forum posts
just got back a bit ago from the show here in Minneapolis. The played the new song "Upon Returning,".. it sounds promising. I saw Mark for a few minutes after wards outside in the 20 degree weather. He signed my Leitmotif vinyl and I just briefly asked him about the record and he said it's a record that's not very guitar-driven at all. More keys/synths I guess.
March 29th I thought I heard Gavin mention is the date they look for it to be released.
it was good..a bit short for my liking, but of course known going-in. Mark told me he wasn't too thrilled with The Cabooze. I suppose I follow him, but overall the sound worked for where I was straight-back in the 1st row of seating.
For some reason it hit me the bands on the bill seemed totally like a show the Triplerock would book, but the numbers of tickets it demanded is higher than TTR can hold. I wonder if The Cabooze has now become the overflow for larger size shows that TTR wants but can't hold.
Set list (not in exact order)
Ode to the Sun
Same Ol' Road
Jamais Vu
Upon Returning (new song)
Sang Real
Down to the Cellar
Bug Eyes
Animals As Leaders, while they still have some of the issues I originally remembered about their studio work, I thought were better than I expected. Good energy and most of the pieces they played had at least 1 2-3 minute section which really worked.
Codeseven, honestly I wanted to get into, but they sounded more or less like a poor-man's version of Strata or Editors. The electronic part of their music was not as notice-able as I recall from the studio albums I checked out. Plus their singer didn't really project too well. Maybe part of that was due to The Cabooze itself. I wish I had been able to at least talk to them and inquire about Telescreen to the members who are with them. And even something with Distrails assuming they know that project since Jared is with Telescreen. But I never saw them after the show.
Circa Survive I didn't stay for which I'm sure sounds shocking, lol.
I meant to as Mark specifically about the older demos and things, but from his comment about the album being less guitar-driven and different, I would be surprised if many if any at all of those older tunes ended up on it. Which would beg the question, will a b-sides release ever come out with them. I did bring up the History documentary DVD to him and he just said it'll never happen (or don't count on it, I forget his exact words).
to add a few more points.
Animals As Leaders: their music isn't exactly instrumental "prog metal" exactly, at least live. It sort of weaves between that, more power-chordy metal, and mathy tones. Which I sometimes like, but the sections they use some of those styles last longer than I'd like, which is still the fundamental issue I have with them. But overall, they are less derivative of 90's instrumental prog metal as I recall, and live they do have more punch and muscle than the album which I just felt was too soft and too prog-jazzy. Now Tosin did have a longer jazz section/solo which again, is nice, but in the mix, I'm kind of against at that length. I will say, I shared a few words for a minute or 2 after wards and he seems like a really nice guy.
dredg should be back in the Spring to support the new record.
The new song just sounded different than most dredg music, but it had some twists and catchy sections that I think could work.
As much as Mark and maybe the rest of the band weren't blown away by The Cabooze, I think a lot of new fans were made at the show.