Monday, June 30, 2014

Jimmy Gnecco/Ours - Into the Fire

From Jimmy's Facebook Page

Jimmy's homepage "News" section

What the hell. One more free song. I did this with my friend Mitchell Marlow.

Fantastic tune, but..what the hell???? I swear I went to his page a few times over the last month and saw this, and just assumed it was nothing extensive. Or I found a video of it live maybe even a year or 2 ago.

I guess regardless, what a terrific track, and it also went along with his post about being inspired by the tour with Lana Del Rey to make a new solo record. And just today an email was sent out about that.

Fjokra - Thoughtsteps [EP] (2014)

6/30/14 5:04PM

Here's a new video for "Get Amongst It" dark, deranged, sinister, psychotic video, much like the song. Although like many of Fjokra's songs, it's grown on me, even with its heavy industrial sound to it.

I seriously can't get enough of this guy right now. I hope there's more music soon from him as this EP is just the tip of the iceberg of potential this guy/band seem to have coming soon.

6/10/14 6:10AM

It went on sale yesterday. Digging it for the most part. The bonus tracks I hear a fair amount of Devin Townsend influence. I'll hopefully include more soon about this or tomorrow.

Infinite Loops still is my favorite track of 2014. It kind of hit me it reminds me a little of "Shadow Self" from Kevin Gilbert in some ways.

5/22/14 7:30PM
Amazon (DIGITAL) preorder link (with samples of of course)

1 Infinite Loops [Explicit] 4:27
2 Love, Thrust, Burn 5:36
3 Slyrex 7:22
4 Get Amongst It [Explicit] 3:46
5 The Old Time Nook 3:42

Bonus tracks:

06 Psycho for the Sake of It
07 Spread the Sweat

interesting on the Amazon link, this link includes some mp3s to purchase from an artist named Stylus Rex that *feature* Fjokra (something I may have to check out until getting to hear this EP in a few weeks).

The track list and samples confirmed that a few of the songs on this EP were previously stream-able online and on the Psycho EP from 2011, specifically "Slyrex" and "Old Time Nook."

The sample of "Love, Thrust, Burn" almost sounds like sElf, which isn't all that surprising.

Also this was shared like a month ago, but it's worth sharing anyway. Acoustic version of Infinite Loops:

4/25/14 9:04PM

This song is awesome (as I posted about the day it was put online). if  the rest of this Thoughtsteps EP is anything close to as good as "Infinite Loops" this could be one of the greatest EPs this decade.

Now, I can't help but wonder about a FULL LENGTH still, but I suppose it's all in due time. Then again, the way of the EP and single seems to becoming more popular from economic and time standpoint. Fjokra seems to be as focused on making videos, remixes, covers and playing live festivals it seems, as much as recording new original music. But. in due time I suppose. I still am extremely jazzed about this EP coming on June 9th.

Some nice quotes about them in this story below.

Versatile Irish songwriter looks to build on a growing reputation with brand new release

Influenced by a list of genres and artists taking in classical, metal, funk, jazz and more, Fjokra is an artist who is nigh on impossible to pigeonhole.

Born in Dublin and now living in London, he is a multi-instrumentalist whose music takes in so many different ideas and angles that to tie him down to one genre or style is a fool’s errand – just as it seems you have his sound sussed, a new idea will come and slap you in the face. And that’s just the way Fjokra likes it.

You can see the video for EP track ‘Infinite Loops’ here:

‘Thoughtsteps’ is an EP that tantalises and astounds. With the album name, artwork and musical content designed to demonstrate alternative, free and independent forms of thinking, the varied style is all tied together by the consistent high quality of the recordings. Even more impressively, the EP is primarily self-produced but for one track from producer Donald Clark (Guns ‘n’ Roses, Muse).

It’s little wonder that Fjokra counts Mick Jones (The Clash), Duran Duran, and Beardyman amongst his fans – and this range of musicians gives you a glimpse into the wide audience demographics the music is connecting with. Peanut Baines of the Kaiser Chiefs put it his own way, labelling Fjokra ‘sex music for metallers’.

With a fan base that is widening thanks to a unique live show (performed with his eponymous band), Fjokra has already graced the stage at Beach Break Festival and Liverpool Sound City. They also performed at a very special concert which saw Tyondai Braxton (of Battles) premiere his new orchestral piece ‘Central Market’ – a truly inspiring experience for the band. And now, with ‘Thoughtsteps’ only a few weeks away and a slot at the Isle of Wight Festival this summer, he is using that inspiration to fuel his forward momentum.

And if you’re still not convinced that this is an artist with a unique approach, then perhaps his unusual approach to promoting the EP will help. In addition to releasing the songs and music videos, Fjokra has also recorded for each track a cookery show, punning on the song titles from the EP. Due to be posted on YouTube and shortly after the songs themselves are released, the tasty teasers will make this EP a truly multi-sensory experience.

Also, keep your eyes peeled for acoustic versions of the EP tracks, recorded in a guitar shop and due on the Fjokra YouTube channel soon.

‘Thoughtsteps’ will be available from June 9th.

Links: Instagram: fjokra

Friday, June 27, 2014

RisingSide: Great new Prog band from Minnesota!

