Saturday, May 31, 2014

Yes - Heaven and Earth (2014)

5/31/14 4:50PM

new song "Believe Again"..not bad. Davison does sound like Jon Anderson a bit, almost too much, or at least maybe more than I would have expected.

3/28/14 11:18PM
This was announced like a week ago or more. Fly From Here wasn't bad, but in revisiting it, I didn't find it to have the Drama charm, nor Benoit David to work as well with Yes as Trevor Horn.
Now, the same may happen with Jon Davison, but I'm still curious. At least he does have the recording background with Glass Hammer.
Yes have confirmed their first album with singer Jon Davison will be entitled Heaven And Earth, and it’ll be released in early July.
It follows the launch of their 20th studio record, Fly From Here, in 2011, which featured vocals by Benoit David.
The new work was produced by Roy Thomas Baker, who worked with the band in Los Angeles.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ours - Man in the Box (Alice in Chains cover LIVE)

Now the 3rd band I like has covered Alice in Chains (Enchant and Opeth both covered "Would" I recall).

Not bad, even if it's AiC's biggest hit, or one of them.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Casey Crescenzo Presents: Amour & Attrition: A Symphony in Four Movements

5/27/14 10:54PM

Artwork, and more info about it per


Today, Casey Crescenzo – multi-instrumentalist and frontman of
The Dear Hunter – announces the official release dates for his debut symphony,
“Amour & Attrition.” The symphony will be released digitally on June 3 and
physically (CD/vinyl) on June 24. Preorders for “Amour & Attrition” are
available now at:

For the first time, fans can now hear an excerpt from “Movement I” of the
symphony, here:

This past November, “Amour & Attrition” was performed in its entirety and
recorded in the Czech Republic with the Brno Philharmonic Orchestra under the
direction of conductor Mikel Toms. The project was funded by over 1,200
supporters through crowdfunding platform PledgeMusic, exceeding its goal in just
a couple of weeks and allowing Crescenzo to fulfill his longtime dream of
writing and recording his very own symphony with a full orchestra. Some clips
from the recording process can be seen at:

“Mikel Toms, the conductor of the Brno orchestra, is definitely owed a deep
amount of gratitude from me for making this a reality,” shares Crescenzo. “He
assisted me in every step, from scheduling, reviewing my scores, and so much
more. He also really took the time to understand the motive of the music, and it
shows in the recording.”

He continues, “While I do feel a great sense of accomplishment, I know that it
wouldn’t have been remotely possible without the incredible help, and
encouragement, from the community of people who supported this project. The best
way I could show my appreciation was by pouring myself into the symphony and
creating something we could all be proud to say we were a part of. I am ecstatic
for people to hear ‘Amour & Attrition.’”

The symphony will be self-released through Cave & Canary Goods — Crescenzo’s
personal imprint label within Equal Vision Records — which recently released
Naive Thieves’ debut full-length album “Vámonos,” which Crescenzo produced, as
well as The Dear Hunter’s latest album, “Migrant.”

This summer, The Dear Hunter will head out on a five-week U.S. co-headline tour
with RX Bandits, and supporting act From Indian Lakes. The tour will kick off on
July 11 in St. Petersburg and wrap up on August 17 in Houston. All upcoming tour
dates for The Dear Hunter can be found below.

Following the tour, The Dear Hunter will next enter the studio to record the
highly anticipated follow-up to “Migrant.”

“After an extended silent season, I am beyond ready for my band to get back out
into the world,” concludes Crescenzo. “This tour couldn’t have come at a better
time. I’m so excited to see old friends, make new ones, and sing until my lungs

5/14/14 7:05PM

short clip from the Symphony. Digital release coming on June 3rd, Physical June 24th.

Facebook link

The Dear Hunter going on tour with RX Bandits this Summer. Unfortunately, no Minnesota show.

  5/3/14 12:30PM

Below is a podcast that around the 12 or 13-minute mark, an extensive interview/discussion with Casey  (1 hour and 10 minutes?) about this upcoming Symphony (apparently finally coming out in JUNE), his history and future including confirmation that Act IV will be made, as he mentions after the next record The Dear Hunter make (and he mentions having written like 20 songs for it already), and his next Symphony. Time-wise for Act IV? perhaps around 2016?

Download, etc the podcast here

This week the boys are joined by special guest Casey Crescenzo, front man for The Dear Hunter, who recently recorded his first symphony.  In this interview they cover The Dear Hunter's entire library, his thoughts and writing process.  Then Casey drops the bomb on the question every fan asks, "When are you going to record the rest of the Acts?"  Wait for it...
Be sure to go to their webpage,, for tour dates and all things The Dear Hunter.
4/15/14 11:06PM

Amour & Attrition, odd yet romantic title. I guess it may be made available as early as May for the Pledgemusic backers.

