a band I discovered in the last couple of months who is really fucking good. Having found another perhaps today in "BrainFreeze" (more on them soon) I was inspired to listen to the Snowmen again along with their latest newsletter.
Yo homiez,
Snowman 3 & 5 have worked very hard this month getting our website up and it lookz goood! You'll find all our little animations to be adventurous.
The site includes flyers to our upcoming shows....
Including our FREE show Tomorrow @ TRiP!!
Jul 29 2009 10:00P
TRiP Santa Monica, California
Jul 31 2009 10:00P
the Guitar Merchant Canoga Park, California
Sep 16 2009 8:00P
Season Ticket Simi Valley, California
Sep 24 2009 9:00P
Paladino’s Tarzana, California
You can see it all on a map... http://gruvr.com/band/100ftsnowman/
Our website holds all our updated LIVE performances as well as our nonchalant photos. O, and don't forget to check out the 100ft Lyrics! Pheona is my Favorite.
If you somehow missed the updated. We were featured on Keyboard magazine's July '09 issue for "best unsigned band of the month." This is a milestone and great press. There is a link... http://www.keyboardmag.com/article/unsigned-artist-month/jul-09/97871. We were compared to Led Zeppelin, Collective Soul, Chris Isaak, and Incubus!
We will have limited edition, 'Devo-Crew', 100ftsnowman T-Shirts Available this week! They look cool regardless if someone didn't know who we were. Buy one or they'll be gone and then you won't be able to anymore.
We are always adding updates on Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace. so you're missing out if you're not following us or if you're not our fans.
We, currently, are working with Producer/Mixer Gary Lux. As soon as snowman 1 gets the score ready, we start working ASAP. We are going to work on Three Songs first and see how it runs. As we, Snowmen, know thus far, Songs You're You, Origin, and Fire are going to be reproduced and recorded professionally. No paper work has been signed yet so we'll update you with that information. I believe that to be very important to the fans and to us so i think you guys should know...
It's all very excited but we're not throwing our hats in the air yet.
August is going to be the biggest break thus far. No shows are booked for most of August and Snowman 1 is hittin the Boston to D.C. artery and Snowman 5 is honeymooning. But we are going to practice as much as we can and start the pre-production.
I hope you all had a good July and we wish for you a better August. Don't lay your goals down. WORK HARD. Hard work brings you what you want out of life.
Peace & Love,
- Snowmen
Good to see some activity from them and the fact at least 1 publication has recognized their talent like myself. Cavil at Rest/Local Natives, 100Ft Snowmen, and now BrainFreeze

BrainFreeze is a dutch band whose music, really doesn't sound all that European. Their debut album "Focus" was made available to download totally free from their website back in February. It was in the top 10 on What.cd the other day and described as among other styles, "psychedelic," so it got me curious.
Not blown away or anything, but for an unknown band, there was something impressive about the production, and maturity. Energetic, bluesy-at-times, psychedelic FUNK. The bass player has some tasteful lines that won me over. The last three cuts especially, on 1st impression.
Given it's a complementary album, and hardly repulsive, plus apparently well enough received on 1 community, I don't see why more people wouldn't check this band and their debut album "Focus" out. Hopefully more will.
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