there is a video for "Jimmy Brown" that was uploaded a few days before this one, but it's rather controversial and may get pulled (not to mention violate a few rules). Although if censorship were not an issue, I'd be fine with it. Check the band's website/blog for it
6/16/10 2:53AM
the next new video for "The Same Things"..again very retro/60'ish. There 1 clip that looks like it's from the set of the original Star Trek, lol. Hey William Shatner is from Canada like the band, so go figure.
6/8/10 12:30AM
They posted another new one yesterday for "Brothers of Humankind"
and then of course the one posted last week for "The News."
they must have had a 50's theme in mind in making these. The other ones I might expect something similar.
1. The News
2. Brothers of Humankind
3. The Same Things
4. Jimmy Brown
5. CT
6. Careless
7. Because Because
8. Give Into The Night
9. Dr. Lee
10. Julianna
11. Once Again
12. Give Into The Night (Reprise)
13. Demise
14. City Lights
UPDATE: Let me confirm that Sam Raimi is set to direct Disney's extravagant 'Wizard of Oz' 3D prequel. I understand that talks to hire Raimi for Oz: The Great And Powerful turned into a deal last night finalized by CAA. It's a coup for new studio bosses Rich Ross and Sean Bailey, who are rolling the dice big-time by hoping that this pic will be a global hit like the billion-dollar-grossing Alice In Wonderland. "Robert Downey Jr. isn't set yet. They are going to develop for him, if things go right. The script will be rewritten," one of my sources says. "The movie will happen, though." Downey would play the Wizard Of Oz before he became the Wizard Of Oz circa the 1939 iconic film: he's in fact a circus wrangler transported by tornado to the mysterious world of Oz where he gets mistaken for a know-it-all. This will be Raimi's first firm project since he exited Spider-Man 4, which prompted Sony Pictures to reboot the entire franchise earlier this year. Now the only question is whether Sam Raimi can do what Tim Burton just did.
I kind of have mixed feelings about this as I like Raimi and Downey Jr, and am a big fan of The Wizard of Oz. But how many franchises/classic stories has Hollywood ruined in the last decade alone? My favorite story? at least it's a new/original story apparently and not actually a remake, but instead a prequel.
Also it appears there are to be a couple of other The Wizard of Oz related pictures to be made in the next few years. Although animated, they do include some good people including Patrick Stewart (yes, of course!)
Looks like it could be good. I have to wonder how much influence/vision Gondry got with everything with this. Also it appears Rogen co-wrote the screenplay..that raises a big question mark. Pineapple Express was okay, but became dumbed-down and "cartoony" as Richard Roeper would say.
Academy Award winner Christoph Waltz, BSG/Miami Vice's Edward James Olmos and T2's Edward Furlong are also in the cast among others. I'm hoping this will be more along the lines of Iron Man than The Dark Knight (or how many other high-budget, mediocre scripted Super Hero movies over the last decade).
But Gondry remains one of my favorite directors, I after the disappointing Be Kind Rewind, he'll bounce back with this.
Not that Alter Bridge are my favorite band or anything, but I did enjoy Blackbird a fair amount back in 2007. Contrary to what was posted on rateyourmusic, the title is not (at this point) "Alter Bridge III," as they say they haven't chosen a title yet.
I would expect this record to be released sometime this Fall.
Hello Alter Bridge Nation,
We are proud to announce that the entire recording process on our third album is completely finished. All of the seventeen songs we worked so hard on have been recorded, painstakingly mixed and we now hold the final mastered versions in our possession. These songs have turned out even better then we could have imagined and we are fiercely proud of the efforts of everyone involved that made our vision a reality.
We want all of our fans to know that we created these songs with no outside influence whatsoever, just like we did with the One Day Remains and Blackbird albums. And, like the Blackbird album, we financed our latest project with our own funds, without the support of our current record label. We want you to know that our artistic vision is never compromised and that the songs you will hear later this year are exactly what we have intended. We can not wait to unleash this new album on the world.
Our management team is working hard on some exciting business opportunities behind the scenes and as soon as they are finished we will be able to give you a clear date on when the album will be released and when the first single will be sent to radio and be available to purchase. We will also be able to give you news on when our long delayed Blu-Ray and Deluxe DVD (Alter Bridge - Live From Amsterdam) will be in stores world-wide. We will update you on all of this as soon as we hear some news.
In the meanwhile, all of us in the band must now decide on the name of the album, finalize the song names (not as easy as you would think) and lastly, and this will be hardest, decide how many and which tracks will make the album. Stay tuned here because as we fit the final pieces of the puzzle together, we will update you as it happens.
That is all the news for now and a big thanks to all you fans who have stuck with us from the start and a big welcome to all you new fans who are just discovering us. We always aim to top our last album and we firmly believe we have done that with this new collection of songs. We are looking forward to hearing what all you fans think so stay tuned and we will update you again as soon as we have some solid news to report.
Some rumors about a dredg tour announcement within the last few weeks possibly (or probably) was referring to this.
Coheed and Cambria may have picked to tour with Porcupine Tree over them. Now thinking about it. The Dear Hunter being an opener, I'm suspecting Coheed was not going to choose between TDH and dredg.
We are happy to announce that we will be touring the US in August, starting August 12 at the Hollywood Palladium with the amazing Porcupine Tree!
We’re also elated to have Circa Survive join us again for the last 4 shows. The Dear Hunter will open all shows.
Black Cards will be accepted for early entry (tickets still must be purchased)
SAVE MONEY and SECURE EARLY TICKETS by buying from our special fan club presale, starting TOMORROW, June 22nd at 12 noon here:
This site only has a limited amount of the tickets available, so it will sell out quickly - that does not mean the event itself is sold out. You must sign up to get your password.
General On-sale will be this Friday, June 25th at 12 noon and varying times. Check our tour dates for exact times and ticket information.