About RisingSide:
RisingSide is a unique four piece progressive rock band based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Their music is epic, hard rocking, soulful, complex, heavy, and storytelling. The members of RisingSide are also proactive with other professional and educational activity in the music community.

I was told about this band last week at the Agalloch concert in Minneapolis. Being that they are a progressive rock band from Minnesota, I'm actually not certain I hadn't heard of them. But regardless, I finally checked them out this week and am certainly glad I did.

They have a debut album Arrow: The Onus Key which came out in 2013 I thought I saw. I've listened to it twice and am already rather impressed. Enough so, I probably can say this is the best new band I've discovered from my hometown in at least a few years (Brice Plays Drums?).

Their music: I would describe it as sort of 90's-sounding prog metal/heavy prog rock. Mainly the guitars/guitar textures. But that isn't saying the sound/mix/production etc is bad or something I wish were better. They have a female singer named Katie who really does use a lot of emotion and keeps me paying attention to her voice throughout.

My early favorites have got to be "A Spell"..which almost sounds like a Saigon Kick song ("Spanish Rain"?) at 1st, and ends up being very melodic. "The Tentran Beast," "Admonition of Eld," "Inciting Incident"..the Hourglass suite that closes the record, etc. It's really an enjoyable record start to finish.

I guess to label them, I might say they are sort of heavy progressive rock with an emphasis on the melodic and textures more than actual complexity. A bit like The Gathering or Pink Floyd in some ways. Or I even hear some similarities to the band Three at points.

The first full-album release for RisingSide. "Arrow: The Onus Key" includes the first half of the "Arrow" story arch - an intergalactic tale of two alien races fighting for the fate of their world...and ours.

It also includes "The Telling of the Tower: Hourglass" - the second part of the time travel, epic love story of an immortal being from another plane of existence and a reincarnated samurai.

1 Inciting Incident
2 Save Her
3 The Tentran Beast
4 Chase
5 A Spell
6 Admonition of Eld
7 Volition - The Telling of the Tower: Hourglass
8 Seeking Avalon - The Telling of the Tower: Hourglass

They also have released an EP from a few years ago, The Telling of the Tower , which I suppose you could say which is a free download on the exact link below. 2 tracks, about 10 minutes. Both are as good if not even more polished than much of the Arrow: The Onus Key material.

 And as this blurb says, it is the 1st part of a 2-part concept/story, etc. Part Two being the last 2 tracks at the end of Arrow: The Onus Key

"The Telling of the Tower" is part one of a two part rock narrative. It follows the epic love story of an angelic alien and a samurai living in feudal Japan. Their violent romance takes them staggering through war, time, and space in a story of hope and tragedy. When the tower of your love collapses, what is there left to accomplish? What is there left to live for, but vengeance?

1. The Challenge
2. Feathers and Embers

I guess time will tell, but hopefully this band and the musicians in it will have a bright future. It's great to find another new local prog band, that their potential seems to hold a lot of optimism, at least from my impressions.

Hopefully I'll manage to catch them live sometime soon as well.

Random Track Sharing: The Dear Hunter - Camera

An unreleased of sorts demo, this song is tremendous. It was on the Ms.Leading demo which includes a number of pre-Act II finished demos in-effect.

I heard this along with the whole Ms.Leading demo around the time I got into The Dear Hunter in late 2006. And among the many impressive tracks on that demo, this has always stood to me and many others as the standout track. Or at least the song I and many fans would love to have Casey release (and maybe re-record) on a new record, and maybe mostly, play live.

This was on my mind today as on the fans forum, another collection of demos, a bit more raw, and many that did not make it onto Ms.Leading, were shared recently. There is an earlier version of "Camera" on there, that after hearing today, it made me remember how much I love this song. The melody, the soothing, dreamy flow to it. The little bah bah, bah bah bah bah-bah-bah-bah-bah, sort of in a 60's pop way (The Beach Boys), which is present on many of Casey's songs.

I wonder if Casey would consider at least playing this track live sometime, as time goes by, it seems like it may become like Dream Theater's "Space Dye-Vest" (or "Raise the Knife"..and now in some ways, "Don't Look Past Me"), where it's that song that he never wants to play, but the fans keep asking for it, it may just happen eventually.

Then again, Marillion fans want "Grendel" and very likely never will get Hogarth to sing that live, even at a fan convention. So, who knows. But Camera is such a great piece, it probably could be even better live.

Monday, June 23, 2014 Top 10 Dream Theater songs (with Honorable Mentions)

Again, another one of's top 10 lists from a band I am a fan of. And again, I'm posting this late at night and will post 10 of my favorites without blurbs, because of that whole extensive time factor when writing up blurbs (and that many of them).

The list that the users voted for on their site, while isn't bad, is still not exactly what many of the longtime fans likely would vote for ("The Dark Eternal Night" as an HM?..ewww-kay, lol).

Also a note, the woman that narrates these videos has interviewed John Petrucci twice over the last few years if you do a search on YouTube.

If I were voting/found a way to vote/remembered to go over to the site and try again to vote, etc. These likely would be among mine.

A Change of Seasons
Learning to Live
Raise the Knife
Finally Free
Blind Faith
Lines in the Sand
Space Dye-Vest
The Count of Tuscany
Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence

I know, 6DOIT is 8 individual songs, etc, but at the same time it's a suite, that I enjoy altogether anyway.

