This is totally Off-Topic and normally would be found in the Non-Music blog, but given that other blog somewhat dormant state, and not really needing this to be found for the music consumers, I'll include this in here:
I'm probably not in the right mind to write, right now, what I may write at some point about my grandmother (or mean to write, but I may not get around to it, at least in here necessarily).
But my Grandmother passed away today due to unforeseen complications from a form of surgery involving her heart. I guess it involved her blood pressure and some other issues. Anyway, but she was 92.
I was just telling my fiancee, this is the 1st time in my life without a grandparent (or great-grandparent) alive now. There's more to that, and what seems like this period of time with people dying (although admittedly, more of the celebrities, or people I only knew vaguely. But as another example, my ex-supervisor Deb, of 6+ years just died a couple of months ago in June as well as Ma's sister-in-law my Aunt Joan).
I have like a bazillion memories, that I'm sure over the next few days especially, and then weeks, months and years will come back about Ma and the time I spent with her.
But for now, I guess I can just say she lived a full life in the 92+ years she was around.
From the frequent events at Oakridge Country Club (swimming in the pool as a kid, and Bingo when I was older), and the time in Scottsdale, AZ, and here. Even our time at the Cabin back in the 80's-mid 90's. And spending time as a kid at my grandparents, watching Cable TV (my parents didn't have Cable when I was a kid) and sleeping over with my brother at their place in St.Louis Park. For example, in the morning, getting to have sugar cereal for breakfast (my folks wouldn't let us have sugar cereal often as a kid). She would always pour the exact amount of milk for the cereal bowl in a cup, and leave it in the fridge the night before.
I may just edit some stuff in here in the next few days, especially given with her funeral and Shivas, and a lot of the people I'll see over the next few days. Although she and my grandfather were rather extensively connected, including a ton of cousins that do not live in Minnesota.
And the sudden timing of this, likely won't have a lot of them travel in town for this, but some still may beyond the immediate family.
I dunno, funerals are weird, and something I don't think I'll ever get used to or know what to anticipate really. But the sad reality that I'm having a hard time facing is the reality of I will be experiencing many of them over the coming years given how much family I and my fiancee have that are well aged.
But then again, I was maybe closer to Ma than any of my grandparents, even though I hate to compare as I loved them all equally, including my grandfather Papa who I only knew to an extent being that I was pretty young when he died in the mid 80's, and he was stricken with MS and I imagine impacted his ability to communicate his personality fully at that point. My brother and I really know more about him from the stories and even through other family members.
But I suppose per him being gone and Ma lived for so many years after, I and my brother especially bonded with her more so. I'm not sure.
The media market is huge, thus the need for a media review market.
This is our little contribution to that field.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Monday, October 26, 2015
Mutemath: Vitals Tour Winter 2016

Minneapolis, First Avenue on Sunday April 3rd, 2016.
Per a scheduling conflict, I can't foresee not being there, especially after missing that I'm sure standing-room-only show at The Entry last month.
Thursday presale, friday General Public.
4/03 First Avenue Minneapolis, MN
First Avenue
Monday, October 19, 2015
Small Leaks Sink Ships - Window (Face Yourself B-Side)
very nice! They posted about it not making it onto Face Yourself, and Remove Your Sandals as the ending of "Snowball Fight Attack Formations" per length, but man, this track definitely would have worked/added even more to the record.
So be it, it's very cool to hear something else from these guys. I still am wondering about the Vinyl pressing they mentioned, but that may be a few years away, per cost, time, etc of course.
Protest the Hero: Song of the Month on Bandcamp (for 6 mos)
So basically this is Protest the Hero doing the same thing 3 did in 2014 (for awhile at least) and Timmy Sean has done this past year.
I'm likely to wait and see about this, but ultimately I likely will go with this. I just may wait a few months before listening to these songs for this EP of a sort.
Writeup below is part of it. There's a silly video of course linked on the bandcamp link as well.
Ragged Tooth (with subscription)
If you know a bit about our band, you probably know that we like to stir the pot. We value that our fans have come to expect the unexpected from us. Realistically, we don't even know what to expect anymore. The one thing we do expect though is that no idea is too big or too scary to take on - and this big old idea has been impending for quite some time now.
The original dream was to create a subscription-like platform for our music where "subscribers" could enjoy the scheduled arrival of a new protest the hero tune every month, on the same day, at the same time! While we battled with the logistics of launching such a beast, Bandcamp came along and pretty much nailed it. So here we are!
We believe this to be a sustainable model for what we do and a wonderful and honest way of getting more music made for you all. We hereby decree our collective commitment to releasing a song a month for the next 6 months. Like Rody mentioned in the video, think of it as an EP spread over six months....just way friggin' better.
"How is it friggin' better?" you are undoubtedly asking yourself.
Here's the thing: we have done the full-length album and ensuing record cycle four times now. While they all had their benefits, they all dragged on. Most record cycles are at least 2 years. That's two years of promoting 40-or-so minutes of music. Music that you may have written two years before that! We have never been able to release what we want to release NOW. So that's exactly what this is. These are songs we love now, songs we are proud of now, and songs which are inherently more candid than our other material. Don't get us wrong, this is very much the pth you either know and love or know and hate. If you like what we do, we are pretty sure you are going to dig this crap. I guess we'll let these little lullabies speak for themselves...
Anywho - by subscribing to "Pacific Myth", you will get a brand new PTH song a month as well as access to all the content we've collected along the way. It will include pictures, journals, lyrics, musical transcriptions, samples of music to come and some rookie-edited videos to keep you either entertained or appalled while you wait for the next month's material.
Thanks for reading, listening and watching our careers thus far. Know that absolutely none of these projects would be possible without you. We dig ourselves further in your debt with each signup!
Yours Restlessly,
I'm likely to wait and see about this, but ultimately I likely will go with this. I just may wait a few months before listening to these songs for this EP of a sort.