With Porcupine Tree, The Dear Hunter
12 Hollywood, CA – Hollywood Palladium
13 Las Vegas, NV – The Joint
14 San Diego, CA – 4th and B (21+)
16 Albuquerque, NM – Sunshine Theater
17 El Paso, TX – Club 101
18 San Antonio, TX - Sunset Station
20 Memphis, TN – Minglewood Hall
21 Asheville, NC – Thomas Wolfe Auditorium
22 Nashville, TN – War Memorial Auditorium
23 St Louis, MO - Pageant
24 Grand Rapids, MI – Orbit Room
26 Cleveland, OH – Nautica Pavilion
With Circa Survive, The Dear Hunter
27 Columbus, OH - LC Pavilion Outdoor Amphitheatre
28 Pittsburgh, PA – Ches Arena
30 Richmond, VA - National
31 Norfolk, VA – Norva
Some more thoughts about this.
1) I still don't know how I feel about Coheed live. They still may be as bad as some say, although I've read and heard they've gotten better in recent years.
2) Even if they have improved in concert, their music has gone the opposite as No World For Tomorrow was a big letdown, and Year of the Black Rainbow is even worse. So especially if their set list covers a lot of music from those 2 albums, which it probably does, I can't be too thrilled about them.
3) The fact Circa Survive is on this tour, even for 4 dates, is utterly meaningless to me, other than the fact they may have impacted another band (but not likely dredg) ability to be on it.
4) The tour of course is nowhere close to me. Not even Milwaukee or Chicago. Grand Rapids, MI, Columbus, OH, Cleveland, OH and St.Louis. I'm not sure even if I could afford another trip this soon, if the lifetime membership for concerts for The Dear Hunter would even work given they are opening for 2 other bands.
5) I'm happy for The Dear Hunter obviously. Although beyond the Porcupine Tree crowd, they aren't exactly being exposed to that many other likely new fans, given they've played some dates (mainly in the Northeast) with Coheed, and are/have with Circa Survive. However, maybe the best thing to come from being on the bill with Porcupine Tree is Steven Wilson will catch-on and become a fan (if he isn't already). Thus The Dear Hunter could go on tour with them in the future, and maybe the best part is the word-of-mouth thing. Like Mike Portnoy, when Steven Wilson likes a band, people catch-on to them, or at least check them out. Some folks obviously did catch on to The Dear Hunter back in late 2007 and 2008 after Mike Portnoy included them on his end of year list, but there's another demographic who pay attention to Steven Wilson. And it's not like Mike Portnoy's gone on and on about The Dear Hunter since (unlike some other bands like Beardfish for example).
But look at how well 3 have caught on along with Demians (or even groups like Mew, Pure Reason Revolution and Oceansize since Steven has supported them verbally. Not to mention Opeth or the amount of interest in Orphaned Land's new album recently. Although on the flip side, Anathema and some others maybe have not caught on as much despite Steven Wilson working with them).
That all being said, I just think this tour would be a MUCH BIGGER DEAL if it included MORE DATES. 12 dates with PT, 4 additional with TDH. And you look at the cities it's coming to, they are mostly MID-SIZE MARKETS. Which makes the lack of a Minneapolis show even more surprising.
The dredg thing, hopefully patience is a virtue. And remember what happened last summer with the RX Bandits fans walking out. dredg should go on tour with The Dear Hunter, and the The Dear Hunter only (or maybe someone like Bend Sinister as well). I think they have the most success when they don't need to worry about another band's fanbase walking out on them, and sadly, that may have happened to them again on this tour. Although I hardly would say I know the Coheed crowd well given I've never seen them live still (and may never).
Thurisaz Currently we are mixing the new songs of the new album @ the ccr-studios! We’re proud to announce: our third album will be entitled ‘THE CIMMERIAN YEARS’! There will be 9 tracks on it!
awesome news. 2007's Circadian Rhythm was quite good. I would hope for much of the same if not better with this.
It's a good song, and a good sign that the next work from sElf after all these years is coming soon. The video is supposed to be available on June 10th.
also a small note. Barb Abney of 89.3 said she was going to play something off Gizmodgery towards the end of her shift on Tuesday. I tuned in for most of her shift and sElf/Gizmodgery was nowhere in her playlist. Maybe she wanted to play "Trunk Full of Amps (mother fucker)"? :p. Maybe it'll happen today or soon, but I don't know if I feel like going out of my way to tune in at work again. Even if she played a Crimson tune ("Three of a Perfect Pair").
So I finally got around to seeing all but the 1st 5-10 minutes of this movie. Like The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, it ended up staying at the Uptown Theater for many weeks. Based on that, I probably had higher expectations for it than when I originally saw it was coming.
I 1st saw some stuff about it during the Sundance Film Festival coverage. The trailers looked good, and it had a cast I like with Catherine Keener, Oliver Platt, Rebecca Hall and Amanda Peet among others. The actress who plays the grandmother I recall liking in some interview she did at Sundance.
And the At-the-Movies and I think a few other sources gave it an endorsement.
Well, I was frankly underwhelmed. The acting was good. Keener pretty much couldn't miss with me with her work especially in the last 10 years. Where the Wild Things Are, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Synechdoche, NY and Being John Malkovich. And I do feel she was good in this movie. So was Platt and Rebecca Hall. But the story just didn't really go all that far.
I suppose you could call it a movie about a bunch of people who go through their lives, feeling guilty about things they do, like selling furniture for more than it's worth, infidelity, or looking forward to a neighbor dying for the chance to expand the size of your apartment. But they don't really learn a ton from them. Or even at the end when they do sort of, it's so subtle and downplayed, you don't really care too much that they do.
I also thought their would be more humor in this movie. There was a bit here and there, namely from the grandmother, played by Ann Morgan Guilbert. Even Lois Smith who recently has been quite good on True Blood, was worth seeing, but maybe not as involved in the story as much as I might have liked.
I would add this to a movie like The Joneses and TiMER in 2010 movies that looked potentially good on cast and previews, but overall didn't offer nearly as much promise as they seemed to.
different/extended arrangement of this song, that I guess they've now added some to. This band continues to impress me a ton. Debut lp should be in 2011, if not sometime late in 2010.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
New single featured on Best of MySpace podcast
Category: Music
Our new single - We Won't Be Here Tomorrow - opens the latest Best of MySpace podcast (No. 97) which features 'the best new music on MySpace as nominated by the listeners'.