I wonder what other Top 10's they may do for bands I like. The likes of Muse, Coheed or The Mars Volta (or more likely, bands like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Queen, Genesis and Yes), but I suppose I could just start posting top 10's of my own just for the hell of it, without much if any blurbing. I think I mentioned doing something like that less than a year ago, so perhaps that could finally happen to some degree.

Friday, June 20, 2014

11/1/13 - 6/20/14 (Albums Countdown/List SO FAR)

Haven't heard/heard enough to really rank/mix in.
Wolfmother - New Crown
Bigelf - Into the Maelstrom
Being - Anthropocene


Pharrell Williams - G I R L
St.Vincent - St.Vincent
Transatlantic - Kaleidoscope
Crippled Black Phoenix - White Light Generator
Warpaint - Warpaint
Hannes Grossman - The Radial Covenant
Fire Garden - Sound of Majestic Colors
Destrage - Are You Kidding Me? No
Bed of Stars - Tell Me If It's True [EP]
Mastodon - Once More Around the Sun
The Aston Shuffle - Photographs
Pat Metheny Unity Group - Kin
Cloud Caverns - Gypsy Loft
Agalloch - The Serpent and the Sphere
Toria - Octave
Chromeo - White Women
Three - Sugarlife/You Are the Alien
The Galactic Cowboy Orchestra - Zombie Mouth
Cynic - Kindly Bent to Free Us
Moron Police - Defenders of the Small Yard
Jeremy Messersmith - Heart Murmurs
Hotel of the Laughing Tree - Mammoth Skin Pt. 2 [EP]
Casey Crescenzo - Amour and Attrition

Umphrey's McGee - Similar Skin

I'm not as blown away as I initially thought I would be, but I still am enjoying a lot of this. The heavier and proggy parts probably most. "Bridgeless" and 'Hindsight" which end the album, maybe most. The Joel-vocal songs maybe stand out most on a lot of levels. "Little Gift" being one of those. This record does continue their pattern of every-other-album being good being much better than Death By Stereo.

I guess I'll see how much better or growing it does for me, although I still have only listened to it about 3 or 4 times at this point.

Archive - Axiom

Nice,. trippy/trip-hoppy, moody soundtrack to a film of the same name. The title track has this section about 3 or 4 minutes in that is ear-wormy. This band continues to make impressive music, this album being no exception.

Genders - Get Lost

Get Lost cover art

Katherine Paul (ex-Forest Park) was how discovered this band. She is the drummer and sings some (background) I guess. I really like the blend of elements and influences from this band/on this album. Psychedelic, power-pop, dream-pop, etc.

Brice Plays Drums - ProgTagonist

"Sisyphus" being my favorite. The closing piece is Yes-inspired apparently, although it reminds me more of The Grateful Dead actually (not in a bad way though). I do like how they changed/did some different things with Jazz and Middle Eastern element on a song like "Alyosha" and "Ramses."

Fjokra - Thoughtsteps [EP]

"Infinite Loops" is the best song I've heard in 2014 thus far. Catchy, textured, dynamic, and lyrical. It is kind of like the sequel to Kevin Gilbert's "Shadow Self" in some ways. This EP is rather addictive though. "Love, Thrust, Burn" and "That Old Time Nook" among the other parts that I keep going back to.

Grimus - Emergence

"Satellites" is maybe my favorite track. The title track, "Morning Stars" 'Legends" "The Hell I'm In" "Weird Disco" "Peregrine" ..more or less the whole record. I like that they have what sounds like 2 or more lead singers, although Bogdan Mezofi, their longtime lead singer still is featured and while he does remind me of some other singers like Jimmy Gnecco of Ours, his vocal lines and the melodies still really work on their own level.

The Family Crest - Beneath the Brine

Coming a bit out of nowhere, Great chamber folk-rock of sorts with the instrumental layers, vocal harmonies and memorable sections/melodies that make this record work beginning to end. The title track is probably still my favorite.

Anathema - Distant Satellites

"Ariel" the title track, the Self-Titled track, "The Lost Song" suite, and more or less the whole record. Don't mind the synthy/pop stuff, nor even the Radiohead inspired music, mainly because Vince is singing and not Thom Yorke.

Bend Sinister - Animals

Another great record from these guys. "The Best of You" is wonderful. The sad synths in "It Will Never End" always get me, like I don't want the album to ever end, lol.

EDIT: A 20 minute video may be put in here sometime soon as I made it last night, but don't have the time right now to edit/upload it yet.

Brice Plays Drums - ProgTagonist (2014)

6/20/14 9:00AM

The whole thing has been up for awhile on their bandcamp. I never got around to looking/grabbing the embed. But anyway, there it is. Of course it can be downloaded and I wouldn't be surprised if the CD can be purchased from the band as I have about 4 copies still from the release.

How is it? I like it, but not as much as Man the Animal Cannon at this point. It is just outside my top 5 as I posted above. My favorite track probably still is the opening 9+ minute piece "Sisyphus."

5/17/14 1:06PM

After seeing them perform the whole thing last night, I'm finally this afternoon checking out the studio version (although so typically, I don't foresee being able to listen to the whole thing given my plans for the day revolve around the gf, but we'll see).

