The whole thing can be streamed now, and there's a preorder there which includes a direct download. Damn, I wasn't expecting it until September. Very cool and pleasant surprise to get on this Monday morning.
The only drawback at the moment, I'm at work, thus I won't be able to check it out until this afternoon.
7/14/12 5:40PM
Another stellar track from the album "Samuel." Wow, this record is starting to raise the bar a bit. It may be my most anticipated new album now (perhaps until if/when The River Empires next record comes)
7/2/12 4:48PM
another excellent track.
Via our lovely label in Germany, here is ANOTHER song from the album, this is the first track on the new record
6/25/12 2:00AM

5/2/12 6:34PM

In light of the wonderful show we have tonight with Leverage Models, we figured we'd post the first teaser of what our new LP is going to sound like. Hope to see you all tonight at Emanuel and the Fear/Leverage Models @ Mercury Lounge
Not a ton to add of course at this point, as I haven't even heard whatever audio is on that short clip yet. But these guys have written some tremendous songs, so naturally there is a good amount of optimism about this. Listen had many of those great tracks, although at the same time, the whole album I never found myself attached to. 2011's EP Hands I can say more or less the same about.
Still, such great potential, especially just checking out the video I passed along in a previous entry a few weeks ago; this new song "Wooble" is just awesome.
More to add in due time of course.