Writeup below is part of it. There's a silly video of course linked on the bandcamp link as well.
Ragged Tooth (with subscription)
If you know a bit about our band, you probably know that we like to stir the pot. We value that our fans have come to expect the unexpected from us. Realistically, we don't even know what to expect anymore. The one thing we do expect though is that no idea is too big or too scary to take on - and this big old idea has been impending for quite some time now.
The original dream was to create a subscription-like platform for our music where "subscribers" could enjoy the scheduled arrival of a new protest the hero tune every month, on the same day, at the same time! While we battled with the logistics of launching such a beast, Bandcamp came along and pretty much nailed it. So here we are!
We believe this to be a sustainable model for what we do and a wonderful and honest way of getting more music made for you all. We hereby decree our collective commitment to releasing a song a month for the next 6 months. Like Rody mentioned in the video, think of it as an EP spread over six months....just way friggin' better.
"How is it friggin' better?" you are undoubtedly asking yourself.
Here's the thing: we have done the full-length album and ensuing record cycle four times now. While they all had their benefits, they all dragged on. Most record cycles are at least 2 years. That's two years of promoting 40-or-so minutes of music. Music that you may have written two years before that! We have never been able to release what we want to release NOW. So that's exactly what this is. These are songs we love now, songs we are proud of now, and songs which are inherently more candid than our other material. Don't get us wrong, this is very much the pth you either know and love or know and hate. If you like what we do, we are pretty sure you are going to dig this crap. I guess we'll let these little lullabies speak for themselves...
Anywho - by subscribing to "Pacific Myth", you will get a brand new PTH song a month as well as access to all the content we've collected along the way. It will include pictures, journals, lyrics, musical transcriptions, samples of music to come and some rookie-edited videos to keep you either entertained or appalled while you wait for the next month's material.
Thanks for reading, listening and watching our careers thus far. Know that absolutely none of these projects would be possible without you. We dig ourselves further in your debt with each signup!
Yours Restlessly,
Pacific Myth
Protest the Hero
Ragged Tooth
Friday, October 16, 2015
Pain of Salvation news (10/16/15)
Additionally, following-up on their latest “Road Salt” releases, Pain of Salvation have now started to work on material for a next studio album effort, which will be a concept album that goes back to the band’s harder and heavier roots of the early 2000’s. Pain of Salvation’s Daniel Gildenlöw has checked in with a brief status report on the band’s current activities as follows:
“We have a few gigs on the horizon, but in all honesty, our true focus is on the next studio album right now. Ragnar and I truly enjoy writing music together, and have that sort of completing-each-other’s-sentences dynamics to our writing that I have only found in very few people over the years. We have very creative writing sessions, and we can’t wait for the fans to hear the new material! You’ll see a hungry and strong Pain of Salvation, confidently returning to a harder and heavier form, musically. Still, as always, without losing the intimacy and originality that has been the trademark of the band ever since the first album. Anyone who has witnessed on stage what today’s Pain of Salvation are capable of, will understand how much I am looking forward to show them what we can do in a studio.”
Something in the TPE/Remedy Lane and/or Entropia vein would certainly intrigue me.
2015-2016 keeps looking better and better.
Additionally, following-up on their latest “Road Salt” releases, Pain of Salvation have now started to work on material for a next studio album effort, which will be a concept album that goes back to the band’s harder and heavier roots of the early 2000’s. Pain of Salvation’s Daniel Gildenlöw has checked in with a brief status report on the band’s current activities as follows:
“We have a few gigs on the horizon, but in all honesty, our true focus is on the next studio album right now. Ragnar and I truly enjoy writing music together, and have that sort of completing-each-other’s-sentences dynamics to our writing that I have only found in very few people over the years. We have very creative writing sessions, and we can’t wait for the fans to hear the new material! You’ll see a hungry and strong Pain of Salvation, confidently returning to a harder and heavier form, musically. Still, as always, without losing the intimacy and originality that has been the trademark of the band ever since the first album. Anyone who has witnessed on stage what today’s Pain of Salvation are capable of, will understand how much I am looking forward to show them what we can do in a studio.”
Something in the TPE/Remedy Lane and/or Entropia vein would certainly intrigue me.
2015-2016 keeps looking better and better.
Pain of Salvation
Remedy Lane
Road Salt
The Perfect Element I
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Subbing for Modern Kicks on KFAI Radio 10/14/15
So I was given the chance to sub again for the Modern Kicks show on KFAI radio last night/early this morning and here's my and Joyce's playlist
The show itself, went overall pretty well, although I'll admit the transitions could have been better and my issue with the "uh's" and "um's" but I'm not sure I'll ever be able to avoid those, but perhaps at least reduce them
Also the station/studio has a brand new setup for the Promo Carts being automated, except I'm not clear on how to stop and play a different one later, that was previously lined up and skipped. I didn't realize by doing this, it skips further down in the schedule, thus the 1st 2 or 3 carts I didn't quite get in. But I'll know for next time.
And the fact they have new cd players, which the cds just go directly into without a TRAY.
I.e. it was equipment I had to learn to use on the fly.
But my playlist is more or less a best-of 2015 and some 2014 stuff, which sort of spoils my Countdown slightly, but so be it.