.I'll hopefully add more later

1. Sisyphus 9:46
2. An Onion 1:05
3. Alyosha 7:45
4. Ramses 9:36
5. Gemini 10:43
6. When Lions Meet Bears 5:45

4/25/14 12:15AM

Track One! "Sisyphus" Some tasty work on here having just streamed it a couple of times already. this piece isn't a dramatic departure from the Man the Animal Cannon work, but that material is so good, I can't find any reason to not dig this as much. I guess some of this 9+ minute piece is a little more subdued or even more refined sonically. The dynamics and shifts in tempos come certainly, but they aren't as extensive or for as long.

The inspiration seems like it may be from literature, with a title like "Sisyphus."

I would guess the cover art is the image being used below/on their Soundcloud page/Facebook show poster.

Anyway, I may be streaming this a few more times until hearing this record (I generally don't like to *wear out* a song or 2 before hearing it within the whole album), but not too much given this record is coming in just a few weeks.on May 16th, which is the same date of an album release show at Whiskey Junction. Sadly, it will also be keyboardist Bobby Homan's final show with the band. I have no idea what they will do onward, being keyboardist-less? or find someone new? their history almost parallels Genesis a little bit.

I also thought it might be worth sharing the write-up on their Soundcloud:

Brice Plays Drums is a progressive rock project from Minnesota. Since its inception in 2007, the group has diversified and evolved its music, broadening its influences while honing and clarifying their respective skills. Like contemporary progressive groups such as Steve Wilson, The Mars Volta and Between the Buried and Me, they strive to fill the void left by greats such as Yes, King Crimson, Frank Zappa, and Gentle Giant,, thus restoring musicality into the rock genre. A clever and ever varying mix consisting of rock, jazz fusion, Latin, and funk, Brice Plays Drums has pushed the boundaries few bands today dare to tread near. In this vein, they continue to seek the answer to the ultimate question: What the shit is Progressive Rock?

2/19/14 6:30PM
FYI, release date is May 16th.

1/29/14 9:15PM

It's about time we give our Facebook people an update. We are getting our new album, ProgTagonist, mastered so keep an eye out for a cd release show in the near future. Looking forward to showing off this album. Also, we are pleased to announce Andrew McManimon as the newest member of BPD. We will be doing some live gigs soon for all you prog savvy sexy people. Can't wait to debut some tunes.

I Laugh at Your Greener Pastures: Great debut
Man the Animal Cannon: Incredible follow up, and one of the best records this decade,
ProgTagonist: ?

I dig the title, sort of overt, or almost tongue-in-cheek in some way perhaps. It sounds like it may be released in February or March.

Love. this. band.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Top 10 Rush Songs (voted by users there)

Not that the lists mean all that much to me beyond mild curiosity at best, but among the recent Music lists they've posted, this is finally one from a band I actually do like.

But I and I would hope others who do watch these should keep in mind, they are lists (including the Honorable Mentions) are just based on VOTES BY USERS ON WATCHMOJO.COM, and not exactly some in-depth analysis of experts, industry people, etc.

And even registering on the site and being able to SIGN-IN and VOTE, posed challenging to me, as I tried to and failed a few times.

Anyway, in seeing this, just for non-extensive/time-consuming, I suppose I'll include a list of 10 or more of my favorites aka 10 Rush songs I would consider if not definitely include in my own personal top 10.

Cygnus X-1 Book II - Hemispheres
Natural Science
Middletown Dreams
Red Tide
The Necromancer
Cygnus X-1
The Analog Kid
The Trees
The Camera Eye

I'd love to Blurb about these songs, but time is not available for me now. Perhaps soon down the road as I'm kind of in the middle of a discussion about my gf's mother's health issues and I should head to bed anyway.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Subterranean Masquerade: Announce New Lineup

Facebook Post

Subterranean Masquerade announce new line up:

Subterranean masquerade are pleased and excited to announce Kjetil Nordhus (Green Carnation, Tristania) as the band's new singer. Kjetil is joining Paul Kuhr of Novembers Doom and These Are They, who have been with the band since the first album.

"This is a great honor for us and a massive step forward for the band" says the band mastermind and song writer Tomer Pink. "I've been a fan of Kjetil work since the early Green Carnation albums, this is a dream come true!".

"I have known about Subterranean Masquerade for years, since Green Carnation's time together with them on The End Records. They deserve a lot of respect for their releases until now, and when the opportunity came along to participate on their next album, it was certainly something that triggered me. I am very happy for this new musical challenge and I am eager to share the music with old and new fans of Subterranean Masquerade.
I have met Paul a few times on Green Carnation tours and festival, and I have been a fan of November's Doom and his vocal style for years. To be a co-singer together with Paul is also something that makes this very exciting for me." (Kjetil Nordhus)

Kjetil is joining an impressive line up including drummer
Matan Shmuely (Orphaned Land), Keyboardist Shai Yallin (Solstice Coil), guitarists Tomer Pink and Or Shalev and Bassist Golan Farhi. "This is the first time we function like a band and not just a project, everyone brings his own signature and influences and together we've created something I think is very special"

Watch out for news regarding the new album, very soon!

photo by Ami Bornstein

Not a ton to add other than the fact I do enjoy some of Green Carnation's music (like most, I find Light of Day, Day of Darkness more or less a flawless record, mainly for what it is, and the approach the band took), and to hear the drummer of Orphaned Land involved too adds something potentially.

