I guess it came out for the Oscars, originally late last year, but didn't receive any nominations. The dialogue looks funny anyway.
Time of Orchids I don't have time to explain my whole memory of this band, but in short, I am checking them out today, and I like a lot of what I have heard thus far. 2007's "Namesake Caution" is rather close to between maudlin of the Well and Kayo Dot. Not a perfect record at this point, and to say that Toby Driver does this style better with motW, would be accurate. But I may be in for a treat discovering them and their catalog. Sadly, they are done now. But that of course never means one can't listen to their music for the 1st, 5th, or 500th time.
And maudlin of the Well, listening to ToO's music put me in the mood for some motW. I think they are truly this decade's Jellyfish or perhaps on a higher level than Clann Zu in brilliant-ahead-of-their-time in a short window; where they are sadly appreciated years after when they were around. Every time I listen to them, I think I love them more.
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