Click On or "Save As" ..the "Listen Now" Link until 10/27 11:59PM
Timbre/Night Girl: Nycteris Sees the Sun/Sun and Moon/Aurora Music 2015 5:49
Dream the Electric Sleep/Elizabeth/Heretics/Self Released 2014 8:22
Kaddisfly/The Painter/Horses Galloping on Sailboats/In the Clouds 2015 5:05
Major Parkinson/The Wheelbarrow/Twilight Cinema/Degaton Records 2014 7:52
VENNART/Doubt/The Demon Joke/Superball Music 2015 4
Mew/Rows/+ -/Play It Again/Universal Music 2015 1
The Dear Hunter/King of Swords (Reversed)/Act IV: Reprise and
Rebirth/Equal Vision 2015 5:07
Kevin Gilbert/Because of You (Demo)/Thud: Deluxe Edition/PRA 2015 4:38
Fjokra/Koi/Mellowsound Sessions/Self Release 2014 4:42
The Orion Experience/Vampire/NYC Girl [EP]/
Sir Video/Backdoor Baby/Light Years [EP] Part II 2015
The Bird and the Bee/Doctor/Recreational Love 2015
Flight of the Concords/Carol Brown/I Told You I Was Freaky 2011
Brendan Benson/What I'm Looking For/Alternative to Love/ 2005
DJ Cassidy ft Jessy J & Robin Thicke/Calling All Hearts/Calling All Hearts 2014
Everything Everything/To the Blade/Get to Heaven/Sony RCA 2015 4:12
Small Leaks Sink Ships/Midnight Jinn/Face Yourself, and Remove Your
Sandals/101 Distribution 2015
Put Down the Muffin/Charged Particles 2014
The show itself, went overall pretty well, although I'll admit the transitions could have been better and my issue with the "uh's" and "um's" but I'm not sure I'll ever be able to avoid those, but perhaps at least reduce them
Also the station/studio has a brand new setup for the Promo Carts being automated, except I'm not clear on how to stop and play a different one later, that was previously lined up and skipped. I didn't realize by doing this, it skips further down in the schedule, thus the 1st 2 or 3 carts I didn't quite get in. But I'll know for next time.
And the fact they have new cd players, which the cds just go directly into without a TRAY.
I.e. it was equipment I had to learn to use on the fly.
But my playlist is more or less a best-of 2015 and some 2014 stuff, which sort of spoils my Countdown slightly, but so be it.
Click On or "Save As" ..the "Listen Now" Link until 10/27 11:59PM
Timbre/Night Girl: Nycteris Sees the Sun/Sun and Moon/Aurora Music 2015 5:49
Dream the Electric Sleep/Elizabeth/Heretics/Self Released 2014 8:22
Kaddisfly/The Painter/Horses Galloping on Sailboats/In the Clouds 2015 5:05
Major Parkinson/The Wheelbarrow/Twilight Cinema/Degaton Records 2014 7:52
VENNART/Doubt/The Demon Joke/Superball Music 2015 4
Mew/Rows/+ -/Play It Again/Universal Music 2015 1
The Dear Hunter/King of Swords (Reversed)/Act IV: Reprise and
Rebirth/Equal Vision 2015 5:07
Kevin Gilbert/Because of You (Demo)/Thud: Deluxe Edition/PRA 2015 4:38
Fjokra/Koi/Mellowsound Sessions/Self Release 2014 4:42
The Orion Experience/Vampire/NYC Girl [EP]/
Sir Video/Backdoor Baby/Light Years [EP] Part II 2015
The Bird and the Bee/Doctor/Recreational Love 2015
Flight of the Concords/Carol Brown/I Told You I Was Freaky 2011
Brendan Benson/What I'm Looking For/Alternative to Love/ 2005
DJ Cassidy ft Jessy J & Robin Thicke/Calling All Hearts/Calling All Hearts 2014
Everything Everything/To the Blade/Get to Heaven/Sony RCA 2015 4:12
Small Leaks Sink Ships/Midnight Jinn/Face Yourself, and Remove Your
Sandals/101 Distribution 2015
Put Down the Muffin/Charged Particles 2014
Dream the Electric Sleep
Kevin Gilbert
Major Parkinson
Modern Kicks on KFAI
The Dear Hunter
Monday, October 12, 2015
Kimbra with Mew (Live at Webster Hall in NYC)
This would have been amazing to see, at least there is this video.
Plus Minus
The Night Believer
Wabster Hall
Water Slides
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2016 Nominations: Plus Comment: v. 2016
10/8/15 2:42PM
Here's a clip of 1 of the people involved with the Hall talking about the nominees and the voting process. He says "pioneered" the fan vote 2 years ago. 60 million fan-votes were made last year, and they want to top that this year.
The guy interviewing him failed to ask or point out how those 60 million votes made online from fans only factor in as 1 BALLOT, out of the 800+ ballots that are comprised of a lot of past inductees as he explains.
That's .00125% or 1/800th of the vote approximately.
60,000,000 submissions vs the other 799+ people who are inductees whose 1-ballot vote gets the same amount of say as the 60 million submissions, get the same .00125%.
60 million fans = 1
1 inductee = 1
Really fair and accurate, lol.
I suppose 1 argument against a larger percentage being given to the fans vote is, I'm sure thousands if not 10's of thousands of those "Fan-votes" factored into that 1 ballot result are done by the same fans multiple times, if not 100's (how much time do many of them have? some may get up every day and put in a vote at the same time for the 2 months the Voting remains open until December 9th).
Maybe if the Fans Ballot factored into a larger percentage, in order to prevent a fair amount of FLOODING, by the same fan/fanbase, perhaps a smaller voting period of time could be limited to say 1 or 2 weeks instead of 2-months. And they'd require the fans to sign up to an email list, and that email could only be used to vote once. However, I'm sure there would still be flooding and people voting plenty more times. But it would at least likely reduce the flooding.
But, that still doesn't address the lack of the percentage the FAN VOTE is given. I saw something earlier about Deep Purple received the 2nd most votes in the FAN VOTE in 2013, yet obviously 4 others got in ahead of them, despite the tens of millions of FANS who felt they were the 2nd most deserving act on the ballot.
The other thing that should be addressed is the NOMINATION PROCESS.
that link shows the list of people who have been on the committee, and for 2015, it shows 41 names. That's good to know, but like the VOTING PROCESS, the NOMINATING PROCESS is still highly arbitrary and not fully representative of everyone's taste. Beyond the voting, the FANS should have some involvement in whose actually nominated each year.
