Tuesday, December 31, 2024

When You Feel Like Your Taste is in No Man's Land

Been feeling this way for ages, but maybe more so relatively recently.

Bands I love, champion and try to promote, just don't do much or get a comparison that doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Pepe Deluxe is a big one. I get it, they are inspired by and similar to some of these genre-blending artists that are only appealing to a certain demographic.

Mr. Bungle of course. Thrash Metal meets Ska and Pop with even some quasi-rapping? and older styles (50's/60's lounge?) and Soundtracks.

Pepe Deluxe don't fit all of that exactly, but the DJ element and quirky style just doesn't work for many including progressive rock fans. Why? well, for one, many progressive rock fans are much like pop fans, rap fans, metal fans, etc..their tastes and open-mindedness and patience isn't all that high.

They like their prog a certain way, it has to have certain things, otherwise, no thanks.

Small Leaks Sink Ships, similarly, I find them brilliant and unique sounding. Their vocals are kind of odd and quirky, but not over the top weird. And the songs have a lot to discover. But progressive rock fans, even people who enjoy "indie" etc stuff, don't find them impressive and immediately engaging.

It's like so many of these music fans have short attention spans, so even if they might like their music with time, they'll never give their music enough time to know.

I suppose I am guilty of that somewhat as time is a valued commodity, and honestly, I am much more attached to Talk Radio and podcasts/YouTube than even investing a certain number of hours with many albums I have yet to hear or hear enough times.

But it doesn't change the frustration and just apathetic feeling about others liking music I love if it's not well known enough.

Even Bend Sinister. They are hardly super niche sounding, but, they're from Canada and they channel Classic Rock too much for some people. Maybe it's just there's too many other bands and albums for them to compete with, i dunno.

I really do want to try and make those shorts with clips for Facebook and Instagram and maybe TikTok. Although I don't think TikTok has the ability to add from a music database like Instagram and Facebook does. 

I wish there was a way to access the database of song clips online. And I sadly have concluded, it's only available on a Phone of course. So, what I likely will want to do is some combination of shooting a brief clip or image of my physical copies on my Phone and then upload it via the phone. I just am skeptical if a lot of super obscure music is available on there like Distrails or Brice Plays Drums or something. Maybe a lot of them are. A lot of Kevin Gilbert's music of course is not, but Toy Matinee and Thud are at least.

But finding a long if not complete list of the database of clips Instagram and Facebook have I don't know if is available. It might be worth posing to somewhere on Reddit actually.

Because I sort of envision doing like a Short/Story of a Song of the Day or Song from an Album of the Day at least. or more ideally, 5 great songs from 2005, etc and then include a pic or video showing the 5 albums (vinyl or cds likely) and then it plays a clip from all 5 in the short. Aka a REEL of course.

Ideally, that would work, but I'm thinking more practically, it'll just have to be 1 song from 1 album or just 1 song per clip. But if it works, so be it. Beggars can't be choosers.

Afa as all the Projects..MPAR Calendars..my immediate plan is to do 2008 and then 2009, likely 2 videos for each year given the length. And then take a break. 

I will then likely go back to the CD's A-Z.

And maybe, just maybe I will also start the Movies of the Year.

The Kevin Gilbert Shaming Tracks series will be anticipated. Massive deal, but a super labor of love much like the Thud Tracks. It will all be contingent on when the Shaming Multi-Disc arrives.

Yes, 2024 AOTY video is coming, probably next week. And there's a laundry list of albums that will be MIA.

And a 2025 Preview video. Unsure if the Calendars will be done again or at least as often. Maybe just QUARTERLY + anticipation (which felt like a lot of REHASH doing this year at times)

And the thing I proposed towards the end of the Prog Corner's Sunday stream last week of a Top Albums of the 2020's So Far now that we are 5 full years-into the decade,

I'll make a video for that, and if someone else doesn't do 1, I should create a topic on the DTF and maybe Reddit for it.

I can say though, my belief for years now, 2000's > 2010's > 2020's

And there's a big gap between the 2010's and 2020's. Granted, it's only 5 years in for the 2020's and we have 5 more years left. And of course there's a lot of 2020's albums I have yet to hear, that I may in the next 5 years+ anyway. But no, as of right now for my taste, the 2020's is a big dip in depth. I'd love to be wrong or off, but the 2020's could for me, very likely be the lightest decade for favorites and great albums since the 1960's actually. But we'll see in fairness. At the end of 2029 or in 2030 2031, I may not feel that way.

The Social part of YouTube continues to kind of get to me as well (FP's). 423 Subscribers and I make those epic MPAR and AOTY videos and barely anyone watches them. They still have value to me, even just for dictation. But it goes back to is YouTube fully worth my time and effort? 

I do still want to make a MPAR doc or doc series. Voiceover and using stock footage or pics, but you know instead of having the ambition of doing 5 year periods and whatnot. I should try and just make 1 video that just scratches the surface. Maybe talk about 5 albums only. Or maybe 10.

And I sadly MUST write a script for it.

But it's something that to put on expectations from a time frame standpoint is maybe not best. It could be made in a year, it could 10 or more years. I suppose if I actually didn't need to work. You know, the day I reach retirement in 19 years or whatever, I could at that point in 2044 or whatever, give the needed time to actually be able to create 1 given my lack of work hours obligation.

That's also assuming I'm alive and not suffering physically too much to be able to.

I dunno, maybe the Calendars and like a Playlist. Then maybe Ranking Videos actually. But if I do them, I guess I would limit them to a Top 10+ HM's maybe. Maybe that'll be it and maybe I go back to just writing about MPAR instead.

That was my original plan anyway. And maybe it's just in this fucking blog. No book deal, etc. Just in here for now. I dunno.

I just feel Modern progressive Art (and Atmospheric) Rock deserves a documented story, and I'm 1 of like 3 or 4 people who could tell it. And I would like it to be done and then out there to be discovered by current and future music listeners, 20, 50 even 100+ years from now. And if I don't do it soon, it may never be done (or it'll be done by someone in a few decades who was not around when it was happening).

Also I wish I could curate my own radio station. It may seem kind of silly, but i could sort of do a fantasy/fictional Playlist. Spotify and/or YouTube I suppose. I dunno, maybe Internet Radio could be in my future at some point like my friend Rai on Wild Dogs Radio. That fantasy of a Station that throughout every week, would play songs from a different year around the clock. Every hour, a different year, the following year, etc. Hypothetical, but it would be neat.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

5-star Albums compared to RYM Average Rating

 The other day on the rateyourmusic subreddit, someone brought up how many of your "Masterpiece" albums (5-stars?) does rym have an avergae rating at 3.30 or lower? I only found 1, but actually I missed a couple. It just had me wondering what they all are rated at on rateyourmusic. Which of course is hardly the be-all-and-end-all and changes/gets updated regularly.

