The media market is huge, thus the need for a media review market.
This is our little contribution to that field.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Distrails - Dry Flies?
I love this promising duo/sideproject from NC. Virginia Creeper is an inspiring and gorgeous sounding ep from 2008.
I don't have the time now, but I'll just add that given these new songs were put up in DECEMBER, myspazz is soh not reliable anymore for news.
I found a 4-track zip on a blog, but 1 of the files was corrupted. But no matter, most if not all of them can be streamed on their
Facebook Page
this site
The full-length they have worked-on and sadly lost due to pc issues I guess from what Bitsy told me, I imagine is in the works. But lack of web-communication has left me in the dark somewhat. But I hope 2010 will end up being a big year for this band. In the mean time, these new songs are definitely going to be enjoyed by myself and others I'm sure (as they already have been I imagine).
Dry Flies
My Child
myspace is obsolete
New PsychFans Podcast: You Can't Handle...
"You Can't Handle This Episode"
blog link

the people saying this episode sucked, really need to ask themselves what they want or expect from a Psych episode. It was hilarious and we got Rachel Leigh Cook in a skimpy nigthtee, lol.

blog link

the people saying this episode sucked, really need to ask themselves what they want or expect from a Psych episode. It was hilarious and we got Rachel Leigh Cook in a skimpy nigthtee, lol.

Jack Nicholson
Rachel Leigh Cook
You Can't Handle This Episode
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Local Natives - Airplanes (official video)
new official video for "Airplanes"
Local Natives | MySpace Music Videos

Gorilla Manor finally drops February 16th, 2010 in the States.
Local Natives | MySpace Music Videos

Gorilla Manor finally drops February 16th, 2010 in the States.
Airplaes Video
Local Natives
Friday, January 29, 2010
Dollhouse: The Series Finale "Epitaph 2" 1/29/10
So it's tonight. Uh..more comments to come hopefully about it and the show once I watch this tonight. But I have to add 1 or 2 points already.
This series finale is called "Epitaph Part Two"..and obviously the title alludes to the fact there was an "Epitaph Part One" which was on the 1st Season DVD. An unaired 13th episode.
I don't OWN the 1st season DVD. Nor did I ever desire to fork over the $40 to do so. I also wouldn't be caught dead paying for it via Itoobs. Which leads to 1 of only a couple options:
a) don't watch it even if FOX fails to air it. Assuming the narrative at the beginning would fill-in the holes required to follow the finale.
b) hope the library or 1 of the video rental stores have the Season 1 DVD to RENT.
c) Try and watch it more or less LISTEN AND NOT BE ABLE TO SEE MUCH OF ANYTHING in the darkened screens from any stream/download/torrent etc.
well I caved and found it on a site to stream, but it wasn't really WATCHING but LISTENING. I could see maybe all of 5 or 10 minutes of it. I knew some of the voices thankfully.
But save for FOX changing their schedule at the last minute tonight, they kind of shafted the fans who just like to watch it on their tv's at home on the LIVE NETWORK AIR.
But of course airing the season premiere of "Kitchen Nightmares" is more important will give higher ratings at 8PM instead, lol. Yet they aired many 2-hour/double-episodes of the show the last 2 months.
FOX blows. Maybe I'll have a chance to rent it or it'll be picked up by SyFy eventually and I'll be able to see "Epitaph Part One" like I and all the viewers on the FOX network should have.
Then again, possibly replacing this old monitor with a lcd soon will help, but I'm skeptical. 8 or 9 out of 10 video content from dvds or tv end up looking unwatchably dark. Trying to watch and enjoy the lust-filled parts of TrueBlood would be utterly useless on a least with the monitor I currently have.
Epitaph Part One
FOX Network blows
Crash Karma - Crash Karma (2010)
This is a new "supergroup" of sorts of Canadian alternative (even proggy in some ways) bands.
Edwin - Singer from I Mother Earth, Edwin, Victor (Alex Lifeson of Rush solo record)
Jeff Burrows - drummer from The Tea Party
Amir Epstein bass player from the Canadian band Zygote
Mike Turner - ex-guitarist from Our Lady Peace.
This is their 1st single called "Awake" which was released last November
Their self-titled debut album drops on March 16th. Still looking for artwork and a tracklist.
I'd be lying if it I didn't think it sounded a bit like 2nd rate I.M.E. but like Edwin's solo stuff, I will give this a go. Although it does seem a lot of these so-called "supergroups" or just sideprojects never seem to blow me away or be as good as the previous bands the members were in (or currently are in).
And while they're at it, where is the obligatory member of the other underated but still somewhat known Canadian alt-grunge-prog band, The Big Wreck?
Crash Karma even opened for the Stone Temple Pilots I guess.
Canadian Rock
Crash Karma
I Mother Earth
The Tea Party
Daria - the tv show

