Saturday, July 27, 2019

Kevin Gilbert's band GIRAFFE: TAPES

I just noticed this both on
altprogcore's blog 
Kevin Gilbert's Happy Snappy Fun Show on FB

Scotty Smith who was a drummer for Giraffe, uploaded these 2 things. 1 is a full broadcast of STONE TREK which was a radio show on KOME I recall, that Kevin appeared on multiple times within a few years in the late 80's and early 90's.

The other is Sometimes Why, which was a few demos that per the screencaps on the video, Kevin and others may have handed out to promote. Under the name "Kai Gilbert" which is the stage name Kevin went by when he was playing with Eddie Money.

In just hearing some of them, I'm pretty sure I have heard these (the demos, not the ENTIRE STONE TREK tho) all per the sharing Tree years ago, although THEY SOUND BETTER.

And I'm sure there's plenty of KG fans who have not.