But it's interesting to look at.
I have approximately 58 5-star albums (a few on this list below I would lump-in together like KG's Nuts/Bolts + maudlin of the Well Bath/Leaving Your Body Map. And I really don't consider The Dear Hunter's The Color Spectrum 5-stars, but whatever, I did at 1 time anyway).
4.27 The Beatles - Abbey Road (67,987)
4.19 Pink Floyd - Animals (54.146)
4.10 The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (61,564)
4.00 Kevin Gilbert - Nuts (41)
4.00 Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick (15,463)
3.99 Genesis - Selling England by the Pound (20,229)
3.96 Genesis - Foxtrot (14,121)
3.91 Rush - Hemispheres (11,278)
3.86 Yes - Relayer (10,282)
3.86 Rush - A Farewell to Kings (10,107)
3.84 Kevin Gilbert - Bolts (39)
3.83 maudlin of the Well (5,504)
3.78 maudlin of the Well (7.048)
3.77 Queen - A Night at the Opera (21,172)
3.74 Marillion - Clutching at Straws (2,974)
3.74 John Arch - A Twist of Fate (309)
3.72 Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane (3,730)
3.71 Pain of Salvation - The Perfect Element I (3,062)
3.71 Jellyfish - Spilt Milk (2,849)
3.69 Fates Warning - A Pleasant Shade of Gray (1,552)
3.69 Between the Buried and Me - Colors (8,444)
3.67 The Dear Hunter - Act II: The Meaning of, and All Things Regarding Ms. Leading (2,056)
3.67 Marillion - Misplaced Childhood (5,146)
3.67 Call Florence Pow - These Are the Plans (39)
3.66 Return to Forever - Romantic Warrior (3,391)
3.66 Kevin Gilbert - Thud (244)
3.65 Transatlantic - Bridge Across Forever (1,395)
3.65 Marillion - Marbles (1,787)
3.65 Marillion - Brave (1,999)
3.65 Angra - Holy Land (1,752)
3.63 Dream Theater - Images and Words (13,634)
3.61 King's X - Gretchen Goes to Nebraska (1,254)
3.61 dredg - El Cielo (3,044)
3.61 Dream Theater - Awake (8,583)
3.58 Marillion - Afraid of Sunlight (1,245)
3.58 Jerry Goodman & Jan Hammer - Like Children (261)
3.56 The Dear Hunter - The Color Spectrum: The Complete Collection (1,188)
3.54 Yes - Drama (4,278)
3.53 Jethro Tull - A Passion Play (3,694)
3.53 Galactic Cowboys - Space in Your Face (247)
3.52 Ours - Distorted Lullabies (366)
3.52 Menomena - I Am the Fun Blame Monster (1,480)
3.51 The Stiletto Formal - ¡Fiesta, Fiesta, Fiesta, Fiesta! (76)
3.51 Kevin Gilbert - The Shaming of the True (341)
3.50 Coheed and Cambria - Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV: Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (4,123)
3.49 Toy Matinee - Toy Matinee (351)
3.47 The Receiving End of Sirens - Between the Heart and the Synapse (792)
3.47 Kaddisfly - Set Sail the Prairie (333)
3.46 Jack Lancaster & Robin Lumley (98)
3.42 Soundscape - Grave New World (24)
3.41 Ours - Mercy (Dancing for the Death of an Imaginary Enemy) (188)
3.40 The River Empires - The Empires (Epilogue) (171)
3.39 Small Leaks Sink Ships - Face Yourself, and Remove Your Sandals (38)
3.38 Apes & Androids - Blood Moon (127)
3.35 Pepe Deluxe - Queen of the Wave (1,264)
3.20 Bend Sinister - Stories of Brothers, Tales of Lovers (18)
3.18 Hotel of the Laughing Tree - Terror and Everything After (60)
2.88 Soundscape - Discovery (18)
I have 3x's as many 4.5-star albums on rym, which I may try doing the same.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Modern progressive Art Rock Videos, Stage 2 (year-by-year)

 MPAR History Videos Gameplan:

1990's Origin Part 1

1990's Origin Part 2


1960's Origin

1970's Origin Part 1

1970's Origin Part 2

1980's Origin Part 1

1980's Origin Part 2

Modern progressive art rock Subgenres Umbrella terms
Modern progressive art rock
art rock
art pop
art folk
art metal
alternative prog/alt-prog
indie prog (per Indie Rock/Indie Pop/Indie Folk)
college prog (per College rock)
new prog
dance punk
progressive post-hardcore
prog adjacent
prog related
crossover prog
atmospheric rock
atmospheric pop
atmospheric folk
progressive pop/prog-pop
chamber rock
chamber pop
baroque rock
baroque pop
post rock
post metal
jazzy post-rock
math rock
math metal
math pop
progressive folk
progressive r&b
progressive dream pop
progressive shoegaze
progressive power-pop
progressive psych
neo psychedelia
Psych pop
Psych folk
Psych electronic
Stoner Prog
Modern prog
Modern art rock
Modern art pop
Modern art folk
Modern conceptual rock
Modern art pop
Retro art pop

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

The Divided States of America

 It's what Trump wanted.

If I could leave the country, I would totally do it.

My best optimism is Trump's removed per the 25th Amendment, at least within the 1st 2 years of his term, if he's not before then. He could quite easily become so far gone and demented, Congress and the Senate will not have a choice.

President Vance until January 2029, doesn't sound much better, but anything would be better than Dumpy.

However, regardless at the point Dumpy is gone, the fact likely will be70+million people reside in the Divided States of America and could easily try and bring on another candidate who will do mostly the same abhorrent approach to the country. 

At least a percentage of the people who 

a) Didn't vote

b) Voted for Trump

c) Voted 3rd  Party

including those who made the Palestinian stance a priority and didn't consider how supporting Russia taking over Ukraine and potentially the rest of the Eastern Block and even more are going to very likely regret and ruin what they did here.

Their staying home, giving a Protest vote, or thinking of purely how the economy and a misguided perception of the border is going be fixed by Dumpy, is in-effect likely the be the opposite. Tariffs? yeah, we very likely will head back into a Recession if not worse. And those pea-brains who blamed the now lowering-inflation numbers on Biden..yeah yal are gonna be eating some mother-fucking-crow.

It wasn't Kamala's Bad Campaign..it was people staying home and not being impressed by her and the Misogynistic, Racist population in the DSoA couldn't vote for a Woman or a Black Woman to be president. Even if they didn't vote for Dumpy, they indirectly did in that the NUMBERS WERE NEEDED TO OUTWEIGH THE CULT.

155 Millions voted in 2020. Biden Won. The Strength in Numbers showed.

As of 8:25AM 11/6/24 139,121,153 reported Votes. With Nevada and Arizona not officially called.

41 Million Gen Z voters alone were newly elgible. 

edit: 8.9 million, so be it tho.

345,426,571 Total Population of the DSoA (Mid Summer 2024)

approximately 78.% lof the Population is 18 years or older = 269,432,725 DSoA 18 or older are conceivably eligible to vote.

