Here's a new video for "Get Amongst It" dark, deranged, sinister, psychotic video, much like the song. Although like many of Fjokra's songs, it's grown on me, even with its heavy industrial sound to it.
I seriously can't get enough of this guy right now. I hope there's more music soon from him as this EP is just the tip of the iceberg of potential this guy/band seem to have coming soon.
6/10/14 6:10AM
It went on sale yesterday. Digging it for the most part. The bonus tracks I hear a fair amount of Devin Townsend influence. I'll hopefully include more soon about this or tomorrow.
Infinite Loops still is my favorite track of 2014. It kind of hit me it reminds me a little of "Shadow Self" from Kevin Gilbert in some ways.
5/22/14 7:30PM
Amazon (DIGITAL) preorder link (with samples of of course)

1 Infinite Loops [Explicit] 4:27
2 Love, Thrust, Burn 5:36
3 Slyrex 7:22
4 Get Amongst It [Explicit] 3:46
5 The Old Time Nook 3:42
Bonus tracks:
06 Psycho for the Sake of It
07 Spread the Sweat
interesting on the Amazon link, this link includes some mp3s to purchase from an artist named Stylus Rex that *feature* Fjokra (something I may have to check out until getting to hear this EP in a few weeks).
The track list and samples confirmed that a few of the songs on this EP were previously stream-able online and on the Psycho EP from 2011, specifically "Slyrex" and "Old Time Nook."
The sample of "Love, Thrust, Burn" almost sounds like sElf, which isn't all that surprising.
Also this was shared like a month ago, but it's worth sharing anyway. Acoustic version of Infinite Loops:
4/25/14 9:04PM

This song is awesome (as I posted about the day it was put online). if the rest of this Thoughtsteps EP is anything close to as good as "Infinite Loops" this could be one of the greatest EPs this decade.
Now, I can't help but wonder about a FULL LENGTH still, but I suppose it's all in due time. Then again, the way of the EP and single seems to becoming more popular from economic and time standpoint. Fjokra seems to be as focused on making videos, remixes, covers and playing live festivals it seems, as much as recording new original music. But. in due time I suppose. I still am extremely jazzed about this EP coming on June 9th.
Some nice quotes about them in this story below.
Versatile Irish songwriter looks to build on a growing reputation with brand new release
Influenced by a list of genres and artists taking in classical, metal, funk, jazz and more, Fjokra is an artist who is nigh on impossible to pigeonhole.
Born in Dublin and now living in London, he is a multi-instrumentalist whose music takes in so many different ideas and angles that to tie him down to one genre or style is a fool’s errand – just as it seems you have his sound sussed, a new idea will come and slap you in the face. And that’s just the way Fjokra likes it.
You can see the video for EP track ‘Infinite Loops’ here:
‘Thoughtsteps’ is an EP that tantalises and astounds. With the album name, artwork and musical content designed to demonstrate alternative, free and independent forms of thinking, the varied style is all tied together by the consistent high quality of the recordings. Even more impressively, the EP is primarily self-produced but for one track from producer Donald Clark (Guns ‘n’ Roses, Muse).
It’s little wonder that Fjokra counts Mick Jones (The Clash), Duran Duran, and Beardyman amongst his fans – and this range of musicians gives you a glimpse into the wide audience demographics the music is connecting with. Peanut Baines of the Kaiser Chiefs put it his own way, labelling Fjokra ‘sex music for metallers’.
With a fan base that is widening thanks to a unique live show (performed with his eponymous band), Fjokra has already graced the stage at Beach Break Festival and Liverpool Sound City. They also performed at a very special concert which saw Tyondai Braxton (of Battles) premiere his new orchestral piece ‘Central Market’ – a truly inspiring experience for the band. And now, with ‘Thoughtsteps’ only a few weeks away and a slot at the Isle of Wight Festival this summer, he is using that inspiration to fuel his forward momentum.
And if you’re still not convinced that this is an artist with a unique approach, then perhaps his unusual approach to promoting the EP will help. In addition to releasing the songs and music videos, Fjokra has also recorded for each track a cookery show, punning on the song titles from the EP. Due to be posted on YouTube and shortly after the songs themselves are released, the tasty teasers will make this EP a truly multi-sensory experience.
Also, keep your eyes peeled for acoustic versions of the EP tracks, recorded in a guitar shop and due on the Fjokra YouTube channel soon.
‘Thoughtsteps’ will be available from June 9th.
Links: Instagram: fjokra