I have seen this show. I love Beavis and Butthead, but often felt this show was just a 2nd or 3rd rate female-perspective/version of Beavis without the videos or nearly as much dumb humor.
Mike Judge I guess didn't even do any of the writing or producing believe it or not. He was off doing King of the Hill and Office Space I imagine at that time.
Well many years later..I might be kind of wrong. Right and wrong. Having enjoyed sarcastic female-empowered, nerdy-girl, clever outcast, pop-culture referencing characters in Hollywood and even graphic novel form.
The likes of
Enid (Ghost World)
Linda Cardellini in Freaks and Geeks
Lorelai Gilmore
Ellen Page in Juno
Kristen Bell in Veronica Mars
Sarah Michelle Gellar in Buffy
and any number of others I'm not remembering at the moment.
Daria falls in there. She's snide, cynical, but totally belonging in her own brilliant world.
So, I haven't yet, but the show lasted about as long as Beavis did. 1997-2001. Many of the episodes are actually viewable (save for 1 or 2 the writing being backwards) on Youtube. They made 1 or 2 movies as well I guess.
Do I expect it to be as good as Beavis? hardly. But I think I've slept on a pretty great show not having watched more than a few episodes.
Funny thing is too about Daria, on Beavis and her show itself, I always assumed the voice was done by Janeane Garofalo. But actually it is Tracy Grandstaff who actually is rather nothing like Daria physically at all.
Just from seeing and reading this interview on Underground tv

the dude on that site actually does a podcast that I can relate to a bit. The 1 I streamed he basically echoed my thoughts about 99% of all podcasts out there. But I'm curious if he ever heard the Psych Podcast I and my friend do.
At any case, Daria the show is on my to-watch list right now certainly. I may have to go on a lot more about it when I finally am able to watch most if not all of the episodes.
Oh and funny how Janeane Garofalo hosted a behind-the-scenes thing for the show, lol.
Janeane Garafalo
Mike Judge
Nerdy Girls are hot
Strong Female characters
Tracy Grandstaff
Underground TV
The Antlers - Hospice - (2009)

I love this record. All I can say, it's become addictive over the last few months and belongs in the Blackfield, Ours, Jeff Buckley, emotional, beauty..wail-a-thon, let-me-yell-at-you-and-the-whole-world-until-i-get-my-fucking-point-through-andyou-try-and-understand-how-I-feel.
kind of mold.
Here's a good interview, chat, show, discussion with a cool old fella.
sometime soon..I'll try and elaborate on more about them..the band and Hospice I suppose.
The Antlers
Margot & the Nuclear So & So's

The new single "Birds" off their 3rd LP "Buzzard" is really boss. The b-side "Bubbleprick" is okay. Standard Margot-ballad really.
You can hear "Birds" and a boatload of demos, a live acoustic set, and at least 1 alternate mix of 1 of the Animal tracks
go here
a bunch of them are download-able.
Time Time Time Time Time..and procrastination

