21st March: The song will be written and completed by the morning of the 21st March just in time to make the video which will be filmed, edited and ready for release 28th March.
28th March: Taking things to the extreme Imogen will reveal the first listen of the song publicly on her website on 28th March in parallel with a live remix by Tim Exile who will also be hearing it for the first time.
All submissions will go through a website specifically built for this project where fans, friends and interested onlookers can watch the whole process over two weeks from song writing to video production via blogs and live webcasts.
"There's so much going on in my life with touring, talks and tech that the choice to do this was both a necessity coupled with my passion for collaborative, spontaneous and creative projects. I also love the idea that the seeds of the song begins with the fans making a full circle when it's experienced as a finished piece.
"The unknown nature of what it will sound like is so exciting to me. I often thrive on a deadline and creative limitations. I want to really put myself to the test and I'm going to have fun doing it!"
The whole event can be followed at
To cap it all off, on 28th March, Imogen will throw a release party for those who've taken part, and - you guessed it - this will also be webcast live!
Listen to Imogen talking to Soundcloud about her crowd sourced song earlier today at Midem.
Imogen Heap at #Midem at Hotel Majestic Barrière on Saturday afternoon by Dave Haynes. Uploaded with SoundCloud iPhone
This sounds interesting. I'd love to be involved personally, but the odds of that happening, are about as good as 1 of the songs being called "An ode to All Media Reviews," lol.
However, she again is doing something unusual, forward-thinking, different, experimental. Which overall seems like a good sign. I just have to forget about the desire to her make another album as good or at least a lot like 2005's Speak For Yourself. It's not going to happen.