With your help, we're compiling a list of the top 893 albums of all time. (MPR graphic/Luke Mills)
As if we haven't already had enough musical madness this month, The Current is getting even crazier: We are compiling a list of the 893 most essential albums of all time.
What are we calling this endeavor? Okay, we didn't get too crazy with the name: The Current's 893 Essential Albums. (The world needs some sanity.)
Sure, we deejays and staffers could compile a list ourselves, but that isn't nearly as much fun as fun involving you and other listeners, readers and members of The Current. We can't do this without you, seriously.
We know this will be difficult — no, nearly impossible — but do your best to rank your personal top 10 albums using the form below. Each of your picks counts as one vote for The Current's 893 Essential Albums (and enters you for a chance to win a $893 gift card to Amazon.com, good for buying music, toilet paper, you name it!). Note: Please, please, please use the format Artist - Album, e.g. The Smiths - Hatful of Hollow. We truly appreciate it.
And because we're a radio station that likes to have fun with programming, we're going to broadcast the full countdown of The Current's 893 Essential Albums according to you during Minnesota Public Radio's spring member drive this May 5 to 12 with each album's defining track, adding up to more than 82 hours of music. Yup, it's happening.
If you share your picks with friends (which we encourage!), be sure to use the hashtag #893albums so we can find you on social media. We'll be highlighting picks from listeners and The Current hosts until voting closes on April 17!
The Current's 893 Essential Albums
Use this form to submit your votes for The Current's 893 Essential Albums and to enter the Amazon.com giveaway between 12:30 p.m. CT on Wednesday, March 23 and 11:59 p.m. CT on Sunday, April 17, 2016.
One (1) winner will receive one (1) Amazon.com gift card. Three (3) back up names will be drawn.
Prize retail value: $893
Taxes and expenses as a result of winning this prize are the responsibility of the winner.
We will contact the winner by Tuesday, April 19, 2016. Winner must accept by 10 a.m. CT on Wednesday, April 20, 2016.
So I saw this in an email, and decided I would do it. Of course none of my submission will end up in their list, or for that matter, even have any music on their air (sans for a rare "coffee break" perhaps).
The list that they end up with, well maybe I'll try and edit-in when it is announced. Assuming I remember/notice it, etc. But I'm sure it'll be a combination of the neverending praised and played music from albums on their air (Nirvana's Nevermind? Radiohead's OK Computer? , lol). I mean there may be a Zeppelin or Floyd record in there, and The Beatles probably, Sgt Pepper's or Revolver? whichever is more *hipster*? I kind of suspect the hipsters lean towards Revolver per it came 1st and was less commercial.
I could also see Pet Sounds ending up on the list.
But I could also see something like Arcade Fire's Funeral on there, lol.
Or even a Kanye West album, which would be even more eye-rolling.
Anyway, regardless of what ends up on their "Essential" list of 10 albums, the below list is my submission. I can say though it's not a perfect top 10 favorites, nor is it in exact order. I forgot to include Soundscape's Discovery in there anyway.
But certainly the below list of 10 albums are among my top 10+ all-time. The 1st 3 are kind of certain though. The other 7 could likely be replaced by another 10-30, lol.

Marillion - Brave

Kevin Gilbert - The Shaming of the True

Apes and Androids - Blood Moon

Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick

Genesis - Foxtrot

Yes - Relayer

Fates Warning - A Pleasant Shade of Gray

Pain of Salvation - The Perfect Element Part I

dredg - El Cielo

Toy Matinee - Toy Matinee
On another note related to 89.3 though, Andrea Swensson, whose run the Local part of The Current Blog and just this year took over The Current's Local Show on Sunday evenings (previously hosted by Dave Campbell), started a new series called "Ask a Cool Person," which is potentially an interesting new feature.
It is an interview/profile of some local person whose involved in Music/the Music Community in Minnesota in some way. Not necessarily, but probably more often than not, local Minnesota music. It could be a promoter, a club manager, a musician, record store clerk, radio/media person including journalists and bloggers like myself?
So I emailed Andrea giving her complements about the new feature. A couple of people I know have even been featured with Ellen Stanley and Jon Jon Scott from The Electric Fetus.
And I mentioned to her that I look forward to reading it each week, to see people I know, etc. And also with a suggestion to feature myself and That Drummer Guy perhaps. I even passed along the featured entry I did about progressive rock in Minnesota. It may not happen, as I'm sure there are plenty of people that would make sense to feature as well. And she hasn't emailed me back even, or contacted Josh (TDG). But it would be cool if she did.
I guess I don't expect it, but even if it's a couple of years from now, it would be cool, even if as it's clear and I've mentioned frequently in here for many years about 89.3 and my taste don't exactly mix. I.e. they don't do a lot with progressive rock, even though they could. But, this feature on their blog is not fully about what's on their air or even what they promote largely. So it might be an exception.
But then again, it is 89.3 and that culture, which I've come to not expect much. But I also figure, there really isn't much to lose in throwing my name/this blog out there again.