Either that, or some involvement on whose on that Committee. It almost could be done like a political election. Take 40 or 50, or fuck that, let's say 100 People to this committee, and have at least half or more of them turned over every year. Have some kind of Term Limit on how long someone can be on the committee. And once their term is over, they can't return to run for the committee for at least a couple of years.
10/8/15 6:35AM
Yes, Deep Purple and Chicago among the 15 nominees for the 2016 Rock Hall Class.
5 of which I recall, get in.
My prediction: Deep Purple will finally get in. Unfortunately Yes and Chicago may not with the likes of NWA and their biopic, Janet Jackson and Nine Inch Nails on the ballot. But I'd love to be wrong.
Steve Miller Band may get in, The Cars and Cheap Trick. I dunno if both Chaka Khan and Janet Jackson will both get in, even though I would not argue, they both belong in. And of course Chic again gets nominated, 1 of these years they may finally get in. It would be nice, just so their annual nomination slot can go to someone else.
The Smiths may get in, for the College Rock hipsters vote.
But I also want to share a comment I tried to make a little over a week ago on a blog which has some people that almost do Rock Hall annual predictions like Fantasy Football or Oscar Pools.
I tried to post this comment, but it has yet to actual be published and allowed there (not sure if the blog owner never saw it, or just doesn't feel it should be allowed to be public at this point).
But as I have said a handful of times from memory in here and on social media and message boards in recent years. The Rock Hall and its voting + inducting process, while it seems to be changing a little bit with some prog and metal finally showing up, really could use a more dramatic change in the process of who decides and HOW MANY artists get in every year.
have you and the others ever done some research into how/when and what it could take to dramatically change the process? I've come to conclude, the Rock Hall process could really do for a format change.
instead of 10-15 nominees every year, double that and have 20-30. And induct at least 10-15 every year.
And a percentage of that is designated as a "veterans committee" thing like The Baseball HOF does. Have 5 nominations every year that have to have been eligible for at least say 20 years, and at least 2 get in every year.
The Fans vote is worth a lot more than the 1 out of 800 or whatever it is now. Have the voting process both for the Nominations and the Inductees be decided
-1/3 Fans
-1/3 Recording Artists/Music Industry People
-1/3 Music Media.
Like the Baseball HOF, the MLB Allstar Game (Starting Lineup) Ballot is setup this way, and at least on the surface it does seem to be a more accurate representation, than it was long before when it was just decided only by the Media.
While all of this may seem dramatically different, and it may also come across as "letting everyone in" and lowering some kind of standards for whose in and whose not in; the fact is, with so many newly eligible artists each year along with so many artists passed over so many years/decades and then dying, not then possibly able to be present for a recognition of their life's work. A larger roster being included at least could help those causes, along with possibly even the joke-perception the Rock Hall gets (and Jan Wenner and Friends exclusive club mentality).
I suppose it's baby steps, with a few years ago adding the 1 online Fan vote, a bit like the long desired NCAA Football Division I playoff system, but I hope the changes can continue to be changed and modified.
Here's a clip of 1 of the people involved with the Hall talking about the nominees and the voting process. He says "pioneered" the fan vote 2 years ago. 60 million fan-votes were made last year, and they want to top that this year.
The guy interviewing him failed to ask or point out how those 60 million votes made online from fans only factor in as 1 BALLOT, out of the 800+ ballots that are comprised of a lot of past inductees as he explains.
That's .00125% or 1/800th of the vote approximately.
60,000,000 submissions vs the other 799+ people who are inductees whose 1-ballot vote gets the same amount of say as the 60 million submissions, get the same .00125%.
60 million fans = 1
1 inductee = 1
Really fair and accurate, lol.
I suppose 1 argument against a larger percentage being given to the fans vote is, I'm sure thousands if not 10's of thousands of those "Fan-votes" factored into that 1 ballot result are done by the same fans multiple times, if not 100's (how much time do many of them have? some may get up every day and put in a vote at the same time for the 2 months the Voting remains open until December 9th).
Maybe if the Fans Ballot factored into a larger percentage, in order to prevent a fair amount of FLOODING, by the same fan/fanbase, perhaps a smaller voting period of time could be limited to say 1 or 2 weeks instead of 2-months. And they'd require the fans to sign up to an email list, and that email could only be used to vote once. However, I'm sure there would still be flooding and people voting plenty more times. But it would at least likely reduce the flooding.
But, that still doesn't address the lack of the percentage the FAN VOTE is given. I saw something earlier about Deep Purple received the 2nd most votes in the FAN VOTE in 2013, yet obviously 4 others got in ahead of them, despite the tens of millions of FANS who felt they were the 2nd most deserving act on the ballot.
The other thing that should be addressed is the NOMINATION PROCESS.
that link shows the list of people who have been on the committee, and for 2015, it shows 41 names. That's good to know, but like the VOTING PROCESS, the NOMINATING PROCESS is still highly arbitrary and not fully representative of everyone's taste. Beyond the voting, the FANS should have some involvement in whose actually nominated each year.
Either that, or some involvement on whose on that Committee. It almost could be done like a political election. Take 40 or 50, or fuck that, let's say 100 People to this committee, and have at least half or more of them turned over every year. Have some kind of Term Limit on how long someone can be on the committee. And once their term is over, they can't return to run for the committee for at least a couple of years.
10/8/15 6:35AM
Yes, Deep Purple and Chicago among the 15 nominees for the 2016 Rock Hall Class.
5 of which I recall, get in.
My prediction: Deep Purple will finally get in. Unfortunately Yes and Chicago may not with the likes of NWA and their biopic, Janet Jackson and Nine Inch Nails on the ballot. But I'd love to be wrong.
Steve Miller Band may get in, The Cars and Cheap Trick. I dunno if both Chaka Khan and Janet Jackson will both get in, even though I would not argue, they both belong in. And of course Chic again gets nominated, 1 of these years they may finally get in. It would be nice, just so their annual nomination slot can go to someone else.