I'm awful at actually doing things, accomploshing things when I can relax.
So in the last 3 weeks, how many days have I had off? lol..and how much blogging and lists on rym have I got done?
I feel a bit like a sports team that gets a big lead and then lets the other team back in the game.
Or I can just say my sleep cycle and some other things such as have monopolized much of my time. But that's no excuse.
And I suppose I have kept up with a lot of tv and cleared some older dvr recordings. Save for saving every episode of PSYCH that airs that isn't a High-Definiion recording (which jacks 5x's as much space on a dvr as a standard recording).
Well, for what I can STILL accomplish this weekend and such I'll try and post what I can in here in the coming hours/days.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Warpaint - Videos for Beetles Stars and on...CSI
bump 1/23/10 7:29PM
Beetles Video
love the dreamy/trippy slow section during the bridge. the director captured the mood really well with that part.
bump. 1/16/10 12:47AM
Check this out: last night (Thursday 1/14/10) Stars was used in a segment of CSI, a show honestly I don't like (any of the many versions) despite a good cast. It's a bit too gorey and lacks personality or humor?
Buhhhht, like Chuck who recently used Imogen Heap and last year Local Natives (wayyy before anyone knew who Local Natives were), the creators have used some good music occasionally. Once or maybe twice Ours music was used in their show, and then this week's episode used part of Stars by Warpaint.
CSI Too bad their show is heartless, humorless, and gross, because they do use some good music every so often.
original 10/23/09 5:45AM
Beetles Video
love the dreamy/trippy slow section during the bridge. the director captured the mood really well with that part.
bump. 1/16/10 12:47AM
Check this out: last night (Thursday 1/14/10) Stars was used in a segment of CSI, a show honestly I don't like (any of the many versions) despite a good cast. It's a bit too gorey and lacks personality or humor?
Buhhhht, like Chuck who recently used Imogen Heap and last year Local Natives (wayyy before anyone knew who Local Natives were), the creators have used some good music occasionally. Once or maybe twice Ours music was used in their show, and then this week's episode used part of Stars by Warpaint.
CSI Too bad their show is heartless, humorless, and gross, because they do use some good music every so often.
original 10/23/09 5:45AM
CSI Episode SIn City Blue
Local Natives
Friday, January 22, 2010
Fates Warning - Paralells (remaster 2010)
edit: whoa..niiice!
roadrunner records
"Jarzombek: Right now I'm demoing stuff with FATES WARNING. A new song I just e-mailed to (guitarist) Jim (Matheos) a couple days ago turned out really good. He's got a 16-minute song for me that I'm gonna start listening to.I am excited about recording the record with FATES WARNING, and I'll probably do that when I get back from doing this tour with Sebastian in February or March"
I'm just playing messenger here. I love Fates Warning. They are probably my 3rd or 4th favorite artist/band/music of all-time. But I don't have the time to write some long term-paper tribute to them right now. In due time perhaps. But in the mean time, appreciate the Fates and look forward to this re-release. The reunion would be grand to see, but it would also be healthy for me to save $ for a down-payment on a house or new car someday. If they hit town, of course I'd go. But the odds of that are about as good as myselt recording a Fates Warning tribute album.
Also of course, a few months back as I recall posting, the next album should come out in 2010. That of course is as big a deal as a fan of this band as anything.

