altpress posting. You may have to REFRESH it once or twice to get it to load
Altpress.com can confirm that seminal post-hardcore outfit At The Drive-In will be reuniting after eleven years of dormancy. The band has launched a new website here as well as a twitter account, which is here.
The group broke up in 2001, a year after the release of Relationship Of Command. Members went on the form The Mars Volta and Sparta. AP will keep you updated as the band's plans become known.
I am torn about this, given I've always liked The Volta more..frankly a fair amount more. But, The Volta right now, coming off Octahedron, are sort of luke warm for me, so to get Cedric and Omar doing something different than The Volta, and not Omar's solo or side projects, might hold more optimism.
Still, I'm not looking for a it to be more punk. But if it resembles Relationship in Command, or The Stilleto Formal (who were often compared to AtDI, but I always compare them to The Volta) or even prog-punkers Gospel, I'll definitely want to check it out.
another story on here on Rolling Stone's website