cover art:

hear the new song "Violet"
3/28/10 3:04PM
released on May 4th digitally. Hardcopies? tba
And I guess the digital sales via his site and bandcamp will be pay what you want. interview
You've been working on a new album. Tell me more about that and when it will be released.
Sure, it's another concept album called 'The Reluctant Graveyard' -- eleven songs about death and dying, which pretty much guarantees no one will buy it [laughs]. Seriously, I think it is my best songwriting so far. I would characterize it as being in a Beatles wrapper so to speak. Oh, and it includes an orchestra, so it's big and epic. I'll be throwing out some mix tapes at SXSW and a few songs from it will be leaking out over the next couple of months. The official release is set for May.
there's also a good interview Jeremy did at SXSW with Radio K here when you scroll about 2/3 down the page (and have to load in all the other videos unfortunately
he talks about the 60's psych/pop bigger-band influence on this new record. I am somewhat optimistic based on the way he's describing this new album. I wonder if the Sufjan comparison will even be relevant hearing it (which might be a good thing).