Metal Blade Records has set a tentative March 16 release date for a special-edition of "Parallels", the classic 1991 album from the progressive metal band FATES WARNING. In addition to remastered audio, there will be a second audio disc of live and demo material. The package will also include a DVD with nearly three hours of material, including a complete live show from the 1992 "Parallels" tour and a documentary on the making of "Parallels" which includes live, studio, and current day interview footage with all the band members, Terry Brown (producer) and Brian Slagel (CEO of Metal Blade Records).
"Parallels" special Edition tracklisting:
CD 1 - "Parallels"
01. Leave The Past Behind
02. Life In Still Water (feat. James LaBrie)
03. Eye To Eye
04. The Eleventh Hour
05. Point Of View
06. We Only Say Goodbye
07. Don't Follow Me
08. The Road Goes On Forever
CD 2 - "Parallels" Live In Hollywood, California on January 23, 1992
01. Leave The Past Behind (live)
02. Don't Follow Me (live)
03. Eleventh Hour (live)
04. Point Of View (live)
05. Eye To Eye (live)
06. Nothing Left To Say (live)
07. Quietus (live)
08. Through Different Eyes (live)
09. Leave The Past Behind (demo)
10. Eye To Eye (demo)
11. Eleventh Hour (demo)
12. Point Of View (demo)
13. Don't Follow Me (demo)
* Filmed live in concert in New Haven, Connecticut on February 13, 1992
* Features current interviews with all band members as well as acclaimed producer Terry Brown and Metal Blade Records CEO Brian Slagel
* Rare and exclusive interviews and behind-the-scenes footage from the 1992 U.S. tour
To coincide with this release, the "Parallels" lineup of FATES WARNING — Ray Alder (vocals), Jim Matheos (guitar), Frank Aresti (guitar), Joe DiBiase (bass), and Mark Zonder (drums) — is planning to play a few reunion shows. At this time, the only confirmed dates are as follows:
March 26 – Thessaloniki, Greece
March 27 – Athens, Greece
There will likely be one or two U.S. shows added to this, and possibly one more European date.
roadrunner records
"Jarzombek: Right now I'm demoing stuff with FATES WARNING. A new song I just e-mailed to (guitarist) Jim (Matheos) a couple days ago turned out really good. He's got a 16-minute song for me that I'm gonna start listening to.I am excited about recording the record with FATES WARNING, and I'll probably do that when I get back from doing this tour with Sebastian in February or March"
I'm just playing messenger here. I love Fates Warning. They are probably my 3rd or 4th favorite artist/band/music of all-time. But I don't have the time to write some long term-paper tribute to them right now. In due time perhaps. But in the mean time, appreciate the Fates and look forward to this re-release. The reunion would be grand to see, but it would also be healthy for me to save $ for a down-payment on a house or new car someday. If they hit town, of course I'd go. But the odds of that are about as good as myselt recording a Fates Warning tribute album.
Also of course, a few months back as I recall posting, the next album should come out in 2010. That of course is as big a deal as a fan of this band as anything.

Metal Blade Records has set a tentative March 16 release date for a special-edition of "Parallels", the classic 1991 album from the progressive metal band FATES WARNING. In addition to remastered audio, there will be a second audio disc of live and demo material. The package will also include a DVD with nearly three hours of material, including a complete live show from the 1992 "Parallels" tour and a documentary on the making of "Parallels" which includes live, studio, and current day interview footage with all the band members, Terry Brown (producer) and Brian Slagel (CEO of Metal Blade Records).
"Parallels" special Edition tracklisting:
CD 1 - "Parallels"
01. Leave The Past Behind
02. Life In Still Water (feat. James LaBrie)
03. Eye To Eye
04. The Eleventh Hour
05. Point Of View
06. We Only Say Goodbye
07. Don't Follow Me
08. The Road Goes On Forever
CD 2 - "Parallels" Live In Hollywood, California on January 23, 1992
01. Leave The Past Behind (live)
02. Don't Follow Me (live)
03. Eleventh Hour (live)
04. Point Of View (live)
05. Eye To Eye (live)
06. Nothing Left To Say (live)
07. Quietus (live)
08. Through Different Eyes (live)
09. Leave The Past Behind (demo)
10. Eye To Eye (demo)
11. Eleventh Hour (demo)
12. Point Of View (demo)
13. Don't Follow Me (demo)
* Filmed live in concert in New Haven, Connecticut on February 13, 1992
* Features current interviews with all band members as well as acclaimed producer Terry Brown and Metal Blade Records CEO Brian Slagel
* Rare and exclusive interviews and behind-the-scenes footage from the 1992 U.S. tour
To coincide with this release, the "Parallels" lineup of FATES WARNING — Ray Alder (vocals), Jim Matheos (guitar), Frank Aresti (guitar), Joe DiBiase (bass), and Mark Zonder (drums) — is planning to play a few reunion shows. At this time, the only confirmed dates are as follows:
March 26 – Thessaloniki, Greece
March 27 – Athens, Greece
There will likely be one or two U.S. shows added to this, and possibly one more European date.
Fates Warning
Thursday, January 21, 2010
New Winter TV shows tonight
kinda "meh" about the premieres of "Deep End" and "Human Target"..casts are good, but the shows may require a few eps to really like.
Burn Notice also returned tonight, but I haven't watched it yet.
Burn Notice also returned tonight, but I haven't watched it yet.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Vikings; I have to weigh in soon. I love Brett Favre, I Hate Brett Favre

