there are more trigger-happy asshole c's than I realized.
c: "how much have you had to drink?"
5mins later
c: "How much have you had to drink?"
a: "I've had nothing to drink. I'm sober"
c:"well your driving is horrendous. You might want to ride a bicycle"
a lot more to it, but the whole situation seemed unreal, comical, yet almost something just out of bad odds. It's hardly over though.
The 'Vool floored me pretty much live. Most of the Sound Awake songs they did really do work even better live. I suppose "New Day" still ends up dragging like the album version, but otherwise.
Simple Boy
Set Fire to the Hive
All I Know
New Day
Themata they really bring out well live. Quite epic.

My 8th concert seeing Fair to Midland in 4 years in Minnesota (and they hail from Dallas, TX, 850 miles South of St.Paul) Fair to Midland always seem to change or add new things to their shows. Sometimes subtle, sometimes just new versions or variations.
Walls of Jericho
Uh-Oh (new)
Kyla Cries Cologne
Rikki Tikki Tavi (new)
Musical Chairs (new)
1 or 2 of these 3 new songs
-A Loophole in Limbo
-Bright Bulbs and Sharp Tools
-Mines (name may have more to it)
Seafarer's Knot
Tall Tales Taste Like Sour Grapes
Dance of the Manatee
April Fools and Eggmen
also very cool to learn. Fair to Midland are I guess now able, via the record label they are still with, Serjical Strike Records, receive distribution for their new releases from Rocket Science Distribution. So that is great to know and what it also means if all goes well:
a) the band hits the studio in or around September
b) the new album is released in January or (relatively) early 2011.
i only say this with vague words because me, and most music/entertainment fans know how easily this stuff can get delayed or pushed back. But it's been so long and the band have a ton of material, I would think they want to release something pretty soon. Who knows, maybe a single or ep in November or maybe that in January and the album is in March/April/May 2011.