Monday, October 23, 2023

Comments on YouTube Videos


I've received this message twice in the past few weeks and had my ability to comment apparently on videos other than my own disabled for a day.

a) have no idea what comments I left that led to this simply per there is no actual link, video or comment referenced or quoted that this caused. 

b) I read through the "Community Guidelines" and can only guess it may be from alluding to videos I made on my channel. Which I've done that for YEARS, countless times, and never had any report or have someone make issue with it. 

I may have linked rateyourmusic once or twice on some comments.

But even if that was the case, I find it incredibly unfair and feeble for YouTube to just do this without any actual specific basis or example where this happened. If for no other reason, to understand what not to do in the future.

Someone just reported it on there, which whoever did it, fine, being anonymous I don't have a huge issue with. Is it cowardly? sure. If they have a problem, they could just contact me instead. But at least I would think they would include the comment or video for me to understand. Rather than just leave me in the dark to guess.

I did leave a note in the Feedback saying they could email me, etc. But I did that the last time this happened and have yet to hear back from them still (unless the email is in my Spam folder).

I suspect if it was alluding to a Video I made, it wasn't actually the Video's Creator, but someone else who read my comment, or even reply to their or another comment who reported it. But I can't be sure.

However, I am starting to wonder if leaving comments on so many videos is a good idea now with this happening now twice recently.

The thing is, I have struggled mightily to gain attention to my channel, so much that leaving comments I find is the only way to try and get my channel's name out there. I mean, nearly 10 years and well over 500 videos later, and 279 Subscribers?..those numbers kind of feel like it's JUST NOT MEANT TO BE.

I am going to have to seriously think about things come next March when I hit 10 years. I just don't know if it's worth it anymore. I may just come back here and do this stuff again. While it doesn't get the interaction or visual satisfaction of YouTube, I never feel like I need to be seen or  read here,

I dunno. 

I'm just not that good at making videos I guess, or at least with the alloted time that I have to. I never have been an amazing writer, but I guess between the 2, I think I probably did better for myself just writing and editing over and over in here, than what seems like an endless lack of success on YouTube.


or maybe Podcasting?..i dunno.
