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Briefly: I discovered this band a few years ago from a recommendation on Mike Portnoy's forum and liked them. This is a sideproject of sorts from Tommy Walter of the band Eels. I can't really say I ever got too into Eeels, although a few weeks ago, I caught a song on 89.3 that wasn't bad, that turned out was from Eeels.
But I suppose Eels are more singer/songwriter, College-rock, whereas Abandaoned Pools are more textured and experimental (progressive?) in some ways.
Their record Armed to the Teeth from 2005 is still an album I enjoy from time to time. With this new album, perhaps it'll renew my interest in them a bit more. I recall seeing some quote that mentioned a string section anyway.
And this record is coming out August 28th, so it's not far away. Perhaps a sleeper for the 2012 Index even.