Thursday, October 1, 2009

New Jimmy Gnecco solo tunes

Bumped 10/1/09

a new pic from a photoshoot for a video I guess for 1 of the songs. And I guess they've shot videos for 2 songs.

looking more and more forward to February!

bumped 8/11/09 4:29PM

a new video from his homepage So it appears the projection is now 2010.

edit: February 2010.
killtheband forum

"I got to talk with Jimmy after their show in Charlotte, NC on 8/10. I asked him if he knew when in early 2010 his record would be coming out and he told me it would be out in February."

I had an amazing time in Europe. The crowds, the venues, and the scenery, what a cool experience. Thank you all for coming out. It was great to meet you, and to put faces to our European fans. I hope to be back very soon.

Until then, peace, and much love,


original 7/17/09 3:38PM

brightantenna link for Jimmy Gnecco

those are the links, although you need a code to get them. "I Heard You Singing" and "Meet Me In the Tower" both sound excellent. But nothing less than that I would expect. His new album should be out by the end of the year.

MMITT was a re-arranged version; more orchestral than the Ours acoustic EP version. No idea if it'll be on the album.

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