Finally get to see a test copy of the staff music book for my first symphony... As if I even know what I'm looking at. So close to releasing this! Can't contain the excitement to finally have people hear it, and witness music blogs suddenly have an opinion on orchestral music- and find all new ways to call me pretentious and grandiose! 😎 #cantreadmusic

1/17/14 9:16PM
Here's what I imagine is the 1st of many videos and information that Casey will share about this.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Archive - Axiom [Album + Film] (2014)

5/26/15 9:38PM

Here's what I posted on Facebook a bit ago.

This new Archive record "Axiom" is really good. Wonderful atmosphere with the textures and heavy ambience. I think I already enjoy it more than their last LP. I want to find a way to see the film even more now.

Archive have impressed me again with this new Soundtrack/LP of theirs "Axiom". These guys continue to do great work and the music world have next to no idea who they are (for better or for worse).
I just hope I can find a way to see the film this soundtrack is for at some point.

Great record.  Not long, but long enough. The 10-minute instrumental track may be one of the best pieces the band has ever made. It's like Sigur Ros or something, in that it creates this mood that I could listen to for a lot long than the main theme goes for.

Is it an album of the year candidate? unlikely, but given this year has been pretty spotty, this record may find it's way pretty high on my year end write-up.

4/22/14 5:31AM

I didn't realize they had this coming, and coming so soon, although Archive are somewhat prolific, so it doesn't seem so surprising. This seems obviously, more in the soundtrack vein than anything else, and dark thematically. Regardless, it's a new Archive record and even a film that I'd like to check out if possible (given it's International, who knows how easily it'll be made available and when i.e...I could be sitting here a year or 2 from now and not been able to see it).

They just shared the video for "Distorted Angels" below, and there's a trailer of sorts on their website linked above.

May 12th is the release date per that website listed below.

edit: 1 of the trailers is also linked below.


We are delighted to be able to share with you the tracklisting and cover artwork for our next album Axiom. In contrast to previous albums Axiom consists of one continuous 40-minute piece of music that evolves through seven tracks: 

“Distorted Angels”
“Transmission Data Terminate” 
“The Noise of Flames Crashing”
“Axiom (Reprise)”.

“Recording the bells at Greenwich church certainly set the ball rolling to what became Axiom,” recalls Darius.
“I'm not a hundred per cent sure what I had in mind when I decided we should record the bells, but I just felt it would be important somehow in the genesis of the new record. The music came first; the album was written seamlessly, with one idea falling into another, one singer falling into another. It's a musical journey with a clear beginning and end, but you can certainly pull out six parts that could be distinguished as songs."

The central theme of the bells was the starting point in creating ‘Axiom The Film’. NYSU director Jesus Hernandez:
“We saw our role as composers of a kind of visual soundtrack for the music. Our challenge was to translate the band's script into images”

'Axiom' the film will receive it's world premier at the London Sundance Film Festival on Friday 25th April. General tickets, which include the film screening and admission to our Brooklyn Bowl gig, go on-sale at 9am tomorrow and can be purchased here: 

We will then perform the album live to accompany the film at a one-off worldwide exclusive performance at the London Roundhouse on 29th May. This will be our biggest UK show to date, following sold-out shows in the capital last year at Heaven and KOKO, so make sure you are there to share this event with us.

The film will also be shown in 5.1 surround sound in select cinemas across Europe to coincide with the album’s release. Both album and film will be released worldwide on the band’s own Dangervisit label (through PIAS/Cooperative Music) on 12th May.

Random Track Sharing: Shadow Gallery - Floydian Memories (2005)

This is not intending to come across like those tumblr entries, but I've for quite some time just thought, why not just post favorite tracks, namely from my listening history. And they may or may not include blurbs. Preferably they will, but how long does it take to post a YouTube embed code? 10 seconds or so. A blurb? depending on length, could take 30 minutes or more.

So, save for the random Facebook/twitter post, I may just throw them up in here.

This particular track/medley is to me Shadow Gallery's crowning achievement. It's just marvelous, how they segued so many different parts from the Floyd catalog so well, and being faithful to the arrangements for the most part, while still having a bit of a Shadow Gallery element to them (namely the late, great Mike Baker's vocals).

So, for those who have never heard this incredible 24+ minute opus/ode to the Floyd, it probably would still be well worth checking out (or revisiting for anyone who hasn't in many years, even since Room V dropped in 2005).

