Application Available Here
which includes in the download, "Making Friends" their upcoming single. Which at least the beginning of it can be heard live here:
9/18/13 6:50PM
Mew presents: Sensory Spaces from Mew on Vimeo.
Facebook Post
Heya, want to hear a new Mew-song? Want to play with our sounds? Want Silas to whisper syrupy stuff in your ears?
This can all come true, in the new app we've created with B&O PLAY.
Check out this video to get an impression of what is to come. The app will be out at on September 25th!
- J
#mew #beoplay #sensoryspaces
6/12/13 6:35PM
Higher/Better Resolution
5/15/13 11:56AM
working with a choir.
The long-awaited sixth album is about to be reality in a matter of months. The previous album, No More Stories, was released in August 2009 and before that the gaps between albums have always been 2-4 years. The next yet-untitled album was originally rumoured to come out sooner, but we know now that this approximately four-and-a-half-year gap will, in fact, be the longest for Mew.
So far. Pre-production phase is coming to its end and recording will begin in Copenhagen next month. This will be the first time that Mew are going in and out of the studio and playing live shows in-between (in June and August). For this album Mew will be collaborating with many talented people, but Michael Beinhorn is the main producer. The aforementioned producer was the guy behind And the Glass Handed Kites which many consider to be Mew’s best-sounding album. It is mixed very low, as we know, and playing it in a night club forces the DJ to go easy on the bass level. Whether this album will contain big rock anthems or not, we’ll just have to wait to see. Previously Beinhorn has also produced albums for Aerosmith, Marilyn Manson, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Korn among many many others.
11/8/12 12:00PM
Just a live video of this new song "Klassen (The Class), but odds are it'll be on the album, and a single more than likely. You may have to signup for their email list on their homepage to watch it.
10/7/12 2:00PM
Post on Facebook from Friday October 5th
hey all you over the worlds we are now ready to meet you at with news on the new mew all participants in the film are made of music B
If you sign up to their mailing list, there's 5+ minute video showing Mew in Sicily this past Summer writing (and possible recording?) new music. Although, the music in the video is mostly acoustic, which I'm a little torn about. On one hand it's Mew, so the odds of it being distinct, melodic, dreamy, surreal, etc are high no matter. But if it is all-acoustic, it may be a change in sound still.
Maybe they've been listening to a lot of folky acoustic stuff of late? Joni Mitchell, Simon and Garfunkel or something? All just guessing, but given it doesn't seem it'll come by the end of 2012, its release year seems more likely 2013 now.
1/12/12 8:29AM

MewX Fan Group Post on FB
"Silas, Jonas and I have just commenced writing and recording of the new Mew record." - Bo Madsen
Fuck Yeah, new Mew coming!