As I posted the other day, they're going on tour with Gojira in the States..but this news means after that, they are basically done. That totally sucks. I need to try and see them now.
Lazarus Bird is such a great album. I suppose they could be going out on a high-note at least fwiw.

myspace blog
US tour....and Farewell.
Current mood: melancholy
We are glad to announce that Burst will embark on our first US tour immediately following our appearance at the intriguing Planet Caravan festival in Asheton, NC on september 19. The tour will go through to October 10.
Half the tour Burst and opener Zoroaster will be gigging with the draconian French metal philosophers Gojira on their Metallica off-dates, half the tour we’ll do our own shows with Zoroaster.
See all the dates HERE (a few extra dates TBA soon).
At the same time, we’d like to announce that our first US tour will also be our last.
Following a band meeting at the end of June, we have decided that it is time to let Burst sleep.
We will honor our commitments, play the planned No Budget fest in Larissa, Greece as well as the US tour, and a possible best-of show in Sweden in late fall. But after that and for the foreseeable future, Burst will lay down its arms. Whether it is definite or indefinite, we can’t say. Thus, in accordance with modern internet heavy metal news site lingo, we’ll call it an “indefinite hiatus”.
Burst have made music in this constellation for over ten years now, and while our creative urges remain intact, the energy and motivation it takes to be in a band that continues to grow and gets a lot of touring offers has slowly but continuously weakened over the last years. Why? Who knows.
There are a million and one reasons why we haven't been able to reignite ourselves following the release of Lazarus Bird. We were so proud of that album, and we should have had all the power in the world within us. But something’s been missing. For a while now our band has been shaky, unmotivated and prone to a lot of internal discussions, and all that has sucked the energy out of us. That’s not how it should be.
[b]We guess the most significant reasons are that we have different views on what our band should be about, how much effort we are able and willing to put into it, as well as individual band members’ wish to prioritize other things in their respective lives. [/b]
We are too proud of our band and our music to let it slowly wither or perhaps explode in a flurry of intra-band conflict. So, we’ll end it now amicably and avoid what could possibly turn into a less friendly split. We might have separate views and wills, but there is no animosity between us now.
When you think about it, being in a rock band is a fucked up social experiment: five different persons are to agree on something as individual as creative visions AND have the personal chemistry to be able to spend a disproportionate amount of time together on tour buses and cramped backstage rooms. There are a lot of nasty smells to be digested, a lot of insane behavior to be handled, a lot of mundane issues to be solved.
Burst is a shining example of this: being in this band is like being in a dysfunctional but loving family. There is a lot of love, and there are no huge egos - but there are a lot of strong opinions and disparate personalities that sometimes make it difficult to agree on where we are going. Burst has been the most important mission in our lives, but we have come to a point where we need to stop kicking the old, tired body.
Kind of sad though. Burst has been central for us all for so long. But hell, there is a point in itself to drastically change the components of your life now and then, isn’t it? You might lose stuff that’s important to you, but you probably gain something new. If you never change, if you never risk anything, you don’t fucking live. Who knows, maybe we'll get together in a couple of years and make a new album. Given how we thrive when making music, the embers might start glowing again some time.
With that said, we are super excited to play in Greece and FINALLY go to the US! We’d like to ask all fans to take this last opportunity to see Burst live - expect a band and a show in full power.
Who dares, wins.
Harmony for all.
Robert, Linus, Patrik, Jonas, Jesper

bad luck? conspiracy? Murphy's Law? Karma? I dunno wtf is the deal with my misfortune even tho these are just trivial things like music. The only superstitious angle I can surmise would be with this year, 2009. For just a brief period, things seemed to be really great. Around late Feb/early March. I got the Soundscape album, something I'd dreamed of for many years. Transatlantic was going make a new album. Pain of Salvation was finally going to tour here. I met someone I really liked. maudlin of the Well. Andre Matos was playing PPUSA A few months later Kiss Kiss got announced.
Even Kevin Gilbert's music I thought had the chance of coming out.
Maybe it's all just circumstance and pure coincidence. A band breaking up or going on *indefinite hiatus*'s not like this is the 1st time, even this year for this.
But what hurts about this is, it's Burst, not another lesser interest band I'm into. After discovering Between the Buried and Me in 2007, I have found a lot of bands in the so-called extreme styles of Metal, experimental Metal. But still, within those, their are a few standouts. And with "Lazarus Bird" last year, I saw Burst as 1 of the best; or at least my favorites. Certainly that album is. "Origo" their previous disc I enjoyed before that, but after getting into LB, I got a little more into it and the band as well.
And I've been pining for them to tour the States for nearly a year.
Well they are, but it's likely the only least for many years if ever.
Perhaps they'll become more popular now, lol. It seems to happen. Breaking-up and deaths always increase interest in a band. Look at SiKth. I'll admit, I got into them after they announced they were breaking up. Part of that was timing, but no question when I read about them, I immediately wanted to listen to them more often. Kaddisfly (in a way), The Receiving End of Sirens. Godspeed You Black Emperor. Jeff Buckley. Kevin Gilbert (well he still needs a ton more due, but that's for an entirely differeng blog entry I suppose). Just go down the fucking list.
But in this case, I already loved this band. I suppose if the discussion about LB jumps up, or even Origo, as a result, going out with a bang and finally seeing more interest will be a consolation. If that happens, if and whenever they return, hopefully a lot of those people will remember them. I wouldn't count on a reunion though, based on that blog. But music from the members in other groups or solo stuff, etc..I suppose is the ole hope down the road at least. Maybe it's taught those guys that could be the best way to go. 1 big advantage of being a solo artist. I totally can see that. A bit like being single instead of in a relationship, lol. I know about that of course, lol.
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