But Part Two and maybe even a Third part I want to put up no later than Monday evening. But I'll see. The 2nd and/or Third part may have some album titles, but with less of a definitive idea or confidence of them being released in 2014. But there's also a lot of artists that there's a very good chance of a record will come out, even early in 2014, but there just isn't any specific info yet on when or an album title.
That all being said, these are some-of the artists and album titles which seem likely if not definitely coming in 2014 thus far. Most of them early.
also 1 last note for now: I am thinking of trying something with the whole 2014/Calendar Year, etc and instead of using January-December as a time frame, I am considering using November-October instead..almost a Jewish calendar instead of a Christian Calendar. Just due to albums coming out in November and December for said January-December calendar year, and not getting much attention or due. the Genders album for example.
And the whole January-December Album of the Year thing will change/be done with and be a November-October thing instead; thus an album like Genders - Get Lost would be a new album for this cycle or year, and may be my top record right now for that year/cycle of time.

Alcest - Shelter
I don't have tons to say about this, but only that I enjoyed them with Anathema last Fall live. And a lot of the music from that show was recorded for this. It's not too Metal I guess, but more emphasizing acoustics and the "Gaze" and "Post" part of their sound.
Melancholy moments included.
Not exactly fair, but when the Klimt 1918 album drops, the comparisons may still happen. But for many fans, this is a polarizing album; the Metal fans aren't as into it, but the early stuff as well as the more textured/ambient and shoegazey fans are loving it I guess.
released January 17th

Nicole Atkins - Slow Phaser
I enjoyed 2011's Mondo Amore, maybe more than I expected, and just from the 2 new songs and description from Nicole, I wouldn't be surprised to enjoy this one as much if not more. If there's any tracks like "Neptune City" or "The Tower" this will be a record worth revisiting (time permitting of course).
released officially February 4th, although the Pledgemusic supporters will supposedly receive at least a download on January 22nd/23rd (per the Pledgemusic page ).
Girl You Look Amazing single
Red Ropes single

Bend Sinister - Animals
I'm pretty excited about this record as the 2 tracks shared already are excellent. Their last album Small Fame was also, and they haven't really made any even average records, so I would hardly be surprised if this was as good as everything else they've done. More prog? maybe, but some of the quotes about this album sound like it could be a mix of prog, pop and bluesy classic rock kind of stuff they and singer/keyboardist songwriter Dan Moxon has found a niche for.
released March 11th Pledgemusic preorders should receive it earlier though.

Chromeo - White Women
I really dig the latest single "Come Alive." Very polished and energetic. This is my girlfriend's biggest anticipated album for 2014 (save for Michael Nesmith maybe and Mayer Hawthorne perhaps).
released date I don't think has been given, but since they've shared a few tracks already and will be on tour this Spring, a Spring release seems logical. If not, it'll be worth keeping up on when soon after.
released - TBA

Crippled Black Phoenix - White Light Generator
One of the better and almost overly prolific post rock bands over the last 7 or 8 years. I'll check this out certainly. How much interest I have in it may depend on time and its length. Their last record Mankind (The Crafty Ape) was good but long, like most of their others. I, Vigilante remains my favorite of theirs.
released March 17th
Cynic - Kindly Bent to Free Us
Not huge hopes for this, but the 2 tracks I've heard, I've been pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed them, despite the fact this record may more or less mean the Focus-like music is over, done, and likely never will happen again. But the comparisons to Aeon Spoke, and hearing a little of Aeon Spoke and their style of indie rock of a kind with the Cynic emphasis on technicality and busy lead basslines, is giving me more to think about with this.
released February 14th.