269,432,725 - 139,121,153 = 130,311,572 WHO HAVE/DID NOT VOTE. Or at this point around 48.4%.

48%+ Didn't even Vote. Nearly half the eligible population. And while the 155 Million that voted in 2020 was only 60% of the approx eligible who voted, that is approximately 8% less than in 2020.

8%, while hardly a massive % of people. very easily would prove the true Will of the People. But those 130 million people who didn't even vote obviously didn't despise Dumpy enough to care. And are not happy enough with how the DSoA has recovered from COVID and what she said in her campaign.

FUCK EM ALL (this is art!)..and yet both the Divided States of America and also the Globe (Climate Change? yeah, Dumpy and his mindless administration aren't gonna help) are in-turn being Fucked over as well.

And History is going to show that. 


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Concerts Ranked By Artist/Band (Incomplete)

This is basically an (14 years later) Update of This LIST on my rateyourmusic page 

But it is a semi-accurate ranking of all the artists/bands I've seen and how many times. However the Local Names, the number is not really close to accurate (I've see Dean Magraw likely 30 or more times, and Greg Herriges maybe 20 or more alone. The Cloud Cult number is also likely off by a bit).

14 Dream Theater

13 King's X

11 The Dear Hunter

11 Fair to Midland

10 The Monkees/Micky Dolenz Celebrates The Monkees

8 dredg

8 Josh Rouse

8 Ours

8 Rush

8 The Family Crest

7 Between the Buried and Me

7 Local Natives

7 Mutemath

6 Courtney Yasmineh

6 Dean Magraw's Red Planet

6 Kansas

6 Yes

5 California Guitar Trio

5 Exit Stage Right (Rush Tribute)

5 Greg Herriges

5 Jon Anderson

5 Kimbra

5 Marillion

5 Mayer Hawthorne

5 Opeth

5 St.Vincent

5 Steve Hackett

4 Annuals

4 Brice Plays Drums

4 Bubblemath

4 Cloud Cult

4 Far From Falling

4 Lehto and Wright

4 Mew

4 Porcupine Tree

4 Ramona Falls

4 Three

4 Umphrey's McGee

3 As Tall As Lions

3 Bend Sinister

3 Between Two Skies

3 Boiled in Lead

3 Brute Heart

3 Cate Le Bon

3 Collective Unconscious

3 Deng Ol' Tri'ole

3 Fates Warning

3 Foals

3 Galactic Cowboys

3 Iced Ink

3 Jean-Luc Ponty

3 Judgement Day

3 Kaddisfly

3 Karnivool

3 King Crimson

3 Menomena

3 Michael Nesmith

3 Micky Dolenz

3 Minus the Bear

3 Nicole Atkins

3 Pain of Salvation

3 Scale the Summit

3 School of Seven Bells

3 The Mars Volta

3 The Reign of Kindo

3 The Who

3 Timbre

3 Vedera

3 Warpaint

3 XTC An All Star Tribute

3 Zappa Plays Zappa

2 Alex Lilly

2 Amanda Palmer

2 Behemoth

2 Bela Fleck and Edgar Meyer

2 Bent Knee

2 Biffy Clyro

2 Big Wreck

2 Billy Cobham

2 Brainstorm

2 Brooke Waggoner

2 Capital Cities

2 Caroline Smith

2 Chromeo

2 Coheed and Cambria

2 Cynic

2 Dakota Dave Hull

2 Debashish Bhattacharya

2 Deep Purple

2 Devin Townsend Band

2 East of the Wall

2 Edguy

2 Elgin Foster

2 Elvis Costello

2 Enslaved

2 Eric Hohn

2 Evergrey

2 Everything Everything

2 Field Report

2 Fitz and the Tantrums

2 Genders

2 Greg Howard

2 Howler

2 Into Eternity

2 Intronaut

2 Iron Thrones

2 Jimmy Gnecco

2 John Wesley

2 Kamelot

2 Katatonia

2 Laura Mackenzie

2 Lost Mind Found

2 Marc Anderson

2 Marcus Wise

2 Margot and the Nuclear So and So's

2 Media Addicts

2 Men Women and Children

2 Miracles of Modern Science

2 Nektar

2 Nick Mason's Saucerful of Secrets

2 Nomia

2 O'Brother

2 Orphaned Land

2 Other Lives

2 Ozric Tentacles

2 Paper Route

2 Pat Metheny Group

2 Periphery

2 Portugal the Man

2 Protest the Hero

2 Prudence Johnson

2 Queensryche

2 Raphael Saadiq

2 Reading Zero

2 Return to Forever

2 Rising Side

2 Robert Randolph and the Family Band

2 Russian Circles

2 RX Bandits

2 Sacred Ground (beef)

2 Savatage

2 Sleepytime Gorilla Museum

2 Soap performs Pink Floyd's Animals

2 Steven Wilson

2 Styx

2 Super Pilots

2 Thank You Scientist

2 The Apples in Stereo

2 The Australian Pink Floyd

2 The Bewitched

2 The Bird and the Bee

2 The Book of Right On

2 The Faceless

2 The Galactic Cowboy Orchestra

2 The Helio Sequence

2 The Mercury Tree

2 The Musical Box

2 The New Pornographers

2 The Polyphonic Spree

2 The Red Paintings

2 The Royal Veil

2 The Stepkids

2 The Velvet Teen

2 The Victor Wooten Band

2 Total Babe

2 Tuxedo

2 Typhoon

2 Under the Influence of Giants

2 Vasen

2 We Valedictorians

2 Whose Live Anyway

2 Wishbone Ash

2 Zero Hour

1 10 Years

1 69 Eyes

1 Aaron and the Sea

1 Active Child

1 Adagio

1 Adam Levy

1 Adrian Belew

1 Adrian Bellue

1 Aficionado

1 After Crying

1 Agalloch

1 Airlands

1 Alan Parsons Project

1 Alcest

1 Al Di Meola

1 Ali Shaheed Muhammad

1 Allegaeon

1 America

1 Amy Courts

1 Anathallo

1 Anathema

1 Andy McKee

1 Anekdoten

1 Angra

1 Animals as Leaders