The podcast is currently in the iTunes Top 100 and one of the tracks will make it onto Gill Mill's NME Radio Show on Sunday evening, 4-6pm. Lets hope it's ours!!
If Gogol Bordello and Arcade Fire were to form a band with some of The Doves, this is pretty close to what they’d sound like.
Not that I care for Arcade Fire of course, but that description isn't awful. I'm not sure how much this actually means, but obviously some people are becoming aware of them.
Hey! Selim drops on August 2nd. It sure would be nice to see some artwork and a track list soon.
A few weeks ago we got really fucked up at Colin Marston's place. This is part of the end result. The song describes a ritual suicide; A summer jam for the indoor kids. We are releasing it as a digital single, pay-what-you-wish.
This track is awesome. I did mention this band a few months back, but I haven't revisited their music since. This new song proves they are beyond a 1-album wonder.
I've been rather impressed by this Canadian band's 2009 debut lp "A Mountain is a Mouth." It has wonderful drums and percussion, and what sounds like female-gang vocals in somewhat of a choir/gospel way, that doesn't come across as religious.
I should give this album a little more time before I know for certain, but I am finding myself wanting to go back to this as there's not a bad part of this record. It has a rich, warm, almost inspirational or therapeutic nature to it. Like healing wounds, or telling a great story that's been passed down through the generations.
There's definitely a lot to explore with this. But early on, the parts I enjoy most would probably be tracks like "Shanty Song," "Steamroller," and "Crabapples." Along with just the dynamics and presence of the vocalists and emphasis on rhythms.
The only downside to this album right now is I am unclear how easily I'll be able to track down a hard-copy for less than $20. Maybe I'll stumble upon one at Cheapo soon, or ebay perhaps.
I'd also love to see them live, as this style of music probably works even better live, just based on seeing some videos.
This is a limited distribution unfortunately, music-based film about 2 Iranian musicians trying to put together a band and soon after, go to London, England to play. That is a reasonable enough plan we are led to believe, at 1st. But of course those kinds of things, or logistics are far easier talked about, than actually realized. Especially in country such as Iran.
Okay, well what this movie really is about is the struggles and hurdles of these musicians and the underground music scene in Iran. The guy, whose character/real name is Ashkan, seems optimistic for most of the film, but the girl (whose character and real name is Negar) pretty much in every scene is paranoid. And rightfully so, as trying to get passports made, gigs, a place to rehearse, and even the right people to play with is more or less one headache after another for them.
I'm kind of on the fence on what this movie is trying to show/do and what it actually pulls off. It was compared to among others, the 2007 Oscar/IFP award winning music-based movie (which looks like, but actually is not a Documentary) Once. And in a lot of ways, that comparison is valid. Once was a movie about struggling musicians, in less than perfect circumstances. However, the clarity of what happens, the events, even just moving the story forward works much better in Once. At times in this movie you are not clear on where the two of them are at with anything in terms of progress with their band. Part of it could be the language and following subtitles, at least for me, can be a little bit of work. I kept thinking during this movie, how I'd like to see it a 2nd time just to follow the dialogue more clearly.
I will say, the characters were sold quite well. You do care about them and want to see them succeed. So in that respect, I really enjoyed this.
And there was some humor, within some dark moments, including the somewhat ambiguous last 10 minutes involving their promoter and a gig they were supposed to be at. But the guy making the passports was funny (the scene with him). There was one part where they get pulled over by a cop (in their car) and have to hand over their dog. That was a bit of a head-scratcher. Although they get their dog back I guess.
I also found some of the music references nice. One of the musicians mentioning wanting to go to Iceland because Sigur Rós is from there. The drummer they play with even mentions wanting to play with Bill Bruford and Danny Carey.
And the music itself I thought was at times, pretty good. "Indie Rock" which in some ways sounds more layered than that. They showed one band rehearsing outside, in a barn at times, which was kind of silly, right next to cows. They said the cows weren't giving milk or something as a result of the music, lol.
One of the guitarists they looked at was playing for children, he was quite good and charming in some ways.
Their promoter named Nader, talks a good, big game, but ends up showing his true colors in the end, whether that be clearly him or circumstance.
So overall, I got enough from this movie to recommend it and regard it as one of the better movies of 2010. But I would also suggest not expecting it to quite compare to Once or some others. It's a bit more political in exposure, and less about personal relationships.
I've been enjoying this album over the last few days from Tennessee-based musician Timbre Cierpke. It's been rather mesmerizing at times.
A few observations/highlights
2. The Wind May Be Beautiful"But pain can be beautiful my dear"? Very ironic lyric, but I follow it to a point.
4. Like Spinning Plates - This one is rather dreeeamy. There's a wonderful line"is floating down..a [insert word] river" It includes wonderful strings and chanting vocal harmonies.
5. Hope is a Blindfold, Hope is a Solace - soaring vocals, bassoon?
7. I Will Go Plant Little Flowers..I-will-go-plant-lihhtul-flowww-errrrrs" the repeated chorus is just gorgeous. The harmonies that include trumpet I really appreciate.
9. Dawn Awakes - This closing piece has this gradual, soaring melody that includes the wonderful trumpet and Timbre's simple yet lovely vocals "dawnnnn ahhhh wakes", that also includes some chanting harmonies.
The music on this album is incredibly soothing, gentle, and delicate. Much like "little flowers" may be described. It's rather dynamic. Very refined, tasteful, emotional, but not cheesy in any way. Timbre seems to have mastered her craft rather well, I think taking this album as an "album," rather than some individual compositions. In other words, it definitely works as the old cliché goes, greater than the sum of it's parts.
I'm not sure how addictive Little Flowers will be for me, but I suspect it would be hard for me to say there is much if anything that could have been different to make it better. For what it is, it's pretty much perfect.
