Rest in Peace Agalloch. I suppose I'm happy I got to see them once, and it may mean a new Sculptured album soon.
Also rather ironic how this is announced on a Friday afternoon, often when I associate my favorite release of theirs, the lovely The White EP.
Maybe I'll add more soon about this, but on the surface, this still sucks. A reunion though I would hardly think would be impossible down the road.
Following 20 years, 5 full length albums, many tours around the world, and numerous other recordings, John Haughm and the rest of the band (Don Anderson, Jason Walton, and Aesop Dekker) have parted ways. What the future holds for the separate parties remains undetermined. We collectively thank all of our fans across the world. There are also way too many other people to thank who made this band possible. You know who you are.