Imogen Heap - Sparks
Many of the songs can be heard Here in likely other mixes and arrangements. The artwork appears on the Deluxe version video and that image from Facebook, but I'll try and find an edit.
I didn't order the Deluxe Boxed Set, mainly since it was like $300 or something. But the songs she's written over the last 3 years sound like some of the most unique of her career. If I recall, she used a lot of tribal and ethnic percussion and strings, as well as new technology of course.
I am kind of unaffected by the fact 2009's Ellipse was disappointing. She just has so much talent and appeal as a songwriter, I wouldn't be surprised if this is an album buzzed about like Speak For Yourself.
Released March 3rd

The Galactic Cowboy Orchestra - Zombie Mouth
This is supposed to be a double album I guess, and may not arrive until late in the year. But with the successful Pledgmusic, they should have the means to get it made, and hopefully this year.
"New Grass Art Rock" or whatever else you want to call them. Basically, they are one of the best bands in Minnesota, and 1 of the more recognizable groups doing prog rock of a kind here. And maybe the last since Bubblemath to find interest outside of Minnesota, among the prog rock fans.
But in terms of this record, I just wonder if this could be more of a statement than their other 2, even just for the fact it is going to be a double record. They obviously have found a lot of new ideas since their last album 2011's All Out of Peaches. They even are to include some vocals I guess, for better or for worse. Maybe a little Geddy Lee-type? lol..well, who knows, but Lisi Wright is kind of obsessed with Rush anyway.
Released - TBA

Kaddisfly - Horses Galloping on Sailboats
Without question one-of, if not my biggest anticipation for 2014 music. The band members decided they wanted to finally make this record a little over a year ago I am assuming. And they spent some if not a great deal of time working on it in 2013, hoping to have it released by the end of 2013.
But as many come to learn, these things can take more time. And frankly, it will come out when it is ready to come out.
However, they posted on New Years Eve vaguely about it, and a few other little posts in 2013 suggests it could be coming early in 2014. But, nothing has been confirmed, other than the MMXIV (instead of MMXIII). And I did ask about the Rarities/Demos they shared a couple of years ago per Bandcamp Page , and they chimed in by saying those songs are unlikely to end up on this record. Which is fine in a lot of ways, given they are great as they are, but also allows us as fans to likely hear all entirely new music from them.
And "Flowers"? also is next to no chance, given I recall reading that Hopeless Records owns the rights to it and the band don't desire to go through the hoops in order to acquire the ability to release it.
But, that is only 1 thing I recall reading, and shouldn't be regarded as FACT. But, it is/likely would be moot anyway given like the Demos/Rarities, it doesn't seem like they'd want it to be on this album anyway.
That is more than enough said for now, but if/when this thing is released, I would anticipate a lot of content in here and on some of the forums about it. It seems like it's been ages since the Set Sail the Prairie days of 2006/2007/2008.
Released - TBA

Jeremy Messersmith - Heart Murmurs:
I honestly have only heard the 1st single from last fall "Tourniquet" once or twice. I recall at the 89.3 listening meeting I think. And I kind of liked it, but I don't tune into 89.3 much, and have not found the time/desire to play it on my spare time, nor the other new single released more recently.
But that being said, I enjoy some of Jeremy's music enough, this should be worth checking out. I thought I read this record is supposed to be a bit different than his folky/chamber Beatlest-ish pop and maybe more kinds of textures and things he brought in. Darker? I forget. But then again, the sources were from a lot of the Twin Cities media hipsters who love to champion him it seems because it's cool, rather than for whether his music is really fascinating or not (i.e. if he was some artist from some remote part of Idaho, and they liked him a ton, they likely wouldn't even mention his name because he's not *hip* enough).
But that's not ultimately what's important, it's what is on this album, and hopefully this will be his best record, regardless if he breaks through and becomes a Pitchfork darling and ends up at the Grammys next year like Bon Iver.
released February 4th

The Pneumatic Transit- Concerto for Double Moon:
Ex-Exotic Animal Petting Zoo guitarist Jeff Zampillo's double debut LP that apparently features a lot of orchestral music.
This should be released in 2014, and it sounds like somewhat early, like in the Spring. I hate to think about albums like Sucre's debut and especially The River Empires, but I can't avoid it in some very good ways/for very good reasons.
But then again, that is likely me just wanting something to happen that with absolutely no knowledge of this music having not heard a note of it.
But certainly on paper, this has potential, ambition and intrigue written all over it. And Jeff himself has contacted me per Facebook, so I already am one-step ahead of where I might be with other artists as he sounds like a great, personable guy. But I recall he mentioned to me how this is a massive record in terms of tracking and instrumentation and it will require a great deal of time to finish it in the studio whether it be recording, mixing and other stuff. But it wouldn't surprise me to hear from him when it is ready.
released - TBA