I must add that I discovered Timbre a few months ago when she was on tour playing harp (and singing?) with fellow Tennessee musician Brooke Waggoner. I purchased her other lp Winter Comes to Wake You which I have played a couple of times when in the mood.
Her, and Brooke as well, are making music I wish more people knew about, instead of hipster darlings like Joanna Newsom. I really think there's no comparison. Their ability to sing, arrange, play and compose albums are so much more my taste, and I would think others, it's really unfair. But as long as Timbre and Brooke continue to make music, I suppose it shouldn't ultimately matter.
I also think it's neat to learn that Timbre's resume include the likes of groups I and many others enjoy like Anathallo and Umbrella Tree.
Agalloch is proud to announce a renewed relationship with Profound Lore Records who will release our long-awaited 4th full length album. Profound Lore originally released our debut and sophomore albums on vinyl in 2005, including the amazing wooden sleeve edition of “Pale Folklore.” The artistic attitude and level of integrity from Profound Lore is why we are extremely pleased to have them represent Agalloch.
The new album will be recorded throughout June and July, but we do not wish to make any concrete statements regarding a release date at this time.
really terrific news to find out this indeed will be released rather soon. The White EP from 2008 was wonderful. Their full lengths have been rather good, mostly for what they are; but given the time and coming off The White, I am rather optimistic about this album. It's also encouraging to hear John mention they have *neglected* touring the US. Which hopefully will lend them to playing more concerts in their native country soon.
Anthems of Annihilation will be released through Cyclone-Empire on July 30th!
The song "Awakening of a Discordant Machine" will be uploaded to Gloria Morti's myspace player on June 30th
01. Prelude
02. Solution Called War
03. Awakening of a Discordant Machine
04. Infiltration
05. Swallowed By Defeat
06. Obey
07. Cut From Gaia
08. The Final Framework
09. Redemption
10. Chaos Archetype
their last album was good. Loved the diversity of vocal styles. I'm curious about this album at least.
The people interviewed and the depth of early footage are probably what stands out most from seeing it. The cast of people includes: Gene Simmons, Jack Black, Trent Reznor, Billy Corgan, Vinnie Paul, Sebastian Bach, Kirk Hammett, 1 of the guys from The Foo Fighters (not Dave Grohl thankfully) and 1 of the guys from Death Cab For Cutie. Of course Portnoy was in there, but actually he wasn't shown all that much. Not nearly as much as I figured/hoped. Perhaps more of his discussion will be included in the DVD.
Other industry people: Terry Brown, Ray Danniels, Kevin Shirley. Others I'm blanking on right now. And neat to see Ged, Alex and Neil's family. Plus among the early footage, a clip of Alex talking about not wanting to go to school. Vintage Alex Lifeson at 17 years old. It was kind of surreal to see that.
Some of the sarcastic comments and jokes, both in their lives today and going back really made this without many if any boring moments.
In fact, I'd say having seen the other 2 (known) documentaries Sam Dunn and Scot McFadyen have made, I'd say this is their best in terms of flow, entertainment value, and focus. This was on RUSH and nothing else really.
That being said, and being a meticulous music fan and Rush fan specifically, I can't avoid citing at least off the top of my head, what was not included in this film.
-Nothing about 1991's "Roll the Bones." No music, nothing about how on the title track, they tried a rap. And (some-of) their fans turned on them. Was this lack of mention of that due to the positive, uncritical nature of the film? Maybe, or was it not researched? Less significant? I guess the dvd may add something to that. But that album was as significant a record to me, since really it was their 1st less than par (at the time) record going back to pre-Caress of Steel period.
-No mention of "Take Off" with Geddy recording/performing with Doug and Bob Mackenzie. Sam Dunn is from Toronto. Surely he knows about that. I also hoped to hear about them appearing (or being offered to appear) on SCTV, but that has always been a mild curiosity of mine, with no mention over the years, it's probably unlikely.
-Nothing about Alex's run-in with the Law a few years back in Florida. It made headlines of course, but obviously not the positive kind the band want to see. Still it's a bit surprising it wasn't even briefly mentioned. On the DVD maybe.
-Nothing about the biography "Rush Visions" which I brought to the movie tonight.
-Nothing about the solo projects
-Nothing even about how they got their name.
-They show footage from South Park (and they had 1 of the creators from SP talk about Rush), yet no mention (like on the "I Love You Man" dvd commentary) of the Freaks and Geeks with Rush and Neil Peart.
-No Guitar, Bass or Drum magazine polls/articles or even interviews from the editors.
-The way they talked about the 80's albums and the synths changing them. Making them less of a "rock band" and less of a "power trio." This has been a small issue I've had with many in their fan base over the years. I personally find the 80's Rush albums to be among their best work of their career. And I'm mostly referring to the Grace Under Pressure-Presto records. I would put those 4 albums up against the 2112-Signals records any day. Yeah, those mid-late 80's albums didn't lend them any really big *hits* like "Tom Sawyer" or even "Subdivisions," but the writing and textures really seemed to work on those albums. And they frequently get forgotten or overlooked. I also think among the 70's progressive rock groups still making music in the 80's, Rush were the only one who really effectively implemented the new 80's music elements into their sound. Yes, Genesis, Tull, Kansas, and yes, even Crimson, frankly have pretty much forgettable catalogs from the 1980's. Rush is the one group who managed to survive and make memorable and significant records past the heyday of progressive rock. And I have felt for a long time, the 80's Rush is a sadly unknown, uncredited, and overlooked mass of good music. And only a small portion of the really dedicated fans appreciate it. I actually would go for them someday doing a tour of songs JUST from that period. It won't happen, but maybe even a tribute band would consider that someday.