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Between Two Skies

Monday, May 19, 2014

City and Colour - Settle Down [Kimbra cover, live] on Triple J's "Like a Version" (2012)

I know this video is from a couple of years ago, but I never saw it until this evening; and man, I am glad I did!

I don't have extensive amounts of time listening to Dallas Green and City and Colour (or Alexisonfire for that matter), but I do know and love his work on the Neverending White Lights song "The Grace."

Man, this sounds amazing! The guy has one of those voices that is just jaw-droppingly beautiful. It's so clean and thick tonally. Almost the sound of a perfectly clean and pristine sounding acoustic guitar. But it's HIS BLOODY VOICE, LOL.

I may really have to check out some City and Colour music, even if the style of music isn't typically my thing so much. His voice is just too good to sleep on alone. And this Kimbra cover is more evidence of that. Plus the arrangement is nice. Not a remake by any stretch. Very cool interpretation.

Grimus - Emergence (2014)

I saw this band's name like a week ago on rateyourmusic in 1 of the Ours albums reviews.

They're from Romania.

Emergence is their 3rd LP, their 2 previous 2011's Egretta and 2008's debut Panikon along with this new album that dropped in March, I have been taking in over the last week and I can say I am enjoying them more and more with each listening.

But this record Emergence, more than the other two initially.

Hmm, I guess I don't have heaps of details to dissect it yet (perhaps more-so in the midyear report?), but it's one of those records you hear track-after-track and enjoy more or less every song. There aren't any obvious standout songs at this point, I think because for one, none of the songs are incredibly long. But also it just seems to work as greater than the sum of its parts.

Now, I'm filling in on KFAI tomorrow night and was looking to pick out a track to play, and I suppose I'll just include the songs I've narrowed it down to some 3+ times hearing the album.

"The Hell I'm In"
"Weird Disco"
"Morning Stars"

I am leaning towards Satellites as that track sort of has what a progressive rock fan may enjoy I suppose.

Their sound on this album specifically seems to remind me of a number of bands: Strata, Ours, Muse, The Antlers, The Velvet Teen, Klimt 1918, In Reverent Fear and others, but the more I listen to them and this record, their songwriting still works really well, the similarities are more charming or not distracting.

Their sound includes vocal harmonies, piano, dynamics, different guitar textures, what I would guess is at least 2 different lead vocalists, although both their Facebook and Wikipedia pages only list Bogdan Mezofi as the vocalist. But it's obvious, especially between their 1st record and this new one (and their last record), there are at least 2 kinds of voices. Perhaps Bogdan is that versatile? I have my doubts, but if he is, he's pretty amazing. Regardless, he has a very good voice, even as much as he can sound like the likes of Eric Victorino, Judah Nagler and especially Jimmy Gnecco at times. It doesn't exactly sound *exactly* like them, nor as if HE'S TRYING TO SOUND LIKE THEM, which some singers sadly come across like they are (even if they aren't actually trying to).

Anyway, this band and this album are kind of my biggest obsession right now. I suppose I'll see how this and they hold up throughout the year/future, but it almost feels like one of those bands I've been living under a rock and have finally discovered. Except they are pretty obscure. Probably going back to when I discovered someone like Kacica in 2008/2009. I may find myself almost attaching myself to them.

I can't say for sure, but I just sense they are the kind of band I will think of in pretty high regard. I mean Emergence I am enjoying the most, but the other 2 records I found myself turning my head a handful of times as well with.

And they are from Romania, thus they may have their limits in exposure.Are they prog? maybe in a way, but also not really. I think at-heart, their sound is college/indie/alternative rock, but with some left-leaning song writing. They even use samples and some other less common traits (most I recall on Panikon, their debut).

Actually 1 of the bands I saw compared to them, or their singer Bogdan, sounds like the singer I guess from the band Placebo. Which may be kind of true, but I honestly haven't listened to enough Placebo to know or maybe even care really.

Also one last note for now, there of course is ANOTHER band called "Grimus" (I believe this one and likely the other one are pronounced like the Purple McDonald's Playland/Commercials/Happy Meal character, but I can't be certain at this point), whose a deathcore band from New Jersey. I have no idea which band exactly came first, but like Revere and more recently Gatherer (or even to an extent The Dear Hunter/deerhunter of course), I wish the band I didn't like would just change their name. But that would be too difficult of them I guess, lol.