I had about a dozen bullet points to spout off about them in here. Do i think they will win on Sunday? no. But I have a lot to explain why..partially but hardly only due to my Purple-blood-choke paranoia.
I love the radio fodder.
Oh and I will look up some statistics about Favre on the road in domes. The Vikings vs St.Louis in '99. GB vs St.Louis in '01.
'09 Saints = '99/'01 Rams
Favre compared to Elway statistically at Elway's later period where he won back-2-back sb's.
The Who Dat Aint's are very much like the '99 and '01 Rams. I know Chillie ain't Denny, and Ap is better than Smith and Ahman Green? when GB went there.
I just could easily see them lose..and have the Saints score like 45 pts. It may be a coaching thing.
That's why I watch those games with a dvr. when until the Vikings are on offense. Rewind if I see a big play..but not having to deal with the longwinded tension. Sohhh much easier..and expect them to get embarrassed. Fail/nerve-proof. hehe.
if they lose on Sunday, Chillie becomes Denny 2.0. If they win..well..this is a bit different.
1999 and 2001 St.Louis Rams
Road Playoff games on the Road
Water & Bodies update/documentary
BUMP 1/20/10 2:42AM
Apparently they are going to release "Rain City Sessions 1 and 2" likely by the Spring. On Vinyl and likely a cd.
The new ep is titled "Water & Bodies EP 2" and will be available digitally this month via Rain City Records.
They are looking to sign with a small label in 2010 and are working on their 1st full-length that I would imagine will not consist of many if any of either of the 2 eps/rain city sessions 1 and 2.
The label might be Sub-Pop or another small but "indie" label.
BUMP. 1/15/10 10:10PM
facebook page page
New Song Added.
We just posted a brand new song off our upcoming new Self Titled EP2 on our ilike page. The track is called "Hard to Pin" Listen, share, enjoy.
holee shite, this new song is tremendous! especially the middle section.
1/11/10 3:02AM
ep release show is on Wednesday January 13th.
Apparently they are going to release "Rain City Sessions 1 and 2" likely by the Spring. On Vinyl and likely a cd.
The new ep is titled "Water & Bodies EP 2" and will be available digitally this month via Rain City Records.
They are looking to sign with a small label in 2010 and are working on their 1st full-length that I would imagine will not consist of many if any of either of the 2 eps/rain city sessions 1 and 2.
The label might be Sub-Pop or another small but "indie" label.
BUMP. 1/15/10 10:10PM
facebook page page
New Song Added.
We just posted a brand new song off our upcoming new Self Titled EP2 on our ilike page. The track is called "Hard to Pin" Listen, share, enjoy.
holee shite, this new song is tremendous! especially the middle section.
1/11/10 3:02AM
ep release show is on Wednesday January 13th.
Rain City Records
Water and Bodies
White Collar: Great USA Network show

edit: not a 2-episode Winter season. But these tv show sites need to get their shit together. All I can find is 2 episodes on and imdb.
this zaptoit link at least lists a 3rd episode, Tuesday February 2nd, the same evening of the big Lost season premiere.
6 episodes/weeks I think would give them 13. It did get renewed for a 2nd season, which I would presume will have it airing back-2-back with Psych next Summer.
No time now, but I'll write more about this show soon..and/or when the season is over
Short Winter Season
Tim Bomer
USA Network
White Collar
Coachella 2010: Porcupine Tree (and no MN)