St. Vincent - St. Vincent
I don't have a lot to say about this or her. I like her as a person and respect how she is so into doing whatever she wants, including experimenting. But I just have not been able to enjoy her music all that much since her debut album Marry Me from 2007. Maybe another way to put it, I don't hear the early King Crimson with Annie Haslam influence as much since then.
And she has sort of become an enormous artist for the hipsters, which only hurts my impression of her fans unfortunately.
I still will try and check this out if the time allows, but I kind of see her with the likes of Russian Circles or even Minus the Bear a bit. I have fallen out of love with her recordings enough to not care, or just not expect much now.
I would still see her live though, especially with her old band from the Marry Me days. And if she ends up on the Grammys, I guess I would still be happy for her. At least I have the memories both in ink and photos of those shows and meeting her afterwards regardless.
released February 24th.

Timbre - Sun and Moon
This is another double LP that I forget if was made purely on concept, or if Timbre had so much music and the songs seemed to go well together with each of the "Sun" and "Moon" traits, that it was inevitable.
But she thankfully was able to successfully complete an Indiegogo campaign to support the making of all the music and everything else that is going-into/has gone-in to the creating of this record.
Timbre's has released a bunch of excellent harp/string-driven records previously, the last being 2010's Little Flowers which is a record I likely will always love.
I recall she had the services of a number of musicians and possibly choirs/singers for much of this.
As far as its actual release time frame, I don't know yet, as Timbre has been busy playing music on the set of the ABC TV Series Nashville I guess, along with doing some touring the last few months, she hasn't really posted much about the progress of this record in awhile. Which makes me wonder if it'll not come until a bit later in the year. But I recall originally she wanted it to come out in 2013, and then realized when it became a double record, 2014 was more likely.
released - TBA

Toria - Octave :
Latvian heavy Post Rock band whose used samples in the past, that I assumed were among many groups that just ended/disappeared after I discovered them at 1 point over the last 7 or 8 years.
When it comes, of course their Facebook likely will have it, along with their Bandcamp I would think the Octave will be available for digital download.
I have been contacted by 1 of the members per Facebook and I thought I recall him mention they recorded this album in August or this Fall, and were looking for it to be released during the Spring of 2014. But who knows at this point; it could be out in 2 weeks for all I know.
released - TBA

Transatlantic - Kaleidoscope:
I shall be checking this out and depending on how much I enjoy it, it may or may not include a lot of comments from me.
I loved their 1st 2 albums anyway. And I still maintain, there is not another band I'd rather hear make this kind of retro progressive/classic sounding rock.
If the epics work though, I may feel like it's 2001 again. But if not, more like 2009. I just hope it doesn't resemble the Neal Morse solo albums too much..i.e...I hope Pete and Roine got their share of the songwriting in it, maybe more than on The Whirlwind.
released January 27th

22 - You Are Creating
Rather optimistic about this album, after really enjoying everything they've done the last 4 or so years. Flux, their debut album, of course being my favorite.
The shifting dynamics and catchy energy they have at times is impossible for me to ignore. Maybe this will become rather addictive like Flux was for a little while in 2010 and 2011. And they may blow up a bit on the forums when it's released.
When? no details, but with the album title and note about them recording now, it could be this Spring or maybe Summer.
released - TBA

U2 - Songs of Ascent
I read something about Danger Mouse along with Chris Martin from Coldplay being involved in the producing. I will certainly check this out as I do with every record they release. The Nelson Mandela tune was nice, and I am happy they won the Golden Globe for it.
released - TBA I thought I saw April or at least in the Spring sometime.

Warpaint - Warpaint:
I've listened to this once, partially in the background unfortunately, and liked some of this. Hopefully I'll have time soon with headphones or at least focused listening at home (possibly this weekend even, like on MLK day on Monday when I only have Overtime to work, but no 6:15AM start time at work thankfully).
From what I've seen, the early reviews are divided, but many aren't crazy about this. I'm wondering if that is because much of this is more methodical and slower paced. Or maybe the vocals are not upfront as much? I'm unsure But.for some reason the fanboy in me will probably like this about as much as the Foals record last year or even the Local Natives follow-up.
I hopefully will know soon though as my vinyl should arrive next week.
released January 20th