The comeback LP for these guys I knew wasn't far away, but with this news, it adds some more intrigue certainly.

I also wonder a little bit about the potential for them to play live, tour, etc and the longer term future as this reads like the members are looking to invest more time into SM than before. Perhaps seeing them in concert in the next few years may be a possibility? I suppose look at Cynic for one, even though Cynic are American and SM are kind of spread out. Certainly November's Doom have toured, so maybe Paul Kuhr would like to try and do the same with this now regularly working? band?

Thursday, June 12, 2014

On KFAI Radio's "In Your Ear" 6/12/14

should be available (STREAM and DOWNLOAD) until June 26th until 1:59AM

The Family Crest - Beneath the Brine - Beneath the Brine - Tender Loving Empire
Anathema - Ariel - Distant Satellites - Kscope
Forest Park - Golden - Forest Park [EP] - S/R
Miracles of Modern Science - Dear Pressure - MEEMS - S/R
Queen - March of the Black Queen - Queen II - EMI
sElf - Ordinaire - Gizmodgery - Spongebath Records
Bruce Peninsula - Steamroller - A Mountain is a Mouth - Outside Music
Shadow Gallery - Floydian Memories - Room V (Special Edition) - Insideout Music
Time of Orchids - All I Ever Wish - Sarcast While - Tzadik
Time of Orchids - Whim - Sarcast While - Tzadik
Team Me - Show Me - To the Treetops - Propeller Recordings
Jazzkamikaze - Bring Back Spring - Supersonic Revolutions - SevenSeas Music
Foals - Spanish Sahara - Total Life Forever - Transgressive Records

*Shels: various clips from Plains of the Purple Buffalo

Good show. Just me. In some ways easier for me, but who knows how much that has to do with it.

The Midnight-2AM thing on a weeknight? who knows when the next time will be.

Friday, June 6, 2014

The Family Crest: wow.

I am sampling this band right now, a few hours before seeing them open for Mother Falcon at the 7th Street Entry and damn, my chamber-rock loving self, the more I hear of them, the more I enjoy. Lots of trumpet, strings, xylophone, narrative lyrics.

I guess they are a relatively new band from San Francisco who have a couple of releases under their belt. And they even covered a Hall & Oates tune, lol.

Anathema - Distant Satellites (2014)

6/5/14 12:30PM-6/6/14 5:46PM
edit: okay, checking it out again today, I'm enjoying the entire record more now. The title track is terrific and rather dreamy if still subtle. "You're Not Alone" and the Self Titled track also have some of that melancholy elements I love from these guys.

I can safely say this record is in the top albums of 2014 mix now.

Full Album Stream Link

Listened to this record a few times now. I enjoy it, especially the track "Ariel." The electronic element, which is only only 3 or maybe 4 tracks, is fine, not really something that makes the songs bad or anything.

But I can't say at this point, I am being blown away or more that compared to their last 2 LPs and even "Falling Deeper" I can't say it quite compares.

But it's early on. I think it will certainly be among the better 2014 records, but I'm not sure how much better I will see it. But who knows, some of it may grow more on me. "The Lost Song" suite, theme, etc is nice and much like the recent Anathema stuff. I'm not sure it quite as good though.

I'll likely try and make a video that includes something about this soon anyway.

oh, and HI 2355 hits in the last 5 days, LOL. At least this sucker is streaming in FULL now.

5/22/14 5:10AM

another nice piece. sorry it's a day or so late, I haven't been online much the last 24 hours.

  5/2/14 5:51PM

4/10/14 10:30PM-4/29/14 8:23PM

editNew review w/ Google Translate
it mentions Sigur Ros and some others.

Track 9 is there

Track Listing
01. THE LOST SONG part 1 5:53
02. THE LOST SONG part 2 5:47
03. DUSK (dark is descending) 5:59
04. ARIEL 6:28
05. THE LOST SONG part 3 5:21
06. ANATHEMA 6:40
08. FIRELIGHT [instrumental] 2:42

track 9?

4/9/14 12:04PM

For what it's worth: a Tracklist has already been posted on Wikipedia:

The Lost Song part 1 5:53
The Lost Song part 2 5:47
Dusk (Dark Is Descending) 5:59
Ariel 6:28
The Lost Song part 3 5:21
Anathema 6:40
You're Not Alone 3:26
Firelight 2:42
Distant Satellites 8:17
Take Shelter 6:07

3/28/14 11:56AM

June 9th. Title, artwork, Steven Wilson mixing confirmed. WHBWH I do prefer to WS a bit, so the fact Steven was involved with WHBWH might favor this one. Granted, Weather Systems is still a terrific record.

Also below is a new 24 minute interview with Danny (I haven't checked it out yet).