-The way Caress of Steel and the whole progressive rock period is portrayed; the fact they said they were done with music like Hemispheres on Permanent Waves, yet PW's includes 2 semi-epics in "Natural Science" and "Jacob's Ladder." Caress of Steel still remains an under-rated gem in their catalog. "The Necromancer" and "The Fountain of Lamneth" are both excellent and often overlooked, even by the progressive rock fans. At the same time, the way they make the post-Hemispheres period having so many "songs" that radio could play, yet on Hemispheres, A Farewell to Kings, 2112 and even Caress of Steel, they still include a number of shorter songs that were just as mature in ways and refined as normal-length rock and roll songs, it almost came across as a double standard way of looking at their history, just because they had more commercial success with the songs after Hemispheres.
Well, given my present situation, I'm gonna call this done for now. I am looking forward to seeing the DVD. There were a ton of laugh-out-loud moments. Jack Black was good, although given how much time they gave him and how little Portnoy, I was not as thrilled with that. The guys themselves, Geddy and Alex namely, were quite quote-able (of course I can't pass along any of those at this hour unfortunately). Just remembering, 1 scene with a waitress in a restaurant and Alex going "whoa, that's Geddy!" and the waitress then asking for Geddy's autograph for more than 1 person. And Geddy tries to have Alex sign too, but the waitress doesn't ask Alex for his autograph, lol. Also 1 story they told about taking the others tests in school. It was cool to see them, in their own personal element, telling stories. Something very rarely seen (Rush in Rio documentary?). It was also interesting to see some interviews with the late John Rutsey.
6/5/10 10:41PM
Thursday June 10th 9PM @ The Riverview Theater in South Minneapolis.
I have my ticket purchased. $9 including fees. What I don't get is why they wouldn't screen it more than just the 1 time that evening/day or next week?..
as for the new single "Caravan" it's pretty good. Geddy's vocals still aren't as good as they used to be. But Alex's solo is one of the better things he's come up with in awhile.
Summer 2011 on Starz. Filmed in some American Locations. And I'd presume it'll air in a 1st run in the States as well.
I have a write-up coming soon about "Party Down" from the Starz network, and along with TW now on their network, and possibly some other shows, Starz are starting to remind me of the USA Network in quality shows.
Now how different Torchwood will be, without 3 of the original cast and in new locations, who knows. I really thought the "Children of Earth" mini-series was done well.
It's funny since there were reports about the FOX network doing an American version of the show, with John Barrowman reprising his role. Odds are, if they had even aired it, it would have gone the way of Terminator, Dollhouse, TruCalling, only lasting 2 seasons or even less.
01 The Hair Song
02 Old Fangs
03 Radiant Hearts
04 Rollercoaster
05 Let Spirits Ride
06 Buried by the Blues
07 The Way to Gone
08 Wilderness Heart
09 The Space of Your Mind
10 Sadie
I didn't realize they had a new record coming out, although it makes sense I suppose given how early in 2008 "In the Future" was released. That being said, that track "Old Fangs" doesn't resemble their last lp's sound much. The male vocals sound almost like fellow canadian singer Edwin.
Drop Date is September 14th.
Of course they have tour dates lined up, but Minneapolis is nowhere to be found.
Guitarist/vocalist Joey Eppard of Woodstock, New York's 3, one of the world's most innovative rock bands, has issued the following update:
"We just wrapped up our first week [recording the new 3 album] at Applehead Studios. It's been a personal dream of mine to record in the room my father designed and built. It's almost like having him play on the record.
"The drum sounds CJB [Christopher John Bittner] dialed in were fantastic and the Gartdrumm was in full effect.
"This record is going to be something very special.
"Our live performances are going to be rare this summer because most of our energy will be going into the making of our new record, but we do have a few very special shows coming up.
"June 11th will see 3 perform at the Basement's three-year anniversary show. Later this summer we'll be debuting new material at our August 28 Bearsville performance where we'll be joined by Josh Eppard's new band: TERRIBLE THINGS. Of course I'll also be doing a few solo gigs to keep me sharp."
3 recently signed a new deal with Metal Blade Records.
The band previously released "Wake Pig" (2005), "The End Is Begun" (2007) and "Revisions" (2009) on Metal Blade.
3's entire discography now spans over a decade, going all the way back to "Paint By Number" (1999) and "Summercamp Nightmare" (2003).
Over the course of its career, 3 has toured with the SCORPIONS, PORCUPINE TREE, DREAM THEATER, OPETH, BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME, and many, many more.
based on that time frame, if all goes smoothly, their new record could be out in the Fall. 3/27/10 9:08PM
Three sign with Metalblade Records again.
Joey Eppard Mailing List
Hey everyone...
We are well on our way to making our greatest "3" album yet. After lookin at several horrific offers from other labels we decided to continue with Metalblade records because they actually care about our music and truly believe in what we do. We were tossing around the idea of releasing it one song at a time, each with a video. Basically like episodes. Let us know what you think.
Meanwhile I'll be doing a couple solo gigs in April...
Saturday, April 10, 7:30pm
Joey Eppard
w/ Selfish Steam
@ The Powder Mill Barn
32 South Maple Street
Enfield, CT 06082
Saturday, April 17
Joey Eppard
w/ Bergkamp Bros
@Woodstock Harmony
52 Mill Hill rd, Woodstock, NY
I'm a little confused by that statement about Metal Blade. Wasn't part of their beef about Revisions was LACK OF PROMOTION?..blech.
guess we'll see, it hopefully will benefit them more still going with MB than on their own (or the offers they turned down).
Record Industry :facepalm:
12/10/09 5:18PM
New 3 Newsletter explains it all pretty much.
Hey all,
Couple thoughts... I'm sick of rules that don't really exist. From now on we're offering our fans and friends an open invitation to literally be part of the band. The stuff that goes on in the music biz is so crazy that it can make you crazy if you let it. So instead of loosing our minds how 'bout we share with you whats been going on in our world.
This Summer we wrapped up our Metalblade record deal with our new release "Revisions." Soon thereafter we had signed a contract with Road Runner Records but unfortunately they dropped us before we could even record a single note. Whats worse is this is the 2nd time thats happened to us (Universal Records '98). Ok so the rug was pulled out from underneath us but what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger, right? Well now we have a new deal on the table, but they're asking for 100% of our publishing!!! I've never even heard of that! Whats worser than worse is that they are offering very little money to do it. The truth is our self esteem just can't get that low. We're considering going DIY but we need your support and feedback to do it! Let us know what you think and we will listen.
