mp.com thread link
Top 10 CDs of 2010
(in no particular order):
1. Alpha Rev - New Morning
2. The Pineapple Thief - Someone Here Is Missing
3. Karnivool - Sound Awake
4. Periphery
5. Taylor Hawkins and the Coattail Riders - Red Light Fever
6. Shining - Blackjazz
7. Pain Of Salvation - Road Salt One
8. Slash
9. Deftones - Diamond Eyes
10. Spock's Beard - X
And of course:
--- Transatlantic - Whirld Tour 2010
--- Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare
Top 10 Films of 2010
(in no particular order):
1. Black Swan
2. The Social Network
3. Enter The Void
4. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
5. I'm Still Here
6. Get Him To The Greek
7. Paranormal Activity 2
(As always, I have a few spots still available for the late year releases that I haven't gotten to see yet)
Top 10 TV Shows of 2010
(in no particular order):
1. Lost (RIP)
2. Sons Of Anarchy
3. Breaking Bad
4. Eastbound And Down
5. Mad Men
6. Dexter
7. The Walking Dead
8. Rescue Me
9. Louie
10. Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Happy New Year everyone and looking forward to a fresh, exciting and positive 2011....
I guess it's worth passing along, even though I've posted before on his forum and/or here how his taste and mine have definitely gone in opposite directions overall, compared to 10, even 5 years ago. But, a few names on each I can claim to share. Karnivool maybe being one surprise. As I posted in that thread
it's amazing, I'd guess I saw more people check out Karnivool this year, more than any other year. Yet, in 2007 when Themata got distribution in the States, and last year when Sound Awake was originally released, I probably had to bump some topics (including other forums besides this one) 3, 4, 5 times just to get a response. Part of that could be the fact they played at SXSW and got more promotion in the US and Europe this year, and did more touring, more than any other.
I mean other than the 2 live shows I saw, I really didn't take-in much about them this year, but seemingly dozens if not 100's of people on the forums have caught on to them. It's too bad for me, as I still can't listen to Sound Awake all the way through. But 2011 there's supposed to be a new album coming, so hopefully myself and others interest will be carried over to when that record is released.
But the thing is, Mike never said A WORD about Fair to Midland that I recall. And Karnivool, outside of Australia and maybe New Zealand, are still not as big as FtM. But that's random luck I guess. The forum is probably not how Mike got introduced to Karnivool, but even if it was, he'll probably never admit to it. I just think more or less anyone whose a 'Vool fan has got to at least know/know-of Fair to Midland, if not regard them as close-to-as-good if not better.
Maybe in 2011, when the new FtM record finally comes, Mike and some others will catch-on more visibly, like the way the 'Vool did this year.
As far as the rest, namely not having a clue who this band Alpha Rev are, I'm curious about.