The Smiths may get in, for the College Rock hipsters vote.
But I also want to share a comment I tried to make a little over a week ago on a blog which has some people that almost do Rock Hall annual predictions like Fantasy Football or Oscar Pools.
I tried to post this comment, but it has yet to actual be published and allowed there (not sure if the blog owner never saw it, or just doesn't feel it should be allowed to be public at this point).
But as I have said a handful of times from memory in here and on social media and message boards in recent years. The Rock Hall and its voting + inducting process, while it seems to be changing a little bit with some prog and metal finally showing up, really could use a more dramatic change in the process of who decides and HOW MANY artists get in every year.
have you and the others ever done some research into how/when and what it could take to dramatically change the process? I've come to conclude, the Rock Hall process could really do for a format change.
instead of 10-15 nominees every year, double that and have 20-30. And induct at least 10-15 every year.
And a percentage of that is designated as a "veterans committee" thing like The Baseball HOF does. Have 5 nominations every year that have to have been eligible for at least say 20 years, and at least 2 get in every year.
The Fans vote is worth a lot more than the 1 out of 800 or whatever it is now. Have the voting process both for the Nominations and the Inductees be decided
-1/3 Fans
-1/3 Recording Artists/Music Industry People
-1/3 Music Media.
Like the Baseball HOF, the MLB Allstar Game (Starting Lineup) Ballot is setup this way, and at least on the surface it does seem to be a more accurate representation, than it was long before when it was just decided only by the Media.
While all of this may seem dramatically different, and it may also come across as "letting everyone in" and lowering some kind of standards for whose in and whose not in; the fact is, with so many newly eligible artists each year along with so many artists passed over so many years/decades and then dying, not then possibly able to be present for a recognition of their life's work. A larger roster being included at least could help those causes, along with possibly even the joke-perception the Rock Hall gets (and Jan Wenner and Friends exclusive club mentality).
I suppose it's baby steps, with a few years ago adding the 1 online Fan vote, a bit like the long desired NCAA Football Division I playoff system, but I hope the changes can continue to be changed and modified.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Tiny Giant - Heavy Love [New song from Chloe Alper of PRR's new band]
This is pretty nice. Not exactly the crazy layering of PRR, but so be it. The 2nd half does have a nice climax.
Ever since Pure Reason Revolution split back in 2011, I've been rather curious to see what the members would do. Chloe Alper specifically, has been dabbling in some different things. A solo career under more than 1 name (her name, Chloe and Flood?), and then Tiny Giant was talked about maybe a year and a half ago, I forget. And I notice even in my tags, Mat Collis's name, whose the other half of Tiny Giant.
This song, may or may not be new, but newly recorded I imagine. I remember the mention of an EP last December, which never came.. But this new recorded single "Heavy Love" is quite good, so much, I really hope they have more coming soon. Maybe not this year, but hopefully in 2016 then.
Chloe Alper
Mat Collis
Pure Reason Revolution
Tiny Giant
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Mew 10/5/15 at The Triple Rock Social Club
Well to follow-up yesterday's 9-years-to-the-day anniversary show of a sorts that's the entry below this, here's a review of last night's actual show.
The set list is from a number of shows recently on this tour of theirs. The only 1 that is throwing me off was "Making Friends" which in looking at another live video of it, I do think they did it, I'm just not having it stand out as much I suppose.
But as far as the rest of the set list, this was quite pleasing. Between getting "Sometimes Life Isn't Easy" from No More Stories, to "She Spider" which has always been a favorite of mine, and feel it's not mentioned enough as a standout from Frengers. To that medley being a huge goosebump part. "Clinging to a Bad Dream" has become one of my favorites on Plus Minus, and "Louise Louisa" I have fallen head over heals in love with, with it's sad/melancholic tone, as I wrote a bit about in the previous entry.
And then there was the epic "Rows" which is a phenomenal multi-part track in the studio, that at 1st I only partially recognized. But as it went along and we got to my favorite sections, I was pretty floored by it. The drum/percussion outro is so good, I wish they'd play it for 5 or 10 minutes longer than it goes for. I really hope it becomes like "Comforting Sounds" per a staple live track, as I think it translates even better live. Very trippy and dreamy and mesmerizing.
The rest of the show was also engaging, as they played to the crowd even. Jonas even had the crowd sing some of the choruses on songs like "The Zookeeper's Boy" and "Snow Brigade" which just added to how great this was.
While I hold a special place for that show+partial show I saw at The Fine Line back in 2006, this show definitely was an event to not forget. Very much an epic, energetic, and fulfilling concert, that I kind of have waited for and wanted to experience ever since becoming a Mew fan in 2006.
And to top it all off, I was incredibly overjoyed to get to hang out and chat with all the band members including Jonas Bjerre, after the show outside. I probably spent 30-45 minutes with them and the fans, which I'll admit, I did not expect at all. I wonder if this show, being that it ended at like 10:30PM, the band were into mixing with some of the crowd afterwards per the early start and end time? Or maybe more so, they are just more up for signing autographs and pics now.
And the response and crowd size seemed to really get a good reaction from them. I recall 1 of their guitarists (Johan?) said something on stage about "I know this is normally Prince's town, but I think tonight it's YOUR town" referring to the crowd, etc. In chatting with Jonas a little about Minnesota, he said he saw Prince back in Denmark recently, so obviously he and the band presumably are fans.
But shooting the shit with them was really *special* in a lot of ways, and as memorable a part of this show. I did get them to sign my vinyl, and had my camera, but the battery unfortunately was more or less dead, so no pics or video for me.
As far as their future and touring, I guess I would love to see them back again, and it very well could happen, sooner than in another 9 years, lol. Maybe even next year, depending on if they do more touring to support Plus Minus. But I guess after the long desired and epic nature of last night's show, I can feel a level of fulfillment about Mew, if by some chance this is it, or there is another long gap in the time they return to my hometown.