1. Tunguska
2. Emergence
3. High
4. The Hell I'm In
5. Weird Disco
6. Morning Stars
7. Planemo
8. Legends
9. Satellites
10. Crashing to Earth
11. We Don't Live Here
12. Vitriol
13. Peregrine
14. Pale Hands
15. Haze
16. Priveşte-mă

Amazon Link

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Kevin Gilbert: Facebook + YouTube [Official]'s YouTube

This Topic on Mike Portnoy's forum was posted this past week about Nick D'Virgilio's involvement in The Shaming of the True . And Gruno, a noted friend and longtime collector/helper/supporter/promoter of many things Kevin Gilbert/Kevin Gilbert-related on a few forums and email lists, chimed in.

He mentioned a few things, but one being a documentary series about Kevin, and how Kevin's estate is now cool about these being made. Not just one part or 1 doc, but as I said, A SERIES covering "eras" of Kevin's musical career.

So, this video was just shared per the FB/YouTube page (among some other live and official videos), and there is certainly a lot of footage in there I have never seen. The fact Kevin did do some filming on his own, has me awfully curious about what may come with these i.e. Kevin did likely shoot a good amount of home video. And along those lines, given the fact Kevin was a studio hound and would literally leave the tape (or Reel-to-Reel) recording almost all-the-time, makes me curious if there is a lot of footage of him just recording. Which I suppose will have to be edited for the documentaries, but I'm sure there could be some very cool moments or just funny or poignant quotes.

I guess we'll see. These documentaries may not necessarily come out rapidly though, as I'm sure Gruno has other things he needs to do with his time as well. In other words, I would not expect to see some of them for a few years. But he mentioned perhaps the 1st one may come by the end of this year.

In the mean time, this new official page on FB and YouTube may provide more goodies or just info about things related to Kevin. Namely any new music the estate may release as well of course (which usually shows up on the official website, but having it on Social Media also should help).

Friday, May 16, 2014

Vinyl videos?

Per my FB:

I know it seems like it's becoming cliche, but who doesn't want to share their favorite "stuff"? YouTube + Vinyl coming soon?

I just spent a fair amount of time putting away/organizing a lot of vinyl, yet I still probably have a few hours more worth of work to finish. In the process, it reminded me I would be up for making some videos showing some of them (namely the rare or cool looking ones). Hopefully sooner than later...

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

sElf - Stranger Than Strange [Single] (2014)

Great tune, and great to hear a NEW track from Matt aka sElf finally. It's part of a new benefit compilation titled Songs for Blake: Embracing Autism.

Which is available to stream/download HERE

Songs for Blake - Embracing Autism cover art

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A T-Shirt and Message for people going to First Avenue + other venues..

It's not only at First Avenue's Main Room, The Cabooze is definitely another place that comes to mind. The Dakota Jazz Club and even the last show I saw at The Artists Quarter, but recently, First Avenue's Mainroom and the 7th Street Entry seem to attract the most guilty (let's be honest, mindless hipsters who are often just there to "be there" and not for the music itself).

But this t-shirt pretty much says what I'd love to remind those tactless people.

Facebook Link

Also see the line in Devin Townsend's "Earth Day"
"Listen to me! Just shut the fuck up!" 

The Psychics: Experimental/Prog band from Winnipeg

5/6/14 1:18PM- 5/11/14 7:53AM

Trying to listen now, but unfortunately in replacing my modem yesterday (the desktop connection wasn't working), the new modem I received from XFinity appears to be having just as many if not more problems. I.e. this morning I'm unable to stream this track well  (or even check my email),.

But it is a 12+ minute jam of sorts. Sounds like some flute, percussion and textures emphasized. Hopefully when I'm able to finally listen to it without help from this brand new disfunctional broadband modem, I'll post more about it.

Interesting to note: This is the 2nd single from their upcoming record "You Don't Have To Be Afraid."

coming soon!

new single coming "Gondor Primulon" soon. Lord of the Rings influence?

4/25/14 12:19PM

I met 2 of the members of this Winnipeg band at the Warpaint concert at First Ave like a month ago, I've been meaning to share something about them, but haven't gotten around to it until now.

They have a debut LP or EP? coming, likely this Summer. Stylstically, they sort of fall under the psych/humor poppy prog. I dunno. I have only heard a few clips, but I like what I hear.

I thought they had a bandcamp page with 1 track, but I'm failing to find it at the moment. I'll be sure to edit in if/when I find it.
edit: "Water & Astrobiology"

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Tiny Giant: New band feat. Chloe Alper (ex-Pure Reason Revolution)

Per altprogcore's post

This is a new project/band from Chloe Alper (ex-Pure Reason Revolution). You can stream their 1st song "Heavy Love" on their website linked above.

Not bad. Probably more *rock* like than the music I wondered if she was going toward with her solo music. Which with this new band with Mat Collis, I wonder how much this will impact said solo career. She has posted the last few years about a solo album coming under the name "Chloe." So, perhaps she will be doing both? or will that solo music not be coming so soon now?