1 Animosity

1 Animus (Dream Theater tribute)

1 Anthony Cox

1 Antoine Dufour

1 Anton

1 Apostle of Hustle

1 April Bauer

1 Arsis

1 Axis Mundi

1 B!

1 Bad Veins

1 Banco del Mutuo Soccorso

1 Baroness

1 Battlefields

1 Battles

1 Beat Club

1 Beledo

1 Ben Butler and Mouse Pad

1 Beneath the Massacre

1 Benjy Ferree

1 Ben Noble

1 Best Friends Forever

1 BigElf

1 Big Fresh

1 Bill Bruford's Earthworks

1 Birds of Avalon

1 Birdsongs of the Mesozoic

1 Bireli Lagrene

1 Black Belt Eagle Scout

1 Black Mountain

1 Blind Guardian

1 Blind Pilot

1 Bloc Party

1 Blondfire

1 Blood and Sun

1 Blues Traveler

1 Boogie Wonderland

1 Boston

1 Brian Just

1 Brian Wilson

1 Brian Wright

1 Bruce Springsteen performs Pete Seeger

1 Buffalo Moon

1 Café Accordion Orchestra

1 Cage

1 Cage the Elephant

1 Canadian Brass - Orchestra Hall Minneapolis, MN

1 Canon Blue - First Avenue - Minneapolis, MN

1 Caravan

1 Casanatra

1 Cataldo

1 Charlie Engen Recital

1 Cherub

1 Chick Corea

1 Chon

1 Chris Isaak

1 Chulita Vinyl Club

1 Circa Survive

1 Circus Maximus

1 Cloak Ox

1 Closure in Moscow

1 Codeseven

1 Cold Colours

1 Cory Wong

1 Cotton Jones

1 Crimson Glory Tribute

1 Cue the Doves

1 Cygnus and the Seamonsters (Rush Tribute)

1 Dalek

1 Dappled Cities

1 David Cassidy

1 David Cross and Lark's Tongue band

1 Davy Jones

1 Dawes

1 Dead Letter Circus

1 Deerhoof

1 Delta Spirit

1 Delta Sleep

1 Dethklok

1 Deus Ex Machina


1 Diablo Swing Orchestra

1 Diane Jarvis

1 Dimmu Borgir

1 Dir En Grey

1 Djam Karet

1 Do Make Say Think

1 Doves

1 Dreamscape

1 Duran Duran

1 Dysrhythmia

1 Earthrise

1 East Meets Jazz

1 Eastside

1 Echoes of Eternity

1 Echolyn

1 Editors

1 Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

1 Eight-Head

1 Eight Bells

1 Elected

1 Elvis Perkins

1 Emanuel

1 Emerson Lake and Palmer

1 Emma Pollock

1 Empires (IL)

1 Empires (MN)

1 Empress Of

1 Enchant

1 Envy on the Coast

1 Eric Clapton

1 Etheria

1 Event

1 EXTC: XTC's Terry Chambers

1 Fall From Grace

1 Faun Fables

1 Fiction Plane

1 Field Mouse

1 Figurines

1 Fishbone

1 Fool's Gold

1 Foreign Born

1 Fountains of Wayne

1 Foxy Shazam

1 Frank Boyle and His Eminent Acoustic Entourage

1 From Monuments to Masses

1 Gamma Ray

1 Gary Puckett

1 Gatherers

1 Gay Witch Abortion

1 Generationals

1 Genghis Tron

1 George Brooks Summit

1 George Duke

1 Gerard

1 Giant

1 Goblin

1 God or Julie

1 Godspeed You Black Emperor

1 Gojira

1 Gotye

1 Grand Archives

1 Grant Lee Phillips

1 Greg Laswell

1 Hall and Oates

1 Hammer of the Gods (Led Zeppelin Tribute)

1 Happy the Man

1 Harakiri

1 Hardcore Crayons

1 Hart Lieberman and Smith

1 Head Automatica

1 Heatdeath

1 Herbie Hancock

1 Hiromi's Sonic Bloom

1 Horse the Band

1 House of Fools

1 Hoven Droven

1 Hurdy Gurdy

1 Ian Anderson

1 Il Balletto Di Bronzo

1 Iluvatar

1 In the Presence of Wolves

1 Ion Vein

1 Isildurs Bane

1 Ivy Levan

1 Jag Panzer

1 Janelle Monae

1 Janet Jackson

1 Janus

1 Jason Hart

1 Jason Richardson

1 Jeff Kashiwa

1 Jenny Dalton

1 Jeremy Messersmith

1 Jerusalem and the Starbaskets

1 Jethro Tull

1 Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis

1 Job for a Cowboy

1 Joe Satriani

1 Johnna Morrow

1 John Paul Jones

1 J Roddy Watson and the Business

1 JT Bates and Jim Anton

1 Kaki King

1 Kari Tauring with Drew Miller

1 Karmic Sound System

1 Kasabian

1 Kay Kay and His Weathered Underground

1 Keeper of Kalessin

1 Kill the Vultures

1 Kyng

1 Lacuna Coil

1 Lamb Lays with Lion

1 Laminated Cat

1 Larry Coryell

1 La Torre dell'alchimista

1 Laura Stevenson

1 Laura Veirs

1 Led Zeppelin 2 (Led Zeppelin Tribute)

1 Leprous

1 Liquid Tension Experiment

1 Lisa Bouchelle

1 Little Tin Box

1 Live - Myth Maplewood, MN

1 Living Colour

1 Machinery Hill

1 Mae


1 Malajube

1 Malicious Mischief

1 Manchester Orchestra

1 Marilyn Manson

1 Marketa Irglova

1 MC Divinity

1 McKinley James

1 Meg and Dia

1 Memoryhouse

1 Meridian Incident

1 Metropolis

1 mewithoutYou

1 Michael McDonald

1 Michelle Willis

1 Middle Class Rut

1 Mindflow

1 Mindless Self Indulgence

1 Miriodor

1 Misery Signals

1 Moke

1 Morality Crisis

1 More is More

1 Mother Falcon

1 Motopony

1 Murzik

1 Muse

1 My Gold Mask

1 Mystery Palace

1 Nachito Herrara

1 Naive Thieves

1 name

1 Narrow Vines

1 Natalie Lovejoy

1 Native Construct

1 Neal Morse Band

1 Ne Obliviscaris

1 Nexus

1 Night Terrors of 1927

1 Nile Rodgers

1 Nirmala Rajesakar and Marcus Wise

1 Nonpoint

1 Nordic Nomadic

1 North Star

1 Nurses

1 Obsidian Tongue

1 Oceans

1 Odds Vs.

1 Oklahoma

1 Oliver

1 Omni

1 Onward

1 Opus Dai

1 Oregon

1 Orphan Bloom

1 Our Lady Peace

1 OvrFwrd

1 Pagan's Mind

1 Par Lindh Project

1 Particle

1 Patches