The Zookeeper's Boy
Introducing Palace Players
Sometimes Life Isn't Easy
Water Slides
Snow Brigade
She Spider
(Clinging to a Bad Dream/The Zookeeper's Boy/Louise Louisa)
Making Friends
Am I Wry? No
My Complications
Comforting Sounds
The set list is from a number of shows recently on this tour of theirs. The only 1 that is throwing me off was "Making Friends" which in looking at another live video of it, I do think they did it, I'm just not having it stand out as much I suppose.
But as far as the rest of the set list, this was quite pleasing. Between getting "Sometimes Life Isn't Easy" from No More Stories, to "She Spider" which has always been a favorite of mine, and feel it's not mentioned enough as a standout from Frengers. To that medley being a huge goosebump part. "Clinging to a Bad Dream" has become one of my favorites on Plus Minus, and "Louise Louisa" I have fallen head over heals in love with, with it's sad/melancholic tone, as I wrote a bit about in the previous entry.
And then there was the epic "Rows" which is a phenomenal multi-part track in the studio, that at 1st I only partially recognized. But as it went along and we got to my favorite sections, I was pretty floored by it. The drum/percussion outro is so good, I wish they'd play it for 5 or 10 minutes longer than it goes for. I really hope it becomes like "Comforting Sounds" per a staple live track, as I think it translates even better live. Very trippy and dreamy and mesmerizing.
The rest of the show was also engaging, as they played to the crowd even. Jonas even had the crowd sing some of the choruses on songs like "The Zookeeper's Boy" and "Snow Brigade" which just added to how great this was.
While I hold a special place for that show+partial show I saw at The Fine Line back in 2006, this show definitely was an event to not forget. Very much an epic, energetic, and fulfilling concert, that I kind of have waited for and wanted to experience ever since becoming a Mew fan in 2006.
And to top it all off, I was incredibly overjoyed to get to hang out and chat with all the band members including Jonas Bjerre, after the show outside. I probably spent 30-45 minutes with them and the fans, which I'll admit, I did not expect at all. I wonder if this show, being that it ended at like 10:30PM, the band were into mixing with some of the crowd afterwards per the early start and end time? Or maybe more so, they are just more up for signing autographs and pics now.
And the response and crowd size seemed to really get a good reaction from them. I recall 1 of their guitarists (Johan?) said something on stage about "I know this is normally Prince's town, but I think tonight it's YOUR town" referring to the crowd, etc. In chatting with Jonas a little about Minnesota, he said he saw Prince back in Denmark recently, so obviously he and the band presumably are fans.
But shooting the shit with them was really *special* in a lot of ways, and as memorable a part of this show. I did get them to sign my vinyl, and had my camera, but the battery unfortunately was more or less dead, so no pics or video for me.
As far as their future and touring, I guess I would love to see them back again, and it very well could happen, sooner than in another 9 years, lol. Maybe even next year, depending on if they do more touring to support Plus Minus. But I guess after the long desired and epic nature of last night's show, I can feel a level of fulfillment about Mew, if by some chance this is it, or there is another long gap in the time they return to my hometown.
The Zookeeper's Boy
Introducing Palace Players
Sometimes Life Isn't Easy
Water Slides
Snow Brigade
She Spider
(Clinging to a Bad Dream/The Zookeeper's Boy/Louise Louisa)
Making Friends
Am I Wry? No
My Complications
Comforting Sounds
No More Stories
Plus Minus
She Spider
The Triple Rock Social Club
Monday, October 5, 2015
MEW in Minnesota: 9 Years ago Tonight 10/05/2006
I thought I would just pass this along; what I posted on Facebook, realizing it is exactly 9 years to the day, that I 1st saw Mew. That is rather EERIE.
Then the headline gig they did on October 26th, 2006, I only caught the last couple of songs and the encore per it was also the same night Kaddisfly played at the old The Toybox venue in Minneapolis off Hiawatha. I saw K-Fly, and then scooted down to The Fine Line and caught the end of their show.
Anjd of course they have not returned to Minnesota since, until tonight, October 5th, 2006.
9 years ago tonight, I first saw Mew live. In Minneapolis supporting Kasabianat Fine Line Music Cafe. They returned to headline at The Fine Line 3-weeks later on October 26th, 2006. And they have not returned to Minnesota since, until tonight at Triple Rock Social Club, Which is exactly 9 years to the day of that 1st show I saw them.
Here's a clip from that 10/5/06 show.
I will likely/per time, write a review of tonight show. The Dodos open.
I already checked out a likely set list, and I can't say I will be disappointed, etc.
I also think though, Mew, and the album And the Glass Handed Kites just evokes this incredibly strong and sad sense of emotion and nostalgia for me for some reason. The last song "Louise Louisa" especially in the last 9 months, although I get this image of meeting my fiancee at KFAI in 2011 with it, before and right around that time.
But I also can't forget seeing The Science of Sleep, 1 of the 1st things I ever wrote about in this blog, with Mew, and an Anathallo show. But that film, and going down to Lagoon Theater 1 late afternoon around that time.
That along with sad nostalgia I get from the early and especially mid 2000's, Mew's music triggers.
I should probably elaborate at some point about this whole topic/idea..periods of time in my life, nostalgia, music, and feeling really sad and almost depressed about it..the longing to want to go back in time, to that time, etc. All the bands from that period of time I discovered and many of them are gone/retired/broken up or barely active now.
Hopefully more on that later..but for now, I do have a wonderful concert to look forward to.
Then the headline gig they did on October 26th, 2006, I only caught the last couple of songs and the encore per it was also the same night Kaddisfly played at the old The Toybox venue in Minneapolis off Hiawatha. I saw K-Fly, and then scooted down to The Fine Line and caught the end of their show.
