12/7/09 8:53pm
sucker got pulled. And the band may be in-effect broken up.
Blood Moon is available via apesandandroids.com. Right now Brian Jacobs is doing things like producing Cale Parks' recent EP, David Tobias is working on solo material, other members of A&A are in the band Sigmund Droid (who did the theme song for Gabe & Max's 100 Seconds) ... but we can look forward to an Electric Dream Machine/Apes & Androids album one day. Maybe!
-Cale Parks myspace. I'm checking the Brian Jacobs-produced (I thinl) ep "To Swift Mars" soon.
-no idea about info for David Tobias's music. No luck with facebook. But I'd love to hear and support it whenever I can.
-Sigmund Droid has a myspace there. I'm not sure how much appeal their music will be for me or other A&A's fan necessarily, given the members from A&A's presumably didn't do much if any of the writing in A&A's.
edit: but I'm actually liking some of this stuff on the myspace. The post-punk energy sounds like it's working. They have an ep called "Maximum Grind" that was released recently.
However, I can't help but fear/worry that we could see a Jellyfish kind of pattern here with the members doing other decent work, but not to the level when they worked together.
No matter what happens, it would really be good to
a) read some kind of official quote from David or Brian about them breaking-up or their status in general.
b) that video be made available at some point online for others to see. Unless the band aren't happy with it, which I'm not sure why they would be. Brian and David are even in it afterall, lol.
edit: here's a live version.
apes & androids - golden prize from thatgo on Vimeo
This video was made? by That Go I guess. I should know that name/reference, but I'm drawing a blank.
As for the video itself, rather ironic and twisted, but it's the guys and the video/filmaker doing the Glam-Art thing anyway. So it's not all that surprising really, much like a couple of their other videos.
More significant is, from what I know/have seen, this is the 1st sign of ANYTING from them online since April. I went to the Apes and Androids myspace last night and the last login was on October 12th. Facebook? the activity as far as I can tell, goes back to June I think.
So to see something David Tobias and Brian Jacobs are involved-in, frankly, ANYTHING, even non-A&A's related, online, is encouraging and a relief. Especially with the recent band breakups and the economy. But I've believed for quite some time, the guys in the band don't just do A&A's, obviously to make their living. Dayjobs or producing or something, I dunno. It may be worth trying to contact them and ask or just mention this new video. Also hit-up a few more boards, like the selF and The Dear Hunter forums, where there are at least a few fans known there.
edit: I am liking this Sigmund Droid stuff and the Cale Parks ep impressed me as well today. More on thos rather soon I imagine.
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