Mat Collis, apparently is an engineer and perhaps a drummer among other things. It appears he's worked with Steven Wilson, Katatonia among his experience, as an engineer and drum, keyboard and guitar tech.

But Tiny Giant has an EP expected next winter per their website.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Rush Docs: The Rise of the Kings (1968-1981) + others

I've seen a few Rush documentaries, including of course the Sam Dunn one, Beyond the Lighted Stage and the one that was included on the Rush in Rio DVD.

This new one The Rise of the Kings, that I guess came out back in March in the UK and just a week or 2 ago in the US, appears to focus on the early period of Rush up through what some consider the end of their harder and progressive period.

It's available per HERE

In looking at the linked videos, I noticed these other 2 docs. "The Story So Far" shows a lot of older clips and interviews, plus has an extensive interview with Alex and Geddy from 2002.

The Story of Rush is a radio special that was captured by a guy from Detroit, MI. It aired on radio stations shortly after the release Exit Stage Left, which it sounds like it may have been done also to promote that new at-the-time live record.

Also it's probably worth noting, the 1st/Self-Titled Rush record from 1974 was just released as a deluxe packaged Vinyl Boxed Set titled Rush ReDISCovered .HERE

Oddly enough, in my vinyl collecting over the last few years, 1 of the few Rush titles I have yet to find/pickup is the Self-Titled debut LP. But, $43? I guess I may wait a bit for it; as I probably would go for finding just a decent condition 1st or 2nd pressing for a bit less instead. But who knows if/when that will happen, so that still is something I'll have to keep in mind. I would sooner go for finding an affordable priced copy of Presto, which is 1 of the others I'm still looking for on vinyl.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Agalloch - The Serpent & the Sphere (2014)

5/5/14 7:30AM

Stream per NPR

Again, pretty head-scratching why National Public Radio ends up with an exclusive stream. I suppose I'd rather see them have it instead of likes of the hipster-taste makers like P4K get it, but still the very idea just seems silly and out of place. Maybe they'll also get an exclusive stream when the new Ne Obvliscaris comes out later this year? lol.

3/18/14 5:07PM-3/19/14 11:50AM

US Release May 13th.


AGALLOCH - Celestial Effigy

01. "Birth And Death Of The Pillars Of Creation"
02. "(Serpens Caput)"
03. "The Astral Dialogue"
04. "Dark Matter Gods"
05. "Celestial Effigy"
06. "Cor Serpentis (The Sphere)"
07. "Vales Beyond Dimension"
08. "Plateau Of The Ages"
09. "(Serpens Cauda)"

New track "Celestial Effigy."...digging the last couple of minutes namely. Kind of par for the course for these guys sans the lack of samples.

Sorry P4K, lol.

1/31/14 2:05PM
more to put in later perhaps, but this should be pretty sweet. Samples included hopefully.

...and for the Europeans...
We are very proud and honored to announce that AGALLOCH will be working with us as the European partner for their new album. 
Their highly anticipated fifth full-length album "The Serpent & The Sphere" will be released on May 16th (Germany) and May 19th (Europe) via Eisenwald. 

Profound Lore Records will handle the North American release, which is set for May 13th.

Photo by Veleda Thorsson.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sir Video - TBA (2014)

Excellent new vocoder-driven track!

Sir Video have posted about finishing up the MIXING of their new album recently on Facebook, and finally the other day this was posted. I also love the fact they mention Tom Brislin is involved, yes the same Tom Brislin who played with Yes and more recently being a member of Renaissance.

But of course I know Tom also has his own band named Spiraling who just checking, have 9 records of ORIGINAL music (3 live, 6 studio it appears), and their style of music is maybe closer to Sir Video or Timmy Sean's music, than say Yes or Renaissance.

How Timmy knows Tom Brislin is a little unclear. Tom is from New Jersey, Timmy if I'm not mistaken has always hailed from the Southern California/LA area. Maybe at CalProg they met? (Spiraling despite not being prog really, played that festival 1 year and maybe Timmy attended?), or maybe Timmy spent time in NJ or Tom in LA?'s a bit curious anyway, how they'd know eachother.

But as far as this album, it drops in July according to Sir Video's facebook, and the 3 singles from last year were terrific; I would anticipate more of the same kind of quality as this new single and those 2013 ones.

Seems like an appropriate time to debut THE FIRST FINAL MIX FROM OUR UPCOMING DEBUT RELEASE COMING IN JULY. Without further ado, here is "She's A Killer" (featuring our old pal Tom Brislin on talkbox synth and produced by Kenny Gioia)! Please share if you like it :-