Anjd of course they have not returned to Minnesota since, until tonight, October 5th, 2006.
9 years ago tonight, I first saw Mew live. In Minneapolis supporting Kasabianat Fine Line Music Cafe. They returned to headline at The Fine Line 3-weeks later on October 26th, 2006. And they have not returned to Minnesota since, until tonight at Triple Rock Social Club, Which is exactly 9 years to the day of that 1st show I saw them.
Here's a clip from that 10/5/06 show.
I will likely/per time, write a review of tonight show. The Dodos open.
I already checked out a likely set list, and I can't say I will be disappointed, etc.
I also think though, Mew, and the album And the Glass Handed Kites just evokes this incredibly strong and sad sense of emotion and nostalgia for me for some reason. The last song "Louise Louisa" especially in the last 9 months, although I get this image of meeting my fiancee at KFAI in 2011 with it, before and right around that time.
But I also can't forget seeing The Science of Sleep, 1 of the 1st things I ever wrote about in this blog, with Mew, and an Anathallo show. But that film, and going down to Lagoon Theater 1 late afternoon around that time.
That along with sad nostalgia I get from the early and especially mid 2000's, Mew's music triggers.
I should probably elaborate at some point about this whole topic/idea..periods of time in my life, nostalgia, music, and feeling really sad and almost depressed about it..the longing to want to go back in time, to that time, etc. All the bands from that period of time I discovered and many of them are gone/retired/broken up or barely active now.
Hopefully more on that later..but for now, I do have a wonderful concert to look forward to.
The Pneumatic Transit - Concerto for Double Moon (2014-2015)
The Pneumatic Transit on Facebook
Concerto For Double Moon Trailer from The Pneumatic Transit on Vimeo.
So this band/project The Pneumatic Transit, is more or less the baby/brainchild of Jeff Zampillo, who formerly had been with Exotic Animal Petting Zoo on their last (final?) album Tree of Tongues. The Pneumatic Transit though, on this debut album of theirs, Concerto for Double Moon, does not include any vocals and stylistically, is very much in the Jazz-Fusion or Jazz-Rock style.
What allows them to stand out though, it seems is their use of Cello, which from memory, I don't know many Jazz-Rock bands who've ever used Cello, at least prominently. I suppose bands like Mahanishnu Orchestra and The Dixie Dregs (or The Galactic Cowboy Orchestra) have featured violin (or fiddle) of course, but not necessarily in this way. At points, kind of metallic. At points, I thought of a band like Judgement Day even, in how heavy the cello sounded.
But beyond that, I think this album seems like the product of a lot of extensive work by Jeff and his band, which includes the sadly, late drummer Michael Mirro. A lot of his drum work is incredibly crisp and clean sounding. From the cymbal to the snare work. Very much a feature, like many of the fusion bands have had.
Overall, while I'm not sure how addictive this album has been, I still am marveled by a ton of it. It's quite impressive from a musicianship standpoint, and Composition-al standpoint,. A lot of less-is-more certainly, even at 51 minutes in length.. And it is definitely one of my favorite instrumental records and overall, for this year.
I would highly suggest people into progressive rock and jazz-rock/fusion to check it out. Especially fans of Mahavishnu Orchestra and King Crimson as the influence (in a good way) seems apparent throughout much of it.
Concerto for Double Moon is to be released on Tuesday October 13th, 2015.
The track list and writeup below offer more details.

1. Colloquium 1:01
2. Icarian Games 8:37
3. Apparition of Rosalyn 6:49
4. Benzedrine Cloud Burst 3:04
5. An Atlas of Oceanic Coves 7:44
6. Hypoxia 1:34
7. The Meketrex Supplicant 2:28
8. Enochian Dyskinesia 7:13
9. Sparrow Sparrow 2:15
10. Lioness 7:34
11. Silent Waves of Sleeping Soothsayers 2:41
The opening 1st track "Colloquium" is short table-setter, that says hello with drums and a dissonant saxophone flurry of riffs. A bit chaotic, for even as short as it is. I suppose it is slightly free-jazz-like.
The 2nd track "Icarian Games" starts out with this great driving riff from the guitar and fueled by the drums. It's odd though as after listening to it, I have an earworm that has me reminded of Led Zeppelin, specifically "In the Light" for some reason. Also there's a patch used by their keyboard player in a short section that does remind me a lot of Return to Forever. Along with a lot of the twangy guitar riffs have a John McLaiughlin-like quality to them. Also the dynamics in this song stand out, from the heavy and fast rhythm, that segue to softer sections that are slower.
Track 3 "Apparition of Rosalyn" opens with this odd, minor-key riff, but shortly after goes into a section with some clean guitar along with more keys. Eventually it gets rather atmospheric with a contrast of sounds from the Cello and Sax.
Track 4 "Benzedrine Cloud Burst" A shorter piece that also creates a nice atmospheric vibe. The Cello at times has me reminded of Return to Forever among some others.
The 5th piece "An Atlas of Oceanic Coves" has this intermittent use of fat synthesizers that create a dark atmosphere. It has a bit if a King Crimson influence at points, with its rich use of strings. It also includes some additional musicians on bass and drums.
Track 6 "Hypoxia" is an environmental interlude, that has what sounds like a Flute, which seems to be a patch used by the keyboards. It seems to echo the cello arrangement from at least 1 or more other sections on the record.
The 7th track "The Meketrex Supplicant" like "Icarian Games" features another driving riff, with strings and at points another dark, heavy oscillator tone from the keyboards.
The 8th track "Enochian Dyskinesia" is one of my favorites on Concerto for Double Moon. It's led by this great funky, groove-ish riff from the guitar. The Cello at points goes up and down in emphasis. The 2nd half ends up having many layers being added as it gets more complex. Mostly between the guitar (a lot of picking) and the saxophone. A bit like the great Minnesota jazz-rock band Media Addicts have done. It concludes with a nice, clean string outro.