KScope Link


ANATHEMA return in June with distant satellites, their brand new studio album.
Due to be released on 9th June via Kscope, distant satellites is the highly anticipated follow up to 2012’s Weather Systems, recorded at Cederberg Studios in Oslo, with producer Christer-André Cederberg.
The beautifully ethereal artwork was created by Korean new media artist Sang Jun Too and based around his ‘Distant Light’ Installation
The band released a statement on their new album:
“distant satellites is the culmination of everything Anathema been working up to so far in our musical path. It contains almost every conceivable element of the heartbeat of Anathema music that it is possible to have.
There is beauty, intensity, drama, quietude, and extra musical dimensions that the band have previously only hinted at. All built on the song writing chemistry of Daniel, John and Vincent ~ and the haunting voice of Lee Douglas.
Produced and mixed once again by our very own Christer-André Cederberg (Weather Systems, Universal) and with some songs also mixed by the unassailable Steven Wilson, It’s a special and unique release for the band.
ANATHEMA hopes the fans get as much joy from listening to and feeling the music as we did in creating it.”

3/16/14 11:30AM

I just saw this on the dreamtheaterforums, and while the band have not officially announced this, given this t-shirt is for sale and the wording "Distant Satellites" is printed on the front like some of the other Anathema shirts, it wouldn't be so surprising to have that be the title and the cover art be what is on the shirt as well.

So I'm going with this at least for now. Hopefully the band and KScope will post something soon with it and more details like a track list.

Here's a new interview with Vincent Cavanagh where he talks little bit about the timing/progress of Anathema's  new record, although this interview doesn't include a lot of specifics, but the fact they are mixing this album in Chicago and there's something interesting coming with it, a documentary, etc.

British eclectic rock band Anathema have been exploring a broad range of musical horizons over the nearly 25 years of their existence and have traveled a greatly diverse stylistic journey. While they’re not heavy on a sonically superficial level as they were in their early death/doom metal days, there’s still a large section of fans of rock and metal fans that can appreciate the band’s modern-day approach towards creating and portraying their art. After completing an overwhelmingly successful and long-awaited first ever tour of the United States last fall, they have returned to these shores for another run of dates, this time as main support to Finnish goth rockers HIM. The House Of Blues Sunset Strip in West Hollywood played host to the first show of this tour on Friday March 7th, and about 30 minutes before Anathema took the stage, I sat down with vocalist/guitarist Vincent Cavanagh to discuss the tour, mixing stages of the next album, and more. Enjoy the insightful conversation below, along with live photos from the LA show.

Vincent, you were here in Los Angeles on your first ever US tour a few months ago and today you’re starting another tour. How are you doing?

Feeling good. It’s been a really strange and bizarre day in a good way, I suppose. We’re right in the middle of making our album. We’re in the mixing stage right now and this morning we were given some news that I had to basically finish one of the tracks. That’s what I’ve been doing for the best part of today. In truth, we should really be in the studio right now. But we’ve decided to come on this tour for various reasons, number one I guess was the opportunity to go out with our friends, finally in the US. Ville has asked us to come out with them to the US three times now, so it was like, if we couldn’t do it this time it would almost be rude, you know. So we didn’t want to do that, plus the fact that we have faith in our producer to finish the mixes because he’s been there since the beginning. But at the moment, today basically I’ve been working all day on the mixes. I’ve been mixing tracks and getting them ready for the final push. I have some of the session on the laptop. So, the gig today is actually secondary for me. It’s actually the easy part of the day. But if I appear to be in a somewhat contemplative mood, it’s because I’m somewhere in the middle of the album, mixing down this song, and the gig itself is going to be bizarre for that very reason. But I think it’s good. It’s almost like a distraction from my day. I can get in there and just have fun for 45 minutes.

That’s an interesting situation to be in. The gig is something you don’t even have to think about. I guess it’s almost like muscle memory.

Muscle memory. Exactly, that’s what it is. I remember even when I was 17 years old and doing gigs, I was always happy to do it and I was never nervous. The trick is to not think about it too much and don’t expect anything either. For me, it’s just getting on and letting it happen right there, not thinking about it. Be in the moment as much as you can possibly be and try to enjoy it!

You did the headline tour recently and played at the El Rey with Alcest and Mamiffer. Did you even expect to be back so soon? 

I guess not! Had things just flowed normally into the next headline tour, I guess we would have been back in amount a year, so around early next year. But this opportunity came around. We have new management and he’s working us hard. I said to him, ‘Listen, we’re in the middle of mixing, so for me it’s a compromise to break up the mix and come on tour in the middle of it.’ But he told us that we had to do it, and I didn’t really listen to him. I still didn’t want to do it. But then I listened to the producer explain how it was going to be done. We actually got a studio booked in Chicago in a couple of days, so we do the first three gigs in Los Angeles, Anaheim and San Francisco and then Danny and I fly to Chicago where we’re going to work in a studio to finish mixing and we’ve got two more dates after that to do recalls. But it’s almost done as it is anyway, so we’re pretty confident it’s going to be absolutely right. If we weren’t confident enough I don’t think we would be here but at the moment if we can do both, it’s perfect for everybody, I suppose. And it’s cool to be out with our friends. We’ve known HIM for years, they’re really, really nice guys and they treat us really well. Their crew is fantastic and they have no ego about them whatsoever. They’re just a cool rock band who’s here for the right reasons.

So you were confident of being able to do both the touring and mixing at the same time.

Well exactly, yeah. Specially having the studio booked in Chicago is going to help a lot. It’s pretty cool the way it’s going at the moment. There are some very intense things happening behind the scenes. I can’t really talk too much about it because it will all be revealed in a interview/documentary kind of thing which will be coming out on the album and we’ll explain it all on that.