Wiki link
Saturday = prog
Faith No More, Muse, Porcupine Tree, Mew, Coheed and Cambria
PT of course can make it to Coachella finally, but can't make it back to Minneapolis after selling out twice, the last being 5 years ago this May.
Friday April 16
Aeroplane, Alana Grace, As Tall As Lions, Baroness, Benny Benassi, Calle 13, Céu, deadmau5, Deer Tick, DJ Lance Rock, Echo & the Bunnymen, Erol Alkan, Fever Ray, Grace Jones, Grizzly Bear, Hockey, Iglu & Hartly, Jay-Z, Jets Overhead, Kate Miller-Heidke, La Roux, LCD Soundsystem, Little Dragon, Lucero, Pablo Hassan, Passion Pit, P.O.S., Proxy, Public Image Limited, Ra Ra Riot, She & Him, Sleigh bells, The Avett Brothers, The Cribs, The Dillinger Escape Plan, The Specials, The Whitest Boy Alive, Them Crooked Vultures, Vampire Weekend, Wale, Wolfgang Gartner, Yeasayer
Saturday April 17
2 Many DJs, Almighty Defenders, Aterciopelados, Band of Skulls, Bassnectar, Beach House, Camera Obscura, Coheed and Cambria, Corinne Bailey Rae, Craze, David Guetta, DEVO, Dirty Projectors, Dirty South, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Faith No More, Flying Lotus, Frank Turner, Frightened Rabbit, GIRLS, Gossip, Hot Chip, John Waters, Kaskade, Klever, Les Claypool, Major Lazer, Mew, MGMT, Muse, Old Crow Medicine Show, Porcupine Tree, Portugal. The Man, Pretty Lights, RX Bandits, Shooter Jennings, Sia, Steel Train, The Dead Weather, The Raveonettes, The Temper Trap, The xx, Tiësto, Tokyo Police Club, White Rabbits, Z-Trip
Sunday April 18
B.o.B., Babasónicos, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Club 75, De La Soul, Deerhunter, Delphic, Florence & The Machine, Gary Numan, Gil Scott-Heron, Gorillaz, Hadouken!, Infected Mushroom, Julian Casablancas, Kevin Devine, King Khan and the Shrines, Little Boots, Local Natives, Matt & Kim, Mayer Hawthorne, Miike Snow, Mute Math, One eskimO, Orbital, Owen Pallett, PAPARRAZI, Pavement, Phoenix, Plastikman, Rusko, Sly & The Family Stone, Spoon, Sunny Day Real Estate, Talvin Singh, The Big Pink, The Glitch Mob, The Middle East, The Soft Pack, Thom Yorke, Yann Tiersen, Yo La Tengo
if I only won the lottery would I find the reason to throw that kind of cash and hours of perspiration among the body-odor-aroma that is those festivals..standing-outdoors-area-only.
But the prog presence is nice, but all of those bands should play in Minneapolis in 2010. Will they? PT probably not, the others all may.
Body Odor Outdoors
Large Wastes of Money
Porcupine Tree
Sunday, January 17, 2010
2010 Golden Globes: Comments, Embarrassing Omissions

• Avatar
• The Hurt Locker
• Inglourious Basterds
• Precious
• Up in the Air

Where the Wild Things Are this movie was by far the best picture of 2009. The foreign press need to buy themselves a soul.
• Emily Blunt, The Young Victoria
• Sandra Bullock, The Blind Side
• Helen Mirren, The Last Station
• Carey Mulligan, An Education
• Gabourey Sidibe, Precious

Ellen Page (Whip It)
everyone is kissing Sandra Bullock's ass this year, lol. She also was in a horrible flop in "All About Steve" this year. People need to bring her a bit back down-to -earth. She ain't Kate.
• Jeff Bridges, Crazy Heart
• George Clooney, Up in the Air
• Colin Firth, A Single Man
• Morgan Freeman, Invictus
• Tobey Maguire, Brothers
Bridges won much like Mickey Rourke did last year for The Wrestler. Had Firth won, or if he wins the Oscar, I'll have no issue with that.

Ben Foster in The Messenger. He got ignored in Alpha-Dog, and got ignored for a powerful performance as a lead in The Messenger. he's one of the best young actors in Hollywood, and the Foreign Press contunues to fail to recognize that.

Paul Dano for Gigantic
• (500) Days of Summer
• The Hangover
• It's Complicated
• Julie & Julia
• Nine

In the Loop
• Sandra Bullock, The Proposal
• Marion Cotillard, Nine
• Julia Roberts, Duplicity
• Meryl Streep, It's Complicated
• Meryl Streep, Julie & Julia
this list is laughable and shows as a microcosm, of what's wrong with these awards. Streep wins, and defeats herself? lol. I would have voted for Julia Roberts as a default, and her remarks on the red carpet about NBC and on stage would have justified that even more.
• Matt Damon, The Informant!
• Daniel Day-Lewis, Nine
• Robert Downey Jr., Sherlock Holmes
• Joseph Gordon-Levitt, (500) Days of Summer
• Michael Stuhlbarg, A Serious Man
Gordon-Levitt should have won, but the below omissions from the nomination list bug me even more. Gordon-Levitt though the media are acting like this is his 1st good work. Hardly, lol. "The Lookout" in 2007 especially should be seeked out by naive people who had never seen him before 500 Days of Summer.

