1st off, I just noticed some-of the details on the USA Network's schedule this Winter (Jan/Feb)

2010 premiere dates: WHITE COLLAR moves to TUES, Jan 19th. PSYCH moves to WED, Jan 27. BURN NOTICE stays on THURS, Jan 21st. All at 10pm/9c.
Tues (1/19)
9PM: White Collar
Wed (1/27)
9PM: Psych
Thurs (1/21)
9PM: Burn Notice
apparently they're giving BN top priority. grr. o well, I still dig that show. That doesn't explain anything about the earlier hour, 8PM on any of those nights, nor Fridays. Chances are this is temporary, with Psych/White Collar starting next Summer. and Burn Notice/Royal Pains on Thursday.

-Monk the 2nd-part of the SERIES FINALE airs this Friday December 4th.
I'll post a separate entry about it's departure. Some initial thoughts: Who killed Trudy? I hope there is more than what it appears from the 1st part of the finale. Craig T Nelson would be a bit easy, but perhaps WHY he killed Trudy will add some. And of course how it ends, does Monk finally move-on with his life and what losing Trudy has done to him, etc? I will miss the show certainly as I'll write more about it after seeing the last episode this coming weekend.

Another tv note: The new ABC show Eastwick, probably the best, most interesting new network show this fall is gone.
7 episodes have aired, and another 6 were ordered/were-made. But tomorrow night December 2nd and the 16th in 2 weeks, are the only two episodes I can find with a confirmed schedule. So the last 4 episodes may air sometime this Spring or may get the Saturday-evening-during-the-Summer treatment that Pushing Daisies, Eli Stone and Dirty,Sexy,Money got last Summer. Or maybe never. There is THIS PETITION like there always is for shows like this to be saved. 10,000 signatures are there, and some rumor about the Lifetime Network interested in picking it up.
Uh, I'll believe it when I see it. As I wrote a few months ago when it was going to originally air: Because it's ABC, it won't last just like the other 2 attempts adapting "The Witches of Eastwick" to tv. Sad, but it's ABC, they always cancel expensive-but-good shows. Basically unless you're Lost or get huge ratings like Grey's Anatomy or Desparate Housewives, your show is destined to get canned on that network.
-The Tyler Labine comedy on FOX The Sons of Tuscon it appears premieres on Sunday March 14th at 7:30PM
-Alice the Skeefee (Syfy) 4-hour mini-series new adaptation of the classic Lewis Carroll book airs Sunday December 6th and to follow on Monday December 7th. Kathy Bates, Tim Curry, Matt Frewer (hopefully not doing another gawd-awful Aussie accent like he somehow gets away-with on "Eureka") and Colm Meany are among the cast.
I'll try put something up next week specifically about this.
a) I want to see this, even though I am intrigued by the Tim Burton edition coming in March, despite Johnny Depp+Burton doing the Mad-Hatter. Why? Alan Rickman as the Caterpillar and Christoper Lee as the Jabberwock among others.
b) this 4-hour miniseries is being directed by Nick Willing, the same guy who directed the mini-series "Tin Man" which I thought was a pretty good *re-imagining* of my favorite story of all-time (The Wizard of Oz/Oz stories).
Sunday December 6th also is the evening
1) Vikings-Cardinals on NBC's Sunday-Night-Football
2) William Shatner's "Raw Nerve" 2nd season airs on the Biography Channel. His guests are Rush Limbaugh the 1st 1/2-hour and Regis Philbin the 2nd 1/2-hour.
what a hugely busy Sunday evening of TV, lol. Although thankfully I don't believe there will be any DVR 3-programs-airing-simultaneously conflicts. If there are of course Cable channels re-air their stuff.
-Also airing tomorrow night, December 2nd on Biography, are 2 1-hour biographies. 1 about William Shatner himself and the other Patrick Stewart
-the 2nd Dr.Who special "The Waters of Mars" is to finally air on BBC America on Saturday December 19th
Some movies:
-The Messenger: I want to see this. It has Ben Foster (Oscar-worthy for "Alpha Dog") and Woody Harrelson. this movie could have some Oscar/Globe Potential among other reasons to be curious about it.
-Me and Orson Welles: despite Zac Effron's presence, an unknown British actor named Christian McKay, plays Orson Welles, and looked quite good, from the clips they showed on "At the Movies" last week.
-The Private Lives of Pippa Lee: Alan Arkin, Winona Ryer, Maria Bello and Keanu Reeves have got me curious about this. There was 1 scene they showed on "At-the-Movies" where some woman says to Keanu "I don't think I know you anymore" or something, and I could-not-help-but-go-into the ole Keanu "wohhh..why do yooo say that?..whoa", lol.
-Everybody's Fine I have a free pass for at the Mall of America tomorrow night. Another DeNiro family/holiday picture. Okay. I do like more of the cast tho in Drew Barrymore, Kate Beckinsale and Sam Rockwell. Interesting, those last 2 is a little bit of a "Snow Angels" reunion. Wonder what else the 2 of them have done together.
-Sherlock Holmes: yeah it's Robert Downey Jr as Sherlock. Not the exact visual appearance for the role, but some of the lines in the previews looked good. Jude Law as Watson I am curious about as well.
New music projects:
Jonas Bjerre whose the lead singer of Mew
Guy Berryman whose the bassist from Coldplay
Magne Furuholmen whose the guitarist from A-Ha
new single "Ferreting"
saw some stuff on this project back in June I think..maybe even last Spring on the Mew forum. I ought to go back there, but those 3 songs are not all of what's out there as I recall stumbling upon 1 site that had like 5 or maybe 10 different tracks to stream. Certainly a project to keep tabs on for/during 2010.
The Unwinding Hours is a new band/project from 2 of the ex-members, Craig B. and Iain Cook of the Scottish art-rock band Aereogramme. Their Self-titled debut album is expected to drop on February 15th, 2010. A track-list has already been posted as well.
1. Knut 5:56
2. Tightrope 3:20
3. Little One 4:16
4. There Are Worse Things Than Being Alone 5:01
5. Solstice 3:47
6. Peaceful Liquid Shell 5:03
7. Child 4:46
8. Traces 3:56
9. Annie Jane 4:51
10. The Final Hour 5:21
90's "Post-Grunge" or R.E.M.-sounding-at-times hardrock band Live have parted ways with longtime vocalist Ed Kowalczyk.
Not that I'm a *huge* fan or anything, but he kind of defined their sound in a lot of ways. Although I'm not sure if they'd/they'll ever make any records as good as their early stuff again. But perhaps with a new singer, that may help the chances, even how slim they may be.
The Swell Season show at The State Theater is Saturday December 5th. I do-not have a ticket, but may find my way in if I decide to go down there on Saturday night. Although chances are I may have other plans. Raincheck I suppose. The new album is pretty good though.
blech, okay, there's a bunch more notes and things, and to say I'm being a little hampered-down/anxious to get going on the Lists would be accurate. But due-to-lack-of-time, the best thing to add now I suppose,...to-be-continued......
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