1 Paul Fonfara

1 Peregrine Perspective

1 Person to Person

1 Peter Frampton

1 Peter Gabriel

1 Peter Noone

1 Phil Collins

1 Plain Jane Automobile

1 Podunk

1 Poison Control Center

1 Poncho Sanchez 

1 Pop Evil

1 Power of Omens

1 Preoccupations

1 Primus

1 Prissy Clerks


1 Quadrant 4

1 Rachel Z

1 Radiation City

1 Radical Face

1 Randy Brecker

1 Raul Malo

1 Redemption

1 Red Pens

1 Remember Shakti

1 Renaissance

1 Resident Hero

1 Robert Fripp and the Orchestra of Crafty Guitarists

1 Robyn Hitchcock

1 Rocco of the Snow

1 Rocky Votolato

1 Roger Hodgson

1 Rogue Valley

1 Ronny Chieng

1 Rooney

1 Rosi Golan

1 Royal Hunt

1 Roy Haynes

1 Royston Langdon

1 Rush Heads

1 Ruth and Rosie

1 Sabaton

1 Salubrious Invertebrae

1 Samantha Sidley

1 Samuel Lockridge

1 Saul Williams

1 Saves the Day

1 Say Anything

1 Scott Henderson Trio

1 Scotty Horey

1 Serotone

1 SikTh

1 Silent Force

1 Single Channel Stereo

1 Sirintip

1 Skindred

1 Sloan

1 Snarky Puppy

1 Soft Machine

1 Something to Burn

1 Sons of Valory

1 Spaced Out

1 Spiral Architect

1 Spock's Beard

1 Squid

1 State 4

1 Steel Prophet

1 Steely Dan

1 Stella Roma

1 Steve Miller Band

1 Steve Sklar

1 Stevie Wonder

1 Sting

1 Stolas

1 Strange Names

1 Strange Relations

1 Sunbathe

1 Superhumanoids

1 Superior

1 Surfer Blood

1 Syd Arthur

1 Symphony X

1 System of a Down

1 Tad Morose

1 Tapping the Vein

1 Tears for Fears

1 Tei Shei

1 Tender Meat Lighted

1 Tera Melos

1 The Agonist

1 The Antlers

1 The Appleseed Cast

1 The Besnard Lakes

1 The Birthday Massacre

1 The Bob Pat Band

1 The Champions of Nothing: Kevin Gilbert Tribute

1 The Clientele

1 The Cloud Room

1 The Contortionist

1 The Darcy's

1 The Decemberists

1 The Depreciation Guild

1 The Dixie Dregs

1 The Dodos

1 The Fall of Troy

1 The Felix Culpa

1 The Flower Kings

1 The Funeral and the Twilight

1 The Gatino Quartet

1 The Great Confinement

1 The House Harkonnen

1 The Human Empire

1 The Joy Formidable

1 The Lonely Wild

1 The Loose Cannons

1 The Mavericks

1 The Midnight

1 The Moody Blues

1 The Mools

1 The Most Serene Republic

1 The New Amsterdamns

1 The Number Twelve Looks Like You

1 The Old Believers

1 The Petesons

1 The Pointer Sisters

1 The Police

1 There Are No Words

1 The Receiving End of Sirens

1 The Redwalls

1 The Ronald Reagans

1 The Safety Fire

1 The Star People

1 The Swell Season

1 The Turtles

1 The Underground Railroad 

1 The Warning

1 Thinking Plague

1 Thin Lizzy 

1 This Will Destroy You

1 Threshold

1 Throw the Fight 

1 Tim Reynolds

1 Tim Sparks

1 Torche

1 Toto

1 Transatlantic

1 Trend 86

1 Trent Romens

1 Trevor Sensor

1 Tried for Fine

1 Tub Ring

1 Tu Fawning

1 Umami

1 Umi

1 Under the Sun

1 uneXpect

1 Van Halen

1 Vektor

1 Visideon

1 Voivod

1 Vulnerata

1 Vulvox

1 Walter Martin

1 Watercolors

1 Water From Your Eyes

1 What's That? (Radiohead Tribute)

1 White Denim

1 White Williams

1 White Willow

1 Wilkinson James

1 Witchden

1 Within Reason

1 Wolfhoppers

1 Wolf Parade

1 Wuthering Heights

1 Wynton Marsalis

1 Xylouris White

1 Yo-Yo Ma

1 Young Widow

1 Z-Puppets

1 Zebulon Pike

1 Zombi

1 Zoso: Led Zeppelin Tribute

Friday, August 9, 2024

Music of the Year Radio

 Hypothetical if I could curate my own Radio Station (and I could sort per Spotify Playlists, except there's a lot of music of course not on Spotify, but YouTube might be a better option).

MUSIC OF THE YEAR Radio Schedule
Sunday Morning 6AM-Saturday Night Midnight
142 Hours approx.
6-8AM 1965
8-10AM 1966
10-Noon 1967
Noon-2PM 1968
2-4PM 1969
4-6PM 1970
6-8PM 1971
8-10PM 1972
10-Midnight 1973
6-8AM 1974
8-10AM 1975
10-Noon 1976
Noon-2PM 1977
2-4PM 1978
4-6PM 1979
6-8PM 1980
8-10PM 1981
10-Midnight 1982
6-8AM 1983
8-10AM 1984
10-Noon 1985
Noon-2PM 1986
2-4PM 1987
4-6PM 1988
6-8PM 1989
8-10PM 1990
10-Midnight 1991
6-8AM 1992
8-10AM 1993
10-Noon 1994
Noon-2PM 1995
2-4PM 1996
4-6PM 1997
6-8PM 1998
8-10PM 1999
10-Midnight 2000
6-8AM 2001
8-10AM 2002
10-Noon 2003
Noon-2PM 2004
2-4PM 2005
4-6PM 2006
6-8PM 2007
8-10PM 2008
10-Midnight 2009
6-8AM 2010
8-10AM 2011
10-Noon 2012
Noon-2PM 2013
2-4PM 2014
4-6PM 2015
6-8PM 2016
8-10PM 2017
10-Midnight 2018
6-8AM 2019
8-10AM 2020
10-Noon 2021
Noon-2PM 2022
2-4PM 2023
4-6PM 2024
6-8PM 2025
8-10PM 2026
10-Midnight 2027

Thursday, April 18, 2024

MPAR Slideshow Chapter 3 2010-2014


1/9/2010 Lehto & Wright - Children's Songs

2/24/2010       東京事変 [Tokyo Jihen] スポーツ (Sports)

3/2/2010 Dirt Poor Robins - The Last Days of Leviathan

3/8/2010        JazzkamikazeSupersonic Revolutions

3/9/2010        Emanuel and The Fear Listen

4/5/2010 Typhoon - Hunger and Thirst

4/6/2010 The Gloomcatcher - Slow Chorale

4/6/2010 The River Empires The River Empires (Epilogue)