Gerard Butler (The Ugly Truth)

Peter Capaldi (In the Loop)
• Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
• Coraline
• Fantastic Mr. Fox
• The Princess and the Frog
• Up

they got this one right (the winner being Up),
except "Nine" and/or "$9.99" I would easily have put in there instead of that vomit-worthy adaptation of "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs"
• Baaria (Italy)
• Broken Embraces (Spain)
• The Maid (Chile)
• A Prophet (France)
• The White Ribbon (Germany)

Rudo Y Cursi should be in there. But with The White Ribbon winning, I can't be completely upset, given it was done by the same guy who made a movie I really liked a few years ago in "Cache (The Hidden)." But Rudo Y Cursi was great and nobody saw it. La Fille De Monaco ("The Girl From Monaco") is another omission that is at least noteworthy.
• Penélope Cruz, Nine
• Vera Farmiga, Up in the Air
• Anna Kendrick, Up in the Air
• Mo'Nique, Precious
• Julianne Moore, A Single Man

I would have liked to have seen Anna Kendrick win. She's a good young actress, not to mention she was looking rather fetching, hehe. Mo'Nique winning this is another case of the voters voting for the politically-correct, little-engine-that-could darling movie. Blech.
• Matt Damon, Invictus
• Woody Harrelson, The Messenger
• Christopher Plummer, The Last Station
• Stanley Tucci, The Lovely Bones
• Christoph Waltz, Inglourious Basterds
I would have voted for Woody Harrelson, although I think he may have been a bit better in "Trans-Siberian" last year. But all the people singing the praises of Christoph Waltz for that film may have some validity, save for the fact the movie didn't look all that funny or appealing.

Guillermo Francella in Rudo Y Cursi
Christian McKay in Me and Orson Welles

• Kathryn Bigelow, The Hurt Locker
• James Cameron, Avatar
• Clint Eastwood, Invictus
• Jason Reitman, Up in the Air
• Quentin Tarantino, Inglourious Basterds

Spike Jonze (Where the Wild Things Are)
He should have won. Everyone is crying out about Tarantino, but honestly, QT is one of the most overated directors of the last 20 years. On avg, I'd rather watch a movie from The Coen Bros, lol. From Dusk Til Dawn, Reservoir Dogs and the overated but still good Pulp Fiction are more or less the only stuff he's done that I look back on with much value. Jackie Brown was okay. But the Kill Bill's and Grindhouse stuff do nothing for me. And this new movie, while I'm sure wasn't the most appalling thing that got pimp-ed over and over this past fall, still got promoted as a Brad Pitt movie, and like Tarantino, for the most part i can't fathom wanting to give 10 minutes let alone 90 or whatever to see.
"Kihhllll---ehhhn Nahtzeeeeez"
..blech. Not. Funny.
• Neill Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell, District 9
• Mark Boal, The Hurt Locker
• Nancy Meyers, It's Complicated
• Jason Reitman and Sheldon Turner, Up in the Air
• Quentin Tarantino, Inglourious Basterds

Where the Wild Things Are
Spike Jonze.

In the Loop
Jesse Armstrong, Simon Blackwell
Armando Iannucci , Ian Martin, Tony Roche

Catherine DiNapoli (writer)
Jonathan Parker (writer)
• Michael Giacchino, Up
• Marvin Hamlisch, The Informant!
• James Horner, Avatar
• Abel Korzeniowski, A Single Man
• Karen O and Carter Burwell, Where the Wild Things Are
how did Karen O and the WTWTA not win this?..[Napoleon]Ihh-dee-yahhts![/Napoleon]

