Another new track "Blood Pressure" (no, haven't heard it yetof course).
cover, track list I imagine isn't far away.

Video for new title track/single
more including some kind of remix contest
6/28/11 11:31PM
"Odd Soul" due on October 4th.
6/13/11 5:47PM
A couple of songs being worked on in the studio. The 1st video in particular has me curious.
4/5/11 1:00AM
The album is finished.
"So if everything stays on course, the album should be out by September… but I’m hopeful you’ll start hearing things sooner than that.
Also, another bit of news is that back in October, our guitarist, Greg decided to leave the band. It might be a complete surprise to some, I know to others it’s not, but there were a lot of reasons that have been building up to this. However, it just came down to… a change of scenery was overdue. And it seemed best to happen before we went into making another record. The last record took more of a toll on us than we ever really let on, and once it came time to do it again, it became obvious that we couldn’t. Some kind of change had to happen. The split was certainly amicable and there are no hard feelings. We’re grateful for all the years Greg spent with us and wish him all the best."
2/2/11 11:04PM

This is I'm sure the 1st of 2 or 3 different entries referring to said untitled (and unfinished right now) album from these guys. But I think it's significant enough to post on its own already.
I will say, the live cd/dvd Armistice Live from 2010 didn't do a ton for me. For one, the cymbals clipped constantly on it. But I also think the live tracks on the re-release of the Self-Titled record were better. I'm not sure what that may mean for this upcoming record of theirs. 2009's Armistice is a pretty good record, regardless of the fact many fans didn't care for it as much as the S/T debut album from 2006. But, it's good to read the time frame between that record and this 3rd LP is shorter. Hopefully it won't sound like it was rushed or anything. But those answers will only be known in due time of course.
twitter/facebook post on 2/2/11
Slowly moving out of the perspiration stage into the sense of accomplishment stage. New record is getting close!