Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Dear Hunter - The Color Spectrum LIVE DVD

2/28/13 5:05PM

"Deny It All" featuring Andy Hull of Manchester Orchestra.

1/18/13 11:50AM

1st song/video "Home" (yeah, I was there in spirit :p)

Release Date is March 12th.

12/19/12 6:09PM

Looks rather good. Bittersuite (;)) for myself given I should have been there, but if you read back to some of the posts in this blog around March/April of this year, it's been explained why I didn't go.

This should be cool, and for some reason, remind me of the Dream Theater @ Roseland Live Scenes From New York DVD. But I am obviously a lot more excited to hear about the next record, which I guess is projected to come out sometime in March.