• "Cinema Italiano," Music & Lyrics by Maury Yeston (Nine)
• "I Want to Come Home," Music & Lyrics by Paul McCartney (Everybody's Fine)
• "I Will See You," Music by James Horner, Simon Franglen; Lyrics by James Horner, Simon Franglen and Kuk Harrell (Avatar)
• "The Weary Kind," Music & Lyrics by Ryan Bingham and T Bone Burnett (Crazy Heart)
• "Winter," Music by U2; Lyrics by Bono (Brothers)
again, WTWTA nor Untitled, a movie ABOUT MUSIC, nowhere to be found ("This Might Get Loud" would also have an argument, but Jack White is too nauseating to have me be upset about that).
• Big Love
• Dexter
• House
• Mad Men
• True Blood

-Lost (ironic how Matthew Fox was a presenter last night, lol)
-Breaking Bad

canceled shows like Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles or Battlestar Galactica might also make sense, but they have been off the air too long I guess.
• Glenn Close, Damages
• January Jones, Mad Men
• Julianna Margulies, The Good Wife
• Anna Paquin, True Blood
• Kyra Sedgwick, The Closer

Anna Paquin should have won, but because she won last year, she wasn't going to again.
• Simon Baker, The Mentalist
• Michael C. Hall, Dexter
• Jon Hamm, Mad Men
• Hugh Laurie, House
• Bill Paxton, Big Love

Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad) he won the fucking Emmy, lol.
Jeffrey Donovan (Burn Notice)

• 30 Rock
• Entourage
• Glee
• Modern Family
• The Office

The Big Bang Theory


How I Met Your Mother


this is probably the biggest annual absurd failure. Glee (even with Jane Lynch and the fact my cousin works on this, I don't need to watch Fame: The Next Generatio), Modern Family (Ed O'Neill may never do anything else at the level of Married with Children) and of course the unwatchable american version of The Office embarass the foreign press again here. Entourage and 30 Rock get their ass-kissed every year here too, and frankly I don't believe I'm alone here in being totally bloody sick to death of it.
Psych..nowhere to be found. Psych, again, nowhere to be found. HIMYM annually has good ratings, TBBT can do no wrong, and at least 1 if not both got Emmy nominations. Foreign Press have their heads up their asses, obviously.
• Toni Collette, United States of Tara
• Courteney Cox, Cougar Town
• Edie Falco, Nurse Jackie
• Tina Fey, 30 Rock
• Lea Michele, Glee

Caley Cuoco (The Big Bang Theory)

Jordana Spiro for My Boys..I'm sure nobody knows this show among the Foreign Press, but she's at least as good if not better than that whole list there. Especially the girl from Glee, lol.
• Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock
• Steve Carell, The Office
• David Duchovny, Californication
• Thomas Jane, Hung
• Matthew Morrison, Glee

-Tony Shaloub (Monk)..uhm, hullohhhhhh! 8 seasons, he's won before. It's the final season, duh.

-James Roday (Psych) and he's the lead, and he's hilarious.
Zachary Levi (Chuck)

• Jane Adams, Hung
• Rose Byrne, Damages
• Jane Lynch, Glee
• Janet McTeer, Into the Storm
• Chloë Sevigny, Big Love

1 of the only awards they actually got right. Chloë is a hottie, and can act. I have meant to watch Big Love for awhile now, and with those nominees, I had no problem with her winning. Now, if she'd just get cast in some movie with Kate Winslet and have it include a lesbian scene with the two of them, hehe.

Rutina Wesley: Tara on True Blood she's an emotional badass, a bit like Lafayette character. And she should get credit for pulling that off on 1 of the best shows on all of tv. Maybe next year?..yeah right.
• Michael Emerson, Lost
• Neil Patrick Harris, How I Met Your Mother
• William Hurt, Damages
• John Lithgow, Dexter
• Jeremy Piven, Entourage
There should be like 10 candidates for this category if they have to lump Comedy and Drama, and tv/miniseries/tv-movies together

John Noble: Walter on Fringe

Nelsan Ellis: Lafayette on True Blood,

-Aaron Paul: Jessie on Breaking Bad
-Jim Parsons: Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory..he was a presenter for this award, lol.

-Enver Gjokaj: Victor on Dollhouse

movies I haven't seen:
Whatever Works
Pippa Lee
The Lovely Bones
Sherlock Holmes
Up in the Air
Crazy Heart
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