We have a bunch of new songs and want to make our next masterpeice but we need to raise money to do it. If you want to support please consider buying our latest live set from:
it was a 21 song epic performance including a version of Purple Rain where I had to try to sing through the tears in my eyes! Everything just hit me in that moment. Everything we've been through, all the hard work, all the tough breaks and all the victories we've shared. I don't want it to ever end!
in peace, Joey / 3
Upcoming shows...
Saturday, December 19th, 10pm
Joey Eppard solo acoustic
Mariner's Harbor
1 Broadway, Kingston, NY
so, I wonder if RR dropped them due to lack of sales of Revisions. And that deal that was offered to them sounds much worse than the ridiculous offer 100Ft Snowman was given by a label rep.
I certainly would be willing to support them if they went on their own. But this reeks of someone new over at RR calling the shots.
Sad story, but maybe it'll be for the best. Circa Survive gets on a major, and Kaddisfly goes into hibernation; while Water & Bodies is created and has a higher chance of success based on headway and expectations.
I am sick of seeing this industry bullshit with many of the bands I like. Almost to the point I might expect it, from any label, even many of the indies. Bands don't last and get screwed over. It's how it is, how it's become, and how it probably will be until something changes.
Wonderful. Long live 3, one of the best live bands over the last 2 decades.
01 The Henry Clay People: “Glory”
02 Foreign Born: “Days”
03 The Happy Hollows: “Foxhole”
04 Local Natives: “Careful”
05 The Deadly Syndrome: “Carried Away
06 Imaad Wasif: “The Fire [ft. Lykke Li]”
07 Dirt Dress: “Ain’t That Nothin’”
08 Growlers: “The Dream’s Dream”
this tribute of the selections off the Televsion record is being issued by Aquarium Drunkard and is to benefit The Silver Lake Conservatory of Music. Silver Lake being where Local Natives (and some of the other artists on this?) are based.
Very nice and dreamy. Like Warning Sign from Talking Heads, I can't claim to have heard (or at least known) the original. But it has me curious. Television, like Roxy Music and some others, I've always been curious about. They never have come across quite as annoying as the hipster worship that The Velvet Underground has.
Ewan McGregor, Pierce Brosnan, Olivia Williams, Kim Catrall, Tom Wilkinson, Timothy Hutton, Jim Belushi and Eli Wallach among others are included in this cast. And overall, I'd say Polanski made the most of the fine cast.
This was quite a cleverly written story about an ex-British prime minister's life, the memoirs of his life that were to be published, what happened when a previous writer died in the process of writing them.
McGregor really pulls off the somewhat investigative journalist role, even though that is not what he is assigned-to or being paid to actually do. He stumbles upon the some critical photos under a drawer in the guestroom at the ex-prime minister's home, which the 1st/late writer Michael had come upon and hidden well and for good reason.
A whole unknown explanation as to how the ex-prime minister went into politics originally, his motivations and involvement with a not-known CIA agent and his wife's involvement is uncovered soon after. McGregor is found skating around corners, fearing for his life and still unclear about whose behind many different excursions he goes through.
A political thriller with a lot of suspense and finely twisted characters and their mysterious motivations is pulled off quite well. My only qualm would be how the ending didn't exactly give 100% closure. A couple of key characters are left not really facing the music, and McGregor's character is presumed to be quieted, but what's shown doesn't really let us know entirely what happens ultimately. A sequel could help, but I'd be skeptical if it would be worth doing or if it would actually happen. But so be it. A highly satisfying picture no matter.
Is this a documentary or a tall tale? Street Art (or a more sophisticated version of Graffiti), becoming some kind of revolutionary form of expression. This film focus initially was to tell the history of it I guess. Some of the well known names and their work. One artist from France who specialized in using icons from the Atari game "Space Invaders." Another named Shepard Fairy who is probably best known for creating the Barack Obama "Hope" poster/image. And then apparently the highly touted and elusive British artist "Banksy."
Eventually the film maker, Thierry Guetta (who goes on to call himself Mr.Brainwash), is inspired so much by the artists and art work he's shot, and in the process of compiling 1000's of hours of footage, he wants to do his own art. And he sets up his own extensive gallery that stays open for a number of weeks I recall. The art he does, like a lot of the stuff he was inspired by, uses pop-culture images, often combining them. One for example has Elvis and the guitar he normally is holding is replaced by a machine gun.
For entertainment value, this was very effective. The interviews, stories told, footage, and Thierry himself is worth seeing this for. For accuracy and treating this as a pure documentary, it's pretty gray. No question a lot of the footage and artwork (and artists themselves) are totally 100% real. But many of the stories and I would guess a lot of the artwork were not, at least entirely as they appear in this film.
Is it propaganda? not exactly like a Michael Moore-picture. Although to say there is/was at some level, a political agenda in it could be accurate. It's more about freedom of speech and expression. And I think the film maker did set out to show the world how vast and widespread Street Art is, or can be. Now how popular it becomes as a result of this movie, I would question. But at least it's been given some slightly more mainstream coverage than it probably has before.
But as a piece of art, especially the excellent editing work which I'm sure the film maker labored away at for countless hours, this is a highly recommend-able movie.
First off there was a short film/public-service-announcement kind of thing at the beginning showing a couple driving and the girl laughing while she's driving and then she notices a spider on her body so she stops, freaks out and opens her door and then gets hit head-on by another car just as she notices the spider is a fake and her boyfriend laughing and trying to explain that to her.
The consequence isn't entirely fatal, that we are led to believe. But it just shows never stop and get out of your car in the middle of the street. And maybe better, always lock your door, even if there may be a spider crawling on you.
The Square:
This is a dark Australian Noir film that was good but could have been great. Raymond and Carla are a man and woman who are neighbors, and are having an affair. They would love to end the sneaking around and run off together. Their 2 dogs witness the 2 of them going at it in 1 car from the other car where they're parked. Their 2 dogs find an attraction apparently, continually as the film goes on.
