And of course Rolling Stone magazine, a source of media I would include as the original anti-prog rock source which later went to MTV and then things like Pitchfork Media, has now decided to make a Top "Prog" list.
Although this is the website and I suppose RS in the last 10 years, online I suppose, has included a decent amount on prog rock.
As far as this list, I suppose seeing many albums on here were to be expected like the Floyd records and some of the more obvious Genesis and Yes selections. But Ruins or Harmonium? I honestly don't recall hearing before. And some of the more obscure groups like Banco, Carmen, Triumvirtat, FM, or Crack the Sky. Even some of the more space-rock or kraut? titles like Tangerine Dream or Amon Duul?
That Can album I have never heard, and it went that high?
Gentle Giant, PFM, Happy the Man, Caravan, Magma, Gong, Strawbs, etc I do know loosely
ELO and Supertramp of course too, although I'm guilty to not have spent time with those albums in-depth, but just some of their singles.
U.K. and especially that The Soft Machine album I definitely have no issue with being here.
And then they threw some modern stuff including some prog metal from Meshuggah, Tool, Dream Theater and The Mars Volta.
Porcupine Tree and Marillion even showed up once.
Of course in both of their cases, I'd have picked other titles. Clutching though is among my favorites and while Misplaced Childhood I would put higher for influence, CaS I actually would go with 1st among the Fish records. However, I'd take Brave over both of course.
How does this compare with PROG Magazine's Top 100 Readers-Voted List?
It isn't as long of course, but in terms of obscure groups, it might actually be better.
Would MY list have other bands and titles from said bands? of course. But given RS's past reputation with Progressive Rock, it actually is relatively refreshing to a see a list with as many more obscure groups as it does.

50 Happy the Man - Happy the Man (1977)
49 Ruins - Hyderomastgroningem (1995)
48 FM - Black Noise (1977)
47 Crack the Sky - Crack the Sky (1975)
46 Carmen - Fandangos in Space (1973)
45 Triumvirat - Illusions on a Double Dimple (1973)
44 Strawbs - Hero and Heroine (1974)
43 Electric Light Orchestra - Eldorado (1974)
42 Meshuggah, - Destroy Erase Improve (1995)
41 Amon Düül II - Yeti (1970)
40 The Soft Machine - Third (1970)
39 Porcupine Tree - Fear of a Blank Planet (2007)
38 Gong - You (1974)
37 Marillion - Clutching at Straws (1987)
36 Harmonium - Si On Avait Besoin D'Une Cinquieme (1975)
35 Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso - Io Sono Nato Libero (1973)
34 Caravan - In the Land of Grey and Pink (1971)
33 Tool - Lateralus (2001)
32 Kansas - Leftoverture (1976)
31 Renaissance - Ashes Are Burning (1973)
30 U.K. - U.K. (1978)
29 Dream Theater - Metropolis 2: Scenes From a Memory (1999)
28 Opeth - Blackwater Park (2001)
27 Supertramp - Crime of the Century (1974)
26 Van Der Graaf Generator - Pawn Hearts (1971)
26 Van Der Graaf Generator - Pawn Hearts (1971)
25 The Mars Volta - De-Loused in the Comatorium (2003)
24 Magma - Mëkanïk Dëstruktïẁ Kömmandöh (1973)
23 Tangerine Dream - Phaedra (1974)
22 Rush - 2112 (1976)
21 Camel - Mirage (1974)
20 King Crimson - Larks' Tongues in Aspic (1973)
19 PFM - Per un Amico (1972)
18 Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention - One Size Fits All (1975)
17 Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells (1973)
16 Gentle Giant - Octopus (1972)
15 King Crimson - Red (1974)
14 Genesis - Foxtrot (1972)
13 Pink Floyd - Animals (1977)
12 Emerson, Lake and Palmer - Brain Salad Surgery (1973)
11 Rush - Hemispheres (1978)
10 Yes - Fragile (1971)
9 Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (1974)
8 Can - Future Days (1973)
7 Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick (1972)
6 Genesis - Selling England by the Pound (1973)
5 Yes - Close to the Edge (1972)
4 Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (1975)
3 Rush - Moving Pictures (1981)
2 King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King (1969)