The Dear Hunter, Hotel of the Laughing Tree and Brooke Waggoner? I shall check these The Beach Boys, Queen and David Bowie covers out later certainly. And it's for a good cause of course per Hotel of the Laughing Tree's Facebook:
1.Generationals - Here Comes the Night 02:22
2.William Beckett (feat. Cara Salimando) - Come Pick Me Up 05:05
3.The Dear Hunter - God Only Knows 03:01
4.Savoir Adore - Local Joke 03:04
5.Funeral Party - Ooh La La 03:16
6.Kindred Fall - Who Is It 03:52
7.Tapioca & The Flea - Nowhere Man 02:33
8.Jhameel - My Girls 02:56
9.Les Sages - The Love Cats 03:45
10.Hotel of the Laughing Tree - Crazy Little Thing Called Love 02:55
11.Young Statues - Ashes & Fire 03:19
12.The Narrative - Heart of Gold 03:36
13.Brooke Waggoner - Life on Mars? 03:25