Carla finds a sack of cash sitting in a bag in her ceiling. It seems like the perfect chance to take the cash and then run. But first, they don't want to have the money traced to her, so they have to hire someone to burn down their place, thus it's assumed the cash goes with her home, thus no trace.
Well 1 cellphone battery dies, another is left behind, and the whole plan goes awry. A co-worker of the man sees the 2 of them being unfaithful, in which it appears to be a relatively small-town as word travels fast. Raymond starts getting blackmail notes, but he's unsure who they are from. He thinks they are from one of his shady co-workers, Leonard. A confrontation happens, and an accident. A body is buried and covered up, on the construction site where they work. A cop-friend eventually comes by when Leonard isn't seen for 4 days.
Carla has an ass of a boyfriend, determined to get the bottom of how his house was burned down and his mother killed. He also at 1 point puts a gun on her, without any evidence of the affair she's having. The hired thug also is a strapping lump of coal-up-his-ass bloke who points guns in peoples faces and has a short-fuse, no pun intended.
The climax is dramatic, some key characters don't bode too well. The blackmailer is revealed, but not all that clearly. But on many occasions, especially as Raymond and Carla keep getting deeper and deeper from stress of having to lie and cover things up. Which raises the question why couldn't they just have fled the town together earlier than they try to. What ever happened to Take-the-Money-And-Run? I suppose the plot wouldn't have been as *indie* and it was more dramatic. Very anti-Hollywood I suppose. But to say one or more bad characters never got dealt with is accurate. I would have gone for more justice or poetic justice in this. That being said, it is a film that stays with you. So it has it's power and I can't help but respect that and the acting.
Still, having 2 cellphones conveniently unavailable was a bit of a lazy plot device. The writer probably could have come up with something more realistic. But so be it. Many won't care.
This movie was directed (and written?) by Noah Baumbach who also made a movie I did not care for one bit, in Margot at the Wedding. And I heard about that fact going-in, but there were enough good reviews to retain my interest.
Ben Stiller plays an eccentric guy who meets this girl played by Greta Gerwig who seems to be drawn to him regardless of the fact he at times acts like an insensitive ass to her. Now Greenberg had recently come from a psych ward of some sort, so it's understandable why his behavior may be how it is. However, it's impressive how she and his best-friend find a way to tolerate and look past his issues throughout much of the film.
Credit goes to Stiller for pulling off a tough role. Also credit goes to Gerwig, whose character Florence shows a wide range of feelings towards him.
Stiller's character reminds me a bit of Eddie Marsan uptight driving instructor character Scott in Happy-Go-Lucky. Not necessarily a pleasant experience to watch, but at times he seemed so ridiculous, it was almost funny.
Certainly not the best movie of 2010, but still worth recommending to fans of Stiller, and those who can respect this kind of dark comedy. And definitely more stomach-able than the snooze-fest that was Margot at the Wedding. Give me Margot and the Nuclear So and So's instead please.
Casting David Duchovny, who I last saw and enjoyed in 2007's The TV SetDemi Moore and Gary Cole, based on the previews, this looked like potentially pretty good. I guess given it came across as Amway: the Family version, it didn't go too far with me. Although Duchovny and Cole actually, I felt did a pretty good job. Mulder playing the fake father/golf-product salesman. And Cole being the friendly male-bonding neighbor who wasn't as affluent as he seems.
I suppose the sarcasm and some of where the story ends up going, while partly Hollywood, still allows it to work. And if you are a fan of the cast, you'd find most of this worth checking out. But my skepticism on known ensemble casts with memorable trailers has been risen. See Couples Retreat from last year, although I still feel that movie was not nearly as bad as it was made out to be.
1 Queen Black Acid
2 Taos
3 Killemall
4 Dirty Cartoons
5 Tithe
6 Bote
7 Lunchmeat
8 Oh Pretty Boy, You're Such a Big Boy
9 Five Little Rooms
10 Sleeping Beauty
11 Intil
I've listened to this new full-length LP I count four times now and a few things about it stand out. It is very much a *complete* start-to-finish record in that I enjoy every track and don't desire to every skip any song on it. The production and atmosphere is fulfilling enough to be maybe the strongest qualities about it. Comparing it to their other two proper full-lengths (2007's "Friend and Foe" and 2003's "I Am the Fun Blame Monster!") it doesn't have as many trademark melodies, nor does it flow quite as well as a larger work. But I still am not finding at this stage, that to matter. They still include the wonderful percussion and subtle, piano, that at times are what I love the most about this band. Their songwriting is consistent. They have their own sound, as I really can't compare them directly to any other group. Ramona Falls and the other related projects would be the only things close, but with the 3 different singers and collaborations, Menomena's songwriting here is at another level from the side-projects.
Some specific things worth mentioning I guess are the slide-guitar work in "Bote"..the echoing piano melody in "Killemall" the climax at the end of "Sleeping Beauty" and the pretty ballad that ends this record "Intil." The Saxophone, fuzz guitar, vague yet personal lyrics, have not been abandoned from their earlier material. These guys are masters at less being more. At creating a rich, warm, acoustic/organic tone and sound. As quirky and stripped down as their music is, the emotion is always felt.
Perhaps this record will expose them to larger audience, because in terms of the songwriters that deserve more recognition than they have received, the members of Menomena are about as deserving of success as any.
What kind of artwork and packaging it comes with is maybe the biggest curiosity for me now, along with how well it ages over the course of the year. But right now, I feel comfortable with this being the best album I've heard of 2010 save for The River Empires.
new video for "The News" rather retro/old-fashioned/period based. I guess this is the 1st of a number of new videos from songs off Stories of Brothers, Tales of Lovers. I suppose making a separate entry when they're all up makes sense.
as for the EP, really quite good. The last 2 tracks "Don't Let Us Bring You Down" and "Spring Romance" have those trademark Bend Sinister crescendos. They do at times like the hammond Supertramp-esque keys, almost to the point where I think I'm hearing Supertramp or another Psych-Pop band from the 70's. I'm not sure how evident that was on especially Broken City, but so be it. I am still pretty optimistic about what they put out next, either later this year or early next. The recording of that and these videos seem to be showing good use for that prize money they won last year.
