Heard it. Quite different in a lot of ways. The guitars at times sound like Foals. Lots of big, loud, thick WALL-OF-SOUND synthesizers.
I like the instrumentals a lot, namely how much they remind me of some of their early stuff.
Could be another grower. But even now, it along with the new/last Falling Up album are at the top for 2015-2016.
Stream link
9/30/15 10:42PM-10/2/15 11:45PM

1. Joy Rides
2. Light Up
3. Monument
4. Stratosphere
5. All I See
6. Vitals
7. Composed
8. Used To
9. Best of Intentions
10. Bulletproof
11. Safe If We Don't Look Down
12. Remain
Release Date pushed back to November 13th per the message you get by signing up to the Fanclub on their official website.
Why/ I'm sure there's good reason. However, this of course pushes it past my Halloween Deadline thus it won't be in my end of year 2014-2015 countdown, etc.
So be it, although it reminds me a little of Ne Obliviscaris last year with Citadel. And it more or less got let behind for this year, although that has more to do with it, than it coming in the very beginning of the new year.
It still comes down to how good it is, etc. But certainly when I put out my anticipation and countdowns for 2015-2016, Vitals will be on mine and more or less nobody else's, assuming it's pretty good if not great, etc.
8/18/15 12:30PM
The 1st single is out today titled "Monument" (streaming per facebook, or below on YouTube. It has that 70's vibe to it like on Odd Soul that I really love.
The Track List posted per Paul Meany on Twitter today 8/18
Also as far as venues being small for the tour, I guess the band may have requested it, which I guess I can understand, maybe since they may want to play to a more intimate setting, which they haven't in many years. But the Minneapolis show is sold out still, and a standing room only show at The Entry, isn't the most desirable thing, even as much as I love them live.
But never say never, I may find some way to try and go, regardless.
8/5/15 1:38PM
October 16th release date per this link
Very intrigued about this album and glad there is a release date finally. However, I'm still miffed and mystified by the fact the tour date in Minneapolis is at The Entry and hasn't been moved for this *Grammy Nominated* band, lol.
5/22/15 10:16PM
On the surface, this seemed a little too cryptic to follow. But I'll admit, I didn't put the 2 and 2 together with their revealing images this past week to actually SPELL IT OUT(now I have, and by cropping the image below).
I still say some more specific, credible detail about this should be included. A release date, or even just by saying "Our new album is called Vitals" or something.
But whatever, I'm going with this and the spelling-out seems to be clear enough. I'm not sure if rateyourmusic would love that, although with titles, they typically don't care (it's more of the artwork, release date, etc being added later).
When all that good stuff like release date, track list, likely the real album cover art (I doubt it'll be the pic there), I'll be bumping this entry of course.
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