4/13/2010 Judgement Day - Peacocks / Pink Monsters

4/20/2010 The Apples in Stereo - Travellers in Space and Time

5/1/2010 Timbre - Little Flowers

5/10/2010 Foals Total Life Forever

5/14/2010 Dead Letter Circus - This is the Warning

5/18/2010 Janelle MonáeThe ArchAndroid

5/31/2010 Anathema We're Here Because We're Here

6/2/2010 Bend Sinister - Spring Romance

7/27/2010 Menomena - Mines

7/27/2010       Timmy Sean Songs From & Inspired By Noisewater

8/3/2010        The Reign of Kindo This Is What Happens

8/24/2010 Everything Everything - Man Alive

9/6/2010 Crippled Black Phoenix - I, Vigilante

9/6/2010 Oceansize - Self Preserved While the Bodies Float Up

9/6/2010 Revere - Hey! Selim

9/14/2010 Light Chasers Cloud Cult Light Chasers

9/22/2010       22 Flux 

10/12/2010      Sufjan StevensThe Age of Adz

10/18/2010 Pure Reason Revolution - Hammer and Anvil

10/25/2010      WarpaintThe Fool


2/1/2011 Hotel of the Laughing TreeTerror and Everything After

2/7/2011 Stateless - Matilda

3/8/2011 Typhoon - A New Kind of House

4/25/2011 dredg - Chuckles & Mr. Squeezy

5/29/2011 Brice Plays Drums - I Laugh at Your Greener Pastures

6/14/2011       The Dear Hunter The Color Spectrum: The Complete Collection

6/28/2011 Falling Up - Your Sparkling Death Cometh

6/20/2011 Battle Circus - Battle Circus

6/27/2011 *Shels - Plains of the Purple Buffalo

7/8/2011 Tangled Thoughts of Leaving - Deaden the Fields

7/15/2011 Meniscus - War of Currents

7/25/2011 Mercies - Three Thousand Days

8/19/2011 Gotye - Making Mirrors

8/29/2011 Vows Kimbra Vows

9/26/2011 Steven Wilson - Grace For Drowning

10/4/2011 Bruce Peninsula - Open Flames

10/4/2011 Mutemath Odd Soul

10/11/2011 3The Ghost You Gave to Me

10/14/2011      Team MeTo the Treetops

11/7/2011       Jimmy Gnecco The Heart: X Edition

12/6/2011 Miracles of Modern Science - Dog Year

12/30/2011      House of Fools Versus the Beast


1/13/2012       Forest Park - Forest Park

1/13/2012 Northern Abbey - Northern Abbey

1/30/2012 Pepe Deluxé Queen of the Wave

2/25/2012 British Theatre - EP

3/26/2012 Flying Colors - Flying Colors

3/27/2012 The Mars Volta - Noctourniquet

4/16/2012 Anathema Weather Systems

4/24/2012 Bruce Peninsula - Of Songs

4/24/2012       Bryan Scary and the Shredding Tears - Daffy's Elixir

5/1/2012        Ramona Falls    Prophet

6/1/2012        GathererSo Be It

7/10/2012 Bend SinisterSmall Fame

8/16/2012 Brice Plays DrumsMan the Animal Cannon

8/18/2012 Mike Linden - Bubble & Squeak

8/20/2012 British Theatre - Dyed in the Wool Ghost

8/27/2012 Archive - With Us Until You're Dead

9/11/2012       Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft OrchestraTheatre Is Evil

10/15/2012 Godspeed You Black Emperor - 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!

10/23/2012 VuvuzelaThe Hollow Choir

11/27/2012 Hotel of the Laughing Tree - Mammoth Skin Pt. 1


1/28/2013 Biffy Clyro - Opposites

1/29/2013       Local Natives Hummingbird

2/11/2013 Foals - Holy Fire

2/25/2013 Steven WilsonThe Raven That Refused to Sing (And Other Stories)

3/5/2013        Cloud Cult Love

3/5/2013 Brooke Waggoner - Originator

4/2/2013        The Dear Hunter Migrant

4/2/2013 The Dear Hunter - The Migrations Annex

5/4/2013 Ours - Ballet the Boxer 1

5/20/2013 Daft Punk - Random Access Memories

6/7/2013 The Red Paintings - The Revolution is Never Coming

7/30/2013 The Reign of KindoPlay With Fire

8/20/2013       Typhoon White Lighter

9/10/2013       Janelle Monáe The Electric Lady

10/7/2013 Revere - My Mirror / Your Target

11/19/2013      Dirt Poor Robins -The Raven Locks Act 1


1/24/2014       Major Parkinson Twilight Cinema

1/31/2014       Dream the Electric Sleep Heretics

2/25/2014 The Family CrestBeneath the Brine

3/11/2014       Bend Sinister Animals

3/13/2014       Grimus Emergence

4/17/2014 Moron Police - Defenders of the Small Yard

4/22/2014 Hotel of the Laughing Tree - Mammoth Skin Pt. 2

5/12/2014 Archive - Axiom

6/4/2014 AnathemaDistant Satellites

6/9/2014        Fjokra - Thoughtsteps

6/10/2014 Umphrey's McGee - Similae Skin

7/15/2014 Nomia - Iron and Rust

7/29/14         sElf - Super.Fake.Nice

8/15/2014 KimbraThe Golden Echo

8/18/2014       Imogen HeapSparks

8/27/2014       Team MeBlind as Night

9/9/2014        The Tea Party The Ocean at the End

9/3/2014        The Mercury Tree Countenance

9/15/2014 iamthemorning - Belighted

9/19/2014       Markéta Irglová Muna

9/30/2014       Dirt Poor Robins - The Raven Locks Act 2

10/28/2014      Clone Clone

11/11/2014      Bent Knee Shiny Eyed Babies

11/17/2014 Nordic Giants - Build Seas, Dismantle Suns

12/25/2014 Gavin Castleton - Travelight

MPAR Slideshow Details 2005-2009


2/1/2005 Through the Broken City Bend Sinister Through the Broken City

2/4/2005 God is an Astronaut - All Is Violent All Is Bright

2/7/2005 Karnivool - Themata

2/8/2005 People For Audio - And This Will Be Our Homecoming

2/14/2005 Bloc Party - Silent Alarm

3/1/2005 The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute

3/8/2005        Kaddisfly Buy Our Intention; We'll Buy You a Unicorn

3/22/2005 The Decemberists - Picaresque

3/28/2005 Porcupine Tree Deadwing

4/25/2005 Klimt 1918 Dopoguerra

4/26/2005 The Receiving End of Sirens Between the Heart and the Synapse

4/26/2005 Time of OrchidsSarcast While

4/2005 Margot and the Nuclear So & So's - The Dust of Retreat

5/24/2005 Gospel - The Moon Is a Dead World

6/21/2005 dredg Catch Without Arms

6/27/2005 The Chap - Ham

6/2005 Cloud Cult - Advice From the Happy Hippopotamus

7/5/2005 Sufjan Stevens - Illinois

7/12/2005 The Ebb & Flow - Time to Echolocate

7/18/2005 Imogen Heap Speak for Yourself

8/23/2005 Greg Herriges - It Plays Me

8/23/2005       Neverending White Lights Act I: Goodbye Friends of the Heavenly Bodies

8/23/2005 The New Pornographers - Twin Cinema

9/13/2005 Sigur Ros - Takk...