You’re a support act for HIM on this tour. Do you think their crowd is already familiar with Anathema in terms of the musical style and everything, or do you have to play a show that’s very different from your headline shows in its overall vibe?

I’m not sure what it’s like in America, but in the UK we’ve played with HIM a number of times and their crowd were great to us. I mean, after all we’re a bit of a rock band ourselves, you know. We’ve been known to experiment, of course, and we’ll continue to do so. But we’ve got some rock songs too. I just think if you’ve got good tunes, you sound good and you play well, you’re going to do OK. Doesn’t matter who you’re playing for. If we were playing in front of a Slipknot audience I’m not sure that would go down too well but with HIM it’s fine.

Obviously over the years you’ve traveled quite a journey of musical styles. Where do you see it going with the next album and what path do you see it taking, moving from ‘Weather Systems’ to the next step?

It’s a very difficult thing to put into words in terms of what your music actually is. It’s becoming more diverse, I guess. The way I see it is, our music has grown from a nucleus outwards and it’s continuing to expand. It’s like its own little universe in a way. It’s just expanding in all directions and I think that’s the way it’s going to be. There are lots of things we want to do in our music that we haven’t done yet, but when we write music we don’t really think about that. It’s just a case of it coming out of us in a certain way where we just don’t have to think about it too much and we just do it naturally. It always changes, so you can be the same writer and the same person but you could write two completely different things on the same day. It all depends on what happens. And then what you choose to do for the whole band and for the whole record, you just choose the best stuff you’ve got, really. You make the best possible of collection of songs that you can do, you call it an album, give it away and then it’s not yours anymore (laughs). It’s everybody else’s, and that’s fine because that’s a part of the process. But at the moment the next album is still ours and we’re holding on to it for dear life, clutching onto it like a newborn baby and being very, very careful with it. When it’s done, it’s easy. We never really stopped creating anyway. Even when we’re in the studio doing an album, we’re still writing stuff. It kind of never stops. So in answer to your question, we don’t know where it’s going. It just happens.

Is this musical progression a reflection of your own musical tastes?

I would say it’s a reflection of us as people. But definitely, our musical tastes are very, very diverse, far more diverse than the music we put out. I listen to plenty of stuff that I would never want Anathema to sound like (laughs), but I guess it’s a reflection of who you are as an individual, how you express yourself and how you grow with your music. Every time you’ve done something it really teaches you something about yourself and how you can do things. You learn all the time about your own music. We never want to repeat ourselves, ever. So that also forces the evolution because if we do a song and it sounds like something we’ve done before, we’ll scrap it. Or if we come up with a song that sounds like it could have been written five years ago, we don’t do it. Everything we do has got to be fresh, now and new.

Finally, aside from this tour and the finishing touches on the album, what plans do you have for the rest of the year?

After this tour I’m going to be home for a couple of months and I’m looking forward to a welcome break from everything. I’ll still be busy behind the scenes of course, with interviews and things like that, but as far as actual touring goes, it’s just a couple of gigs in the summer for European festivals and then we start major touring in the autumn in the UK, then we go to the rest of Europe. Then probably early next year we’ll be back in the US. In the meantime I’m looking forward to getting home, being in my new house with my girlfriend and my cat, my new studio which I just finished, writing some more music and doing something completely different to Anathema. I’m looking forward to having my life back for a little while. I have to take those moments whenever I can because I’m a very busy person and I don’t often get a chance to live my life. So I can’t wait to do that just for a little short time.

3/1/14 10:28AM

Vague/Brief Update:

Recently, Anathema's singer/multi-instrumentalist Daniel Cavanagh announced that the band has been working on its 10th studio album, and that it is scheduled for release in May of this year.

Cavanagh stated that he was influenced by Radiohead and Atoms for Peace, and that some tracks will have a slightly more electronic feel. He also talked about a possible short acapella song. He says the next album will follow the same path than the previous two, but he stated that, on those past releases, the band has played it a bit safe, and that Anathema plans to gradually shift away from that on the next few albums.


this may be from a mailing list or something, and not that I have anything against Sputnik music, but it's a bit lazy to not at least include an actual SOURCE or link.

However, other than the May part, pretty much the other details in this post were known, at least for those who checked out That Drummer Guy's interview with Danny last September. I guess the Radiohead/Atoms for Peace and electronic influence doesn't concern me given it's not actually Thom Yorke singing, but, obviously no guarantees.

But if this record is being released in May, I would think more details will be announced pretty soon.

12/6/13 3:50AM

This is just a brief heads up about their upcoming new album, which is supposed to be coming out in the Spring or maybe Summer of 2014.

Weather Systems and We're Because We're Here were both outstanding records, so naturally there's some reasonable hope for this next record as well.

Here's a few brief clips per their Facebook.

Post by ANATHEMA - official band page.

Post by ANATHEMA - official band page.

Bed of Stars - Tell Me if it's True [EP] (2014)

The title track to this EP is pretty sweet. Really that and the remix as well. Evan Konrad's project which Daniel Victor of Neverending White Lights has continued to support and help guide, offers up another good example of his promise as one of the better young songwriters and vocalists out there right now.

