I was informed by a former member, Matt Luker of the band 100Ft Snowman about this project. 100ft Snowman sadly broke up I recall towards the end of 2009. But as I wrote back to Matt, I still often think about them and what could have been. They are definitely among the best groups who never got their shot. The 2 EPs they released showed a ton of potential.
But that is more or less water-under-the-bridge now, and this is a new project of Matt's along with some other musicians. Stylistically, I can only guess from hearing just a couple of tracks thus far per bandcamp below. Their sound sort of mixes progressive rock with space rock and tribal percussion along with emphasizing things like vocal harmonies.
I'm digging what I hear thus far, but of course need a lot more time. And in a nutshell, I wish I had or even made that time, but sadly have struggled to find it even more of late.
Hopefully some of it can be made up for that lost time in the coming weeks/months. Although the work I've been doing without headphones of late, may become my new job soon, so, who knows. And I feel guilty about that, but I also know, I am doing what is best for me. That of course does pay my bills. AllMediaReviews does not. If it did, I probably would go into becoming the music writing machine I at times strive to be.
Blech, so anyway, this sounds like a sweet new band, whose name may or may not be related to the Mew song "Zookeeper's Boy." But with some luck, more will be heard by me and then contributed in this entry about them. I love(d) 100Ft Snowman, the same could be true here (see Kiss Kiss/Vuvuzela as 1 example).
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1. A Red Sky in Mourning 01:39
2. Grounded by the Air 04:31
3. Burn Together, Burn Forever 03:08
4. K(No)w Corrosion 04:41
5. Stop Signs 05:01
6. Perfect Picture 05:32
7. Nothing Left to Gain 05:40
8. Moments Like These 03:55
9. Final Heart Attack 04:42
10. Leaving You Lying Here 05:47
11. A Red Sky at Night 02:40
12. Bound to Dust 06:05