9/19/2005 Oceansize Everyone Into Position

9/19/2005 Mew And the Glass Handed Kites

9/20/2005 Coheed and Cambria Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV: Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness

10/11/2005 Kiss Kiss - Kiss Kiss

10/10/2005 Pure Reason Revolution - Cautionary Tales for the Brave

12/5/2005 Lehto & Wright - The Thrashing Machine and Other Stories


1/19/2006 MutemathMutemath

1/25/2006       東京事変 [Tokyo Jihen]大人 (Adult)

2/7/2006 Malajube - Optical illusion

2/25/2006 Anathallo - Floating World

3/7/2006 Mason Proper - There is a Moth in Your Chest

3/14/2006 Men Women and Children - Men Women and Children

3/21/2006 The Appleseed Cast - Peregrine

3/21/2006 Opus Dai - Tierra Tragame

3/27/2006 Menomena - Under an Hour: Music for Modern Dance

4/10/2006 Pure Reason Revolution The Dark Third

4/17/2006 Scott Mathews - Passing Stranger

4/21/2006 OSI - Free

5/2/2006        Tool - 10,000 Days

5/16/2006       Russian Circles Enter

5/21/2006 Gotye - Like Drawing Blood

5/22/2006 Archive - Lights

6/5/2006 Midlake - The Trials of Van Occupanther

7/3/2006        MuseBlack Holes and Revelations

8/8/2006 Under the Influence of Giants - Under the Influence of Giants

9/12/2006 Kunek - Flight of the Flynns

9/12/2006 The Mars Volta - Amuptechture

9/26/2006 The Dear HunterAct I: The Lake South, the River North

10/2/2006 The Crane Wife The DecemberistsThe Crane Wife

10/14/2006      Aereogramme My Heart Has a Wish That You Would Not Go

10/18/2006      Kacica - Kacica

10/17/2006      Annuals - Be He Me

10/25/2006 Mutyumu - Mutyumu

11/7/2006 Fair to Midland - The Drawn and Quartered EP


1/2/2007 Cavil at Rest - Orion Way

1/16/2007 The Apex Theory - Lightpost

1/23/2007       Menomena - Friend and Foe

2/6/2007        Bloc Party - A Weekend in the City

2/6/2007 Kiss Kiss Reality vs. the Optimist

2/12/2007       Blackfield Blackfield II 

2/21/2007 Sheena Ringo - 平成風俗 (Heisei fūzoku)

3/2/2007 Radical Face - Ghost

3/6/2007 House of FoolsLive and Learn

3/6/2007 Kaddisfly Set Sail the Prairie

3/26/2007 The Antlers - In the Attic of the Universe

3/31/2007 SilverchairYoung Modern

4/2/2007        Fields. Everything Last Winter

4/10/2007       The Meaning of 8 Cloud Cult The Meaning of 8

4/10/2007       The Apples in stereo New Magnetic Wonder

5/14/2007       Battles Mirrored

5/15/2007       People for Audio The New Ancients

5/22/2007 The Dear Hunter Act II: The Meaning of, and All Things Regarding Ms. Leading

6/1/2007 Janelle Monae - Metropolis: Suite 1 The Chase

6/4/2007        Biffy ClyroPuzzle

6/12/2007 Fair to MidlandFables From a Mayfly: What I Tell You Three Times Is True 

6/13/2007 Pepe Deluxe - Spare Time Machine

6/18/2007 *Shels - Sea of a Dying Dhow

6/19/2007 The Polyphonic Spree - The Fragile Army

6/19/2007 Stateless - Stateless

7/10/2007 St. Vincent - Marry Me

7/17/2007 Strata - Strata Presents the End of the World

7/24/2007 ThreeThe End Is Begun

8/7/2007        The Receiving End of SirensThe Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi

8/20/2007       Minus the BearPlanet of Ice

8/20/2007 The Reign of Kindo - The Reign of Kindo

8/21/2007 The New Pornographers - Challengers

9/6/2007 Centaur Rodeo - Tongues of Flame

9/11/2007 Jared Micah and Hats - T.C.H.T.O.B.

9/12/2007 Woven - Aftermath EP

9/18/2007 Time of Orchids - Namesake Caution

9/25/2007 Porcupine Tree - Nil Recurring

10/2/2007 The Most Serene Republic - Population

10/23/2007 Far-Less - A Toast to Bad Taste

10/30/2007      Neverending White LightsAct II: The Blood and the Life Eternal

10/2007 The Ebb and Flow - Attack & Decay

10/1/2007 Oceansize Frames

11/1/2007 100Ft Snowman - 100Ft Snowman

11/6/2007 Sigur Ros - Hvarf-Heim

12/31/2007 Distrails - Virginia Creeper


1/22/2008 Black Mountain - In the Future

2/11/2008 Apes and Androids Blood Moon

3/24/2008 FoalsAntidotes

3/30/2008 KacicaMosaic

4/1/2008        Bryan Scary and the Shredding Tears - Flight of the Knife

4/8/2008        Cloud Cult Feel Good Ghosts (Tea-Partying Through Tornadoes)

4/15/2008 Ours Mercy (Dancing for the Death of an Imaginary Enemy)

5/13/2008 The Myriad - With Arrows, With Poise

5/19/2008 Demians - Building an Empire

6/13/2008 Tangled Thoughts of Leaving - Tiny Fragments

6/17/2008       Wolf Parade At Mount Zoomer

5/19/2008       The Chap Mega Breakfast

8/11/2008       Late of the Pier Fantasy Black Channel

8/26/2008 The Reign of Kindo Rhythm, Chord & Melody

8/0/2008 Opus Dai - Touch the Sun

8/2008 Warpaint - Exquisite Corpse

9/10/2008 Lehto & Wright - Between the Jigs and the Reels

9/11/2008       Adebisi Shank This Is the Album of a Band Called Adebisi Shank

9/13/2008       Amanda Palmer Who Killed Amanda Palmer

9/23/2008 The Age of Rockets - Hannah

9/23/2008 Mason Proper - Olly Oxen Free

9/23/2008 Woven - Designer Codes

9/25/2008 夢中夢 [Mutyumu]イリヤ -Il y a-

10/7/2008 Annuals - Such Fun

10/7/2008       Margot and the Nuclear So and So'sAnimal!

10/7/2008       Margot and the Nuclear So and So'sNot Animal

10/21/2008 ¡Fiesta, Fiesta, Fiesta, Fiesta! The Stiletto Formal ¡Fiesta, Fiesta, Fiesta, Fiesta!

10/21/2008 Bend Sinister Stories of Brothers, Tales of Lovers

10/31/2008 Nomia - Nomia EP

11/7/2008 God Is An Astronaut - God Is An Astronaut

11/18/2008      AnathalloCanopy Glow

11/26/2008 Steven Wilson - Insurgentes


1/18/2009 Sound & Shape - The Love Electric

1/20/2009 Umphrey's McGee - Mantis

2/2/2009        note. - my city of ghosts, stars and hours 

2/3/2009 Shelter Red - Strike a Mortal Terror

2/10/2009 Malajube - Labyrinthes

2/17/2009 Sholi - Sholi

3/3/2009 The Antlers - Hospice

3/3/2009        Bruce Peninsula A Mountain Is a Mouth

3/9/2009        Pure Reason Revolution - Amor vincit omnia

3/10/2009 Greg Herriges - Telluric Currents

3/23/2009 Grammatics - Grammatics

3/24/2009 Falling Up - Fangs!