Track 9 "Sparrow Sparrow" is a cello driven piece that like many others, seems to be cleverly put together in the studio, with many layers eventually being added as it goes along, eventually to a wonderful climax.
The 10th track "Lioness" is another one of my favorites. The sax melody is rather ear-wormy, with its majestic theme that almost sounds like a March. It also includes many layers of cello, that gradually build more and more. Eventually they fade and lead to a circus-like section. King Crimson seems to be clearly an influence on this piece, namely from the Red era it seems.
The 11th and closing track "Silent Waves of Sleeping Soothsayers" echoes the theme from "Lioness" on Cello. The drum work and use of harpsichord add more to this one at points. I am reminded of King Crimson again here, in a good way.
edit: Preorder is now up. $5 and includes a download of "Enochian Dykinesia"
Concerto For Double Moon Trailer from The Pneumatic Transit on Vimeo.
So this band/project The Pneumatic Transit, is more or less the baby/brainchild of Jeff Zampillo, who formerly had been with Exotic Animal Petting Zoo on their last (final?) album Tree of Tongues. The Pneumatic Transit though, on this debut album of theirs, Concerto for Double Moon, does not include any vocals and stylistically, is very much in the Jazz-Fusion or Jazz-Rock style.
What allows them to stand out though, it seems is their use of Cello, which from memory, I don't know many Jazz-Rock bands who've ever used Cello, at least prominently. I suppose bands like Mahanishnu Orchestra and The Dixie Dregs (or The Galactic Cowboy Orchestra) have featured violin (or fiddle) of course, but not necessarily in this way. At points, kind of metallic. At points, I thought of a band like Judgement Day even, in how heavy the cello sounded.
But beyond that, I think this album seems like the product of a lot of extensive work by Jeff and his band, which includes the sadly, late drummer Michael Mirro. A lot of his drum work is incredibly crisp and clean sounding. From the cymbal to the snare work. Very much a feature, like many of the fusion bands have had.
Overall, while I'm not sure how addictive this album has been, I still am marveled by a ton of it. It's quite impressive from a musicianship standpoint, and Composition-al standpoint,. A lot of less-is-more certainly, even at 51 minutes in length.. And it is definitely one of my favorite instrumental records and overall, for this year.
I would highly suggest people into progressive rock and jazz-rock/fusion to check it out. Especially fans of Mahavishnu Orchestra and King Crimson as the influence (in a good way) seems apparent throughout much of it.
Concerto for Double Moon is to be released on Tuesday October 13th, 2015.
The track list and writeup below offer more details.

1. Colloquium 1:01
2. Icarian Games 8:37
3. Apparition of Rosalyn 6:49
4. Benzedrine Cloud Burst 3:04
5. An Atlas of Oceanic Coves 7:44
6. Hypoxia 1:34
7. The Meketrex Supplicant 2:28
8. Enochian Dyskinesia 7:13
9. Sparrow Sparrow 2:15
10. Lioness 7:34
11. Silent Waves of Sleeping Soothsayers 2:41
The opening 1st track "Colloquium" is short table-setter, that says hello with drums and a dissonant saxophone flurry of riffs. A bit chaotic, for even as short as it is. I suppose it is slightly free-jazz-like.
The 2nd track "Icarian Games" starts out with this great driving riff from the guitar and fueled by the drums. It's odd though as after listening to it, I have an earworm that has me reminded of Led Zeppelin, specifically "In the Light" for some reason. Also there's a patch used by their keyboard player in a short section that does remind me a lot of Return to Forever. Along with a lot of the twangy guitar riffs have a John McLaiughlin-like quality to them. Also the dynamics in this song stand out, from the heavy and fast rhythm, that segue to softer sections that are slower.
Track 3 "Apparition of Rosalyn" opens with this odd, minor-key riff, but shortly after goes into a section with some clean guitar along with more keys. Eventually it gets rather atmospheric with a contrast of sounds from the Cello and Sax.
Track 4 "Benzedrine Cloud Burst" A shorter piece that also creates a nice atmospheric vibe. The Cello at times has me reminded of Return to Forever among some others.
The 5th piece "An Atlas of Oceanic Coves" has this intermittent use of fat synthesizers that create a dark atmosphere. It has a bit if a King Crimson influence at points, with its rich use of strings. It also includes some additional musicians on bass and drums.
Track 6 "Hypoxia" is an environmental interlude, that has what sounds like a Flute, which seems to be a patch used by the keyboards. It seems to echo the cello arrangement from at least 1 or more other sections on the record.
The 7th track "The Meketrex Supplicant" like "Icarian Games" features another driving riff, with strings and at points another dark, heavy oscillator tone from the keyboards.
The 8th track "Enochian Dyskinesia" is one of my favorites on Concerto for Double Moon. It's led by this great funky, groove-ish riff from the guitar. The Cello at points goes up and down in emphasis. The 2nd half ends up having many layers being added as it gets more complex. Mostly between the guitar (a lot of picking) and the saxophone. A bit like the great Minnesota jazz-rock band Media Addicts have done. It concludes with a nice, clean string outro.
Track 9 "Sparrow Sparrow" is a cello driven piece that like many others, seems to be cleverly put together in the studio, with many layers eventually being added as it goes along, eventually to a wonderful climax.
The 10th track "Lioness" is another one of my favorites. The sax melody is rather ear-wormy, with its majestic theme that almost sounds like a March. It also includes many layers of cello, that gradually build more and more. Eventually they fade and lead to a circus-like section. King Crimson seems to be clearly an influence on this piece, namely from the Red era it seems.
The 11th and closing track "Silent Waves of Sleeping Soothsayers" echoes the theme from "Lioness" on Cello. The drum work and use of harpsichord add more to this one at points. I am reminded of King Crimson again here, in a good way.
edit: Preorder is now up. $5 and includes a download of "Enochian Dykinesia"
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