Here's my forum post
Dunno how many others around here listen to the Sound Opinions podcast besides myself.
While the hosts and the content they cover at-times can be nauseating and baffling, at the same time, the show has enough music topics and entertaining moments for myself to keep listening to it.
Well well well, this upcoming week, which is the 207th show for these 2 Siskel-and-Ebert-wannabe music critics, they are going to feature a whole show on our known and beloved genre of progressive rock.
Show #207: 11.13.09
School of Prog Rock: Jim and Greg explore the fantastical world of Progressive Rock with Charles Snider, author of The Strawberry Bricks Guide to Progressive Rock. ( )
so, if even if you hate both Kot and especially Derogatis, this show may give many reasons to check this weeks show out, just based on subject matter.
And one thing to note, a few years ago they added a hotline segment at the end of the show. People call-in and voice *their opinion* about the show. So, if you agree/appreciate or disagree with anything they say on this show, there is that option and hopefully your message will get played at the end of following week's show.
Will Dream Theater or Marillion get mentioned? who knows. I met the guys last Spring at a q&a in Minneapolis, and I brought up Dream Theater to them once; which led DeRogatis especially claiming he wasn't a fan.
But, given the theme of this show, and how they mentioned how progressive rock exists today, I'm not sure how DT will not be at least be brought up. Guess we'll see.
looking forward to how much "modern prog" they cover. Frankly, they should have contacted ME, even tho I'm not a journalist exactly, or necessarily any more of an expert than many other fans.
However, I am probably one of if not the most passionate fans who listens to their show regularly. Frankly, I'm one of the most passionate fans anywhere, if you consider the word "progressive" by it's literal definition.
I mean I'm sure there's a % of the regular listeners that know their prog rock. And there's a % that are into bands like Yes, Crimson, Tull, Genesis, Floyd (duh) Muse, The Mars Volta, Porcupine Tree, Opeth, and even Dream Theater.
But among all of those, I dunno how many of them are as-into so much other "prog" or indie-prog and the different areas of progressive metal, yadayada etc, etc.
But who knows, maybe my taste pales in comparison to the people they'll have on there. It certainly does give me almost necessity to call-in to react/thank/complain or just name-drop on the hotline.
edit: this is slighly ot, but kind of related as I am known to do, I shamelessly-plugged this on a few prog-centric boards. One of the obvious ones (I would think) is this site progarchives.com.
Okay, I posted something a few weeks ago I recall..last week actually about Soundscape since they finally added them after how many years?
well, I have pretty much since I ever went to that site, found it be an absolute embarrassment to people who enjoy the music I do. Everything is so distgustingly CATEGORIZED to the detail. The people who run that site *vote* for bands to be included.
It's fucking lame and anal as hell. Really, the clowns who use that site actively need to get the fuck out of their parents basement and either go the fuck away, or get rid of the fucking sub-genres, that they assume everyone on the site, let alone coming to the site for the 1st time would know.
Your site sucks. The reviews for the most part suck. You people need to take the lumps of coal out of your fucking asses and get a fucking life.
There's 2 categories for music
1) good
2) bad
that site is totally ridiculously set-up, it makes D&D seem simplistic, lol.
So if someone posts a new topic in *the wrong forum* I would think it's a common thing. Many of those people never come back. And wouldn't find reason to unless they ever changed the way the site and maybe more importantly, the way the people who run/maintain it are.
Frankly, I'd love to see it get shut down. It almost did a couple of years ago. It was giving spyware or some other shit. It might be nice, then people who are looking for info on said genre wouldn't have to be embarrassed (or laugh-at) the stereotypes that people like myself have dealt with for so long. it would be justice, I tell ya. But at this point, I'm not sure what to do, other than ignoring any kinds of responses there.
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