3/30/2009 Archive- Controlling Crowds 

4/24/2009 Long Distance Calling - Avoid the Light

5/14/2009 maudlin of the Well - Part the 2nd

5/18/2009 My Latest Novel - Deaths and Entrances

6/9/2009 dredg - The Pariah, the Parrot, the Delusion

6/21/2009 Grimus - Panikon

6/23/2009 The Dear Hunter - Act III: Life and Death

7/7/2009 Kiss Kiss - The Meek Shall Inherit What's Left

8/18/2009       As Tall as Lions - You Can't Take It With You

8/4/2009        Cale Parks - To Swift Mars

8/18/2009       Mutemath - Armistice

8/18/2009       Ramona Falls - Intuit

8/19/2009 Mew - No More Stories / Are Told Today / I'm Sorry / They Washed Away // No More Stories / The World Is Grey / I'm Tired / Let's Wash Away

10/6/2009       Brooke Waggoner - Go Easy Little Doves

10/7/2009 Murder By Death - Finch

10/26/2009 nosound - A Sense of Loss

10/26/2009 Oceansize - Home & Minor

11/2/2009       Local Natives - Gorilla Manor

11/9/2009 Biffy Clyro - Only Revolutions

12/2009 Distrails - Dry Flies

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Kevin Gilbert THUD Tracks Videos

 So I finished this series on my YouTube channel last week. Finished sharing the last video yesterday on Social Media.

And while time can tell how far it reaches, the numbers as of right now tell the story.

I'm pretty proud of this, having analyzed and given somewhat thoroughly every track in depth for Thud, an album I do love. I mean it is from Kevin Gilbert who is a super unknown name, but still people at least seek his music out on YouTube (even though most of it is not there right now).

I just feel like what James Bickers said about things going right under people's noses. Thud is a great record that a lot more people should know it, including so many of these other versions. But as of right now, they would have find a download somewhere or buy them from the Estate..or on ebay or discogs or whatever.

But they should. I dunno, there's not much more I can do. And I will look to do this again I think at the point the Shaming Multi-Disc comes out.

People want to sleep on brilliance and great content..their loss I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Oh and the View Count numbers are not correct as I have given evidence of how YouTube's new-ish algorithm removes views.

Video 1 - When You Give Your Love to Me 47 Views, 6 Likes

Video 2 - Goodness Gracious 18 Views, 5 Likes

Video 3 - Joytown 39 Views, 6 Likes

Video 4 - Waiting 17 Views 6 Likes

Video 5 Tea for One 34 Views, 4 Likes

Video 6 Shadow Self 22 Views, 5 Likes

Video 7 The Tears of Audrey, 27 Views, 4 Likes

Video 8 Shrug (Becaue of Me and You)/ Because of You, 18 Views, 4 Likes

Video 9 All Fall Down, 16 Views, 3 Likes

Video 10 Song for a Dead Friend 21 Views, 3 Likes

Video 11 Kashmir, 20 Views, 4 Likes

Video 12 Waking the Sun, 27 Views, 3 Likes

Video 13 Until I Get Her Back, 36 Views, 5 Likes

Video 14 Miss Broadway + Big Heart 17 Views, 3 Likes

Friday, April 5, 2024

Modern Progressive Art Rock SLIDE SHOWS update...

Instead of trying to make a super long involved and edited documentary series of videos about the history of 

Modern Progressive Art Rock 

which I intend to try to do

I may be able to sooner, make some slide shows which will hopefully take a fraction of the time.

I love and feel it's worth the time/effort, I could be making the slide shows 1st and then do the longer narrative with more images later.

and here's a bone I suppose

Slide Shows showing Chronologically with Release Dates:

-Chapter 1: Pre-2000 which is ballooning to be dozens of albums somehow, lol. But the amount of work doing slide shows seems to be quite less

-Chapter 2: 2000-2004

-Chapter 3: 2005-2009

-Chapter 4: 2010-2014

-Chapter 5: 2015-2019

-Chapter 6: 2020-2024

The biggest thing right now beyond the labor of creating the slide shows with the images including the dates is trying to include some kind of MUSIC.

I want and intend to do narrating over them, but that more likely will be done for the longer story of these.

These are just like a short form doc, and the biggies will be later.

Unsure, it may be based on how much time I have to put into it and how impatient I get. But testing some of the slide shows last night definitely has boosted my motivation even more for this project.

And who knows, if these go well, I could start making these in more regularity about any number of music or entertainment topics.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Rebranding or New Branding on YouTube?

 This idea has crossed my mind several times recently, and even come to think about it, going back many years.

And it was suggested to me by someone on reddit.

Creating a new channel with a new name, or maybe multiple new channels with new names.

I mean it would mean having to notify all the stuff on Social Media about the changes/new channels, etc, but at this point, what am I really losing? 

I probably would keep all the Social Media accounts, but change the names. 

If I do this, when? I could do it soon, or I could at least wait until a few things happen

a) Finish the THUD tracks videos, which is almost done

b) Finish the AOTY Series of Videos, which unfortunately could be many months. However I suppose I could either 
1) resume those on the new channel

2) kind of skip doing videos for each year, and just publish the lists in here and maybe link or even make 1 video showing the link.

Launch the new channel and my hope would be to put something up about the MPAR slide show thing I've been working on

Launch another channel with the Movies of the Year stuff and my Favorite Movies List

NAMES?..unsure, but I'm brainstorming

more to add later..

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Bullshit YouTube View Count


1 View? Really????..sorry, but it showed 20 Views when I got up this morning.

Fuck You YouTube.

edit: now it shows 19 Views.

Someone at YouTube screws around with this, or they update the algorithm to subtract/deduct/reduce Views that are done by Bots or something. Lovely.

edit 2:
now it say 3 Views again. Again, WHAT. THE. FUCK. YOUTUBE?

edit 3:
it happened again

3 Thumbs Up, yet only 2 Views? How is that even possible? Fuck YouTube, but its become assumed.

Part of me at this point hopes nobody ever watches these videos per than I would have 0 expectation.

edit 4: it happened again. Just this morning my new 1985 AOTY said 14 Views, now it says 8 Views.
BOT Views?..fuck

edit 5: the same 1985 AOTY Video shows 2 Views Now, almost 3 days later.

2 FUCKING VIEWS!!!! REALLY YOUTUBE??? You and your highly flawed Algorithm that falsely removes View numbers go can go fuck yourself!

or in the YouTube Studio it shows 3 Views..but 4 LIKES..unreal.

edit 6:
"No Views" 20 hours later. Yeah..I myself viewed it 3 times on 3 different browsers and YouTube accounts.