I saw something either on twitter or facebook I think that mentioned that 2015 Bed of Stars is looking to release their 1st full length. But this track will have to tide us fans over for now. Really dreamy memorable stuff.

Tell Me If It's True cover art

1. Tell Me If It's True 03:31
2. The Spell 03:53
3. Cold Hands 04:21
4. Tell Me If It's True (IG88 Remix) 03:50

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Chris Letchford - Lightbox (2014)

6/4/14 9:47PM

5/28/14 12:11PM
Facebook Link

not that I'm a HUGE fan of StS or anything, but they're okay I suppose, but the fact he had 2 of the Kindo guys on this mainly intrigues me. And the fact it's supposed to be a more straight up instrumental jazz record. We'll see. 1st single next week. July 15th it drops.

Solo album is finished! The talent I had play on this record is incredible. Everyone added so many amazing elements I never thought of. Had a blast making it and cant wait to share it with the world!

The line-up:
Guitar: Chris Letchford
Bass: Evan Brewer (4 songs)
Bass: Mark Michell (6 songs)
Drums: Steven Padin (The Reign of Kindo)
Piano: Danny Pizarro (The Reign Of Kindo)(6 songs)
Piano: Steven Padin (4 songs)

"LIGHTBOX" will be out July 15th. CD/Digital

1 The Star Boys
2 Earthen
3 Sign of Four
4 Zodiac
5 Rayless
6 In Force
7 Piedra Falls
8 Pearl
9 Ghost Orchid
10 The Gentlemen

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bend Sinister - Fancy Pants [Official Video]

Official Video. Nothing surreal or even highly *fancy* (no pun intended), but a fun video I suppose, that does fit the vibe of the song. Interesting to see the chic trumpet player.

Umphrey's McGee - Similar Skin (2014)

I knew they had a new record coming relatively soon, but hadn't seen any details. But this info was shared I would guess sometime in the last few weeks, and now the whole record is available to Preorder and Stream as it drops next Tuesday June 10th (the same day as some others like Fjokra and Anathema I recall).

I'm enjoying this after hearing the 1st few tracks, probably already more than their last LP Death By Stereo. Maybe their pattern of every-other album ala Bret Saberhagen, will prove Similar Skin to be more *similar* to Mantis and Anchor Drops, the 2 records I really enjoy from these guys.

edit:  this album is excellent! Quite heavy at times, perhaps heavier than anything else they've done actually. More proof that when this band takes their time in the studio, they generally create some interesting work worth going back to often.

Link to Soundcloud Stream


Without further ado…Similar Skin pre-order details.
In order to best serve our ever dedicated core, we’re back with a pre-order aimed to please. First up, every pre-order will receive an immediate download of Similar Skin’s opening track “The Linear” to get things rolling. Furthermore, pre-order directly from our new label Nothing Too Fancy Music and you’ll be given a unique access code to unlock the bonus vault featuring exclusive audio downloads, studio videos, photos and more. Finally, you will be given the opportunity to weigh in on what song should be given future studio treatment.
There are a myriad of ways to get in on the action, so chart your own course. Whether you want digital or physical, MP3s or 24 bit ALACs, CDs or 180 gram LPs, or the hefty deluxe hard-cover edition, we’ve got you covered. Every purchase, regardless of format, gets you in on the instant grat track, bonus vault access and studio voting.
Guarantee yourself the goods at – the holy grail of outtakes, unreleased tracks, demos, alternate mixes, behind the scenes studio footage, ring tones, etc…you know the drill. Check back regularly as new content will be available from now until well beyond release date of June 10th. We guarantee you the type of unpredictable and entertaining experience you’ve come to expect from us.

In an era of singles and shuffle mode, we still relish the album as an art form and need your help to continue to support the album as a concept. The amount of time, energy and money that goes into a record is unlike anything else we do. Your support is essential to allow us to continue making albums for years to come. We are constantly angling to give you loads of free music via our podcasts, YouTube, regular giveaways, various streaming sites, etc. and will continue to do so forever. Help us help you by supporting Similar Skin on Nothing Too Fancy Music.
Pre-order begins tomorrow morning at 10am CDT
Thank You.

Umphrey’s McGee

Fine print & such: Upon purchase of any version of Similar Skin, your confirmation receipt will contain a unique code and instructions to access Your code is unique to you and can only be accessed via one IP address at a time. Voting on a future studio track will take place via the pre-order site. The band will provide a multiple choice list of tracks for you to weigh in on and the highest vote getter gets the studio full monty.

1 The Linear 3:48
2 Cut the Cable 3:54
3 Hourglass 3:24
4 No Diablo 4:13
5 Similar Skin 6:06
6 Puppet String 6:30
7 Little Gift 3:15
8 Educated Guess 5:49
9 Loose Ends 5:02
10 Hindsight 3:24
11 Brideless 9:00

Random Track Sharing: The Tea Party - Sister Awake (1995)

Not much of a blurb to include for now. But I can just say, among the many The Tea Party records I came to enjoy, approximately 10 years ago, this song from The Edges of Twilight LP remains my favorite.

For some reason The Tea Party have been on my mind of late, maybe since they have a reunion record coming soon, or whatever. I dunno. I had a dream about sharing their music for my Led Zeppelin III-loving friend John recently, so that also inspired this.