1. Things Will Get Better
2. Change Your Mind
3. The Little Things
4. Don’t Let Us Bring You Down
5. Spring Romance
good to see the track list, but I'm still not clear on what songs are the live tracks and what songs are studio.
This new ep of theirs drops next Wednesday, June 2nd.
You can hear a new song "Things Will Get Better" on their facebook page already. I'd love to find an official track list soon. I know it's going to have 2 studio songs and 2 or 3 live songs, all of which are unreleased/new.
This interview and live performance is a few months old given the interviewer talks about them *warming* everyone up due to the long, cold winter. But it's a good, thorough interview. Some of the stuff has been posted online in many places, but other things, like their background with John Frusciante (more in detail) and their record deal with roughtrade; how that came about, is discussed. Also some info about the new record is, which is the biggest thing I and I'm sure many others are looking for. The title wasn't mentioned, but they said it is or involves somehow a RIDDLE.
One thing I can say. I should stop liking them, like right now. Every fucking time I see them or watch (or even hear) an interview, I feel like I am falling head over heals in love with maybe all (now) 4 of them, lol. Especially Emily Kokal. It's torture in some ways. Emily, like is there something I can do to make you any way. Otherwise, here's the deal. You and your beautiful band mates can become the best band in the world, and I'll die. Okay? ;)
Emma Caufield whose probably best known for playing Xander's centuries-old demon-turned youthful girlfriend on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, stars in this off-beat romantic dramedy about a society that allows people to get a "timer" inserted onto the inside of their arm. What the timer is supposed to do, is countdown to zero and then within 24 hours you are supposed to meet your soul-mate who also has a timer that has counted down to zero. Within 24 hours you meet them (randomly somehow) and a beeping occurs, letting you know you made contact with them.
Okay, kind of interesting concept. A bit like computer dating in a way. You let some piece of technology let you know who you will love.
But beyond that, there isn't a ton we get to find out about how or why this supposedly works. What is explored beyond that is a character study of relationships. A woman named Oona (Caufield Una Eddie Murphy SNL, I just had to include this :p) and her sister Steph (Michelle Borth) unlike most of their friends/family and people they see in public; have not had their timers start counting down. Even their newly eligible 14 year old brother has one that only takes him within a few days before he meets his supposed soul-mate. Oona one evening meets a guy named Mikey who works at a grocery store. He has a timer too that is counting down, unlike her and her sister. She ends up hooking up with him despite that fact, figuring what's the harm. It's casual and consensual.
After enjoying his company for a little while past a 1-night stand, Oona and Mikey begin to question the status of their relationship. Then we then find out his timer is a fake. He doesn't believe in them. That is kind of hard for her to take, but like many romantic stories, it doesn't ultimately end up killing their relationship.
Then one day, Oona and her sister want their timers taken off. And when they go to the service to do so, Oona's timer magically starts to countdown after possibly years of being blank. The man her sister is interested at the time also ends up getting a timer at that point, and it matches Oona up with him to create a confused romantic triangle that doesn't seem logical.
The story ends much like your typical Hollywood happy ending. And that among a couple of other parts, namely the lack of explanation behind the timers, are what make this movie more underwhelming than I hoped. I would say, for a movie under the radar, it's not horrible, especially with Caufield and her mother played by Jo Beth Williams. But for the premise, lack of explanation, and a movie that won awards at some of the film festivals, it appears to be somewhat over-rated by those folks.
It has the lite feel of a movie like "Outsourced." Budget-wise as well. Quite b-movie in tone and visuals.
The premise reminds me of "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" or even "Broken English" (Parker Posey movie where all her friends are not single, but she is in her mid 30's). But unfortunately the writing isn't close to the caliber of either of those pictures. So, I would recommend seeing those movies before catching this.
A moving story based on a GQ article by Davy Rothbart. The story follows a guy (appropriately named Davy) who writes short stories and reads them in various small towns in New Mexico at bars and coffee houses, with his brother accompanying him. One night he receives an anonymous phone call from a woman in his hotel room. The woman seemingly wants phone sex as a way to break away from her less than satisfying love and sex life with her boyfriend.
This lasts for a number of weeks, and in the process Davy ends up developing feelings for her. But the woman calls from a private number and never gives Davy her phone number.
Their situation ultimately becomes frustrating for Davy and the calling stops. But eventually they reconnect and plan to meet in person. When they do, what happens is not an entirely uncommon situation, especially in the Internet-age of anonymous connections. The woman, Nicole, is actually a man named Aaron. A gay man of course too. As real as the whole thing was for Davy, it still ended up being a fantasy that didn't live up to in reality, everything it gave in the fantasy.
The writing, characters (especially the Davy character played by Brian Geraghty) were very effective. Marguerite Moreau even was good as a support character, as well as Davy's brother Sean, played by Kel O'Neill. And the actor who played Aaron, Euegene Byrd, was rather good in the key final scene. However, as effective as Katie Aselton was doing the voice of Nicole on the phone calls to Davy, I see the casting of her, and her pretty clearly feminine voice, a bit of a stretch. We knew it was a woman on the phone doing the voice. There are men who can do female voices well, but not like the sound of hers. If there is one issue with this picture, it is/was it's casting of her. They could have either had the actor who played Aaron actually do the Nicole voice, or another man do it.
But save for that minor issue, this is as impressive and moving a film as it's been praised for by many in the Independent Cinema industry. And I would very much recommend trying to see it, especially if you or someone you know has ever been involved in an anonymous 2-dimensional relationship. Namely online through instant messaging, email, telephone (like in this story), or even the old fashioned pen-pal process. You may find some relate-ability with seeing this as I can confess to personally doing myself (many years ago especially and thankfully).