Warren/Biden 191
Trump 182
270 Electoral College Votes Wins the Election
The Democratic Candidate needs to win 79 of the below 156 Electoral College Votes
Trump needs to win 88 of the below 156 Electoral College Votes
12 Swing States hold 156 Electoral College Votes.
29 Florida
20 Pennsylvania
18 Ohio
16 Michigan
15 North Carolina
13 Virginia
10 Minnesota
10 Wisconsin
9 Colorado
6 Iowa
6 Nevada
4 New Hampshire
38 Non-Swing States hold 382 Electoral College Votes. If all vote as their recent/expected Partisan history would suggest.
The number of votes and States listed below.
Blue = Democrat
Red = Republican
55 California
38 Texas
29 New York
20 Illinois
16 Georgia
14 New Jersey
12 Washington
*11 Arizona
11 Indiana
11 Massachusetts
11 Tennessee
10 Maryland
10 Missouri
9 Alabama
8 Kentucky
8 Louisiana
7 Connecticut
7 Oklahoma
7 Oregon
6 Arkansas
6 Kansas
6 Mississippi
6 Utah
5 Nebraska
5 New Mexico
5 West Virginia
4 Hawaii
4 Idaho
4 Maine
4 Rhode Island
3 Alaska
3 Delaware
3 District of Columbia
3 Montana
3 North Dakota
3 South Dakota
3 Vermont
3 Wyoming
= 538 Total electoral college votes
*Arizona among a few States not listed as a Swing State, but "could go either way" per Per
16 Democrat States and 191 Electoral College Votes
55 California
29 New York
20 Illinois
14 New Jersey
12 Washington
11 Massachusetts
10 Maryland
7 Connecticut
7 Oregon
5 New Mexico
4 Hawaii
4 Maine
4 Rhode Island
3 Delaware
3 District of Columbia
3 Vermont
22 Republican States and 182 Electoral College Votes
38 Texas
16 Georgia
*11 Arizona
11 Indiana
11 Tennessee
10 Missouri
9 Alabama
8 Kentucky
8 Louisiana
7 Oklahoma
6 Arkansas
6 Kansas
6 Mississippi
6 Utah
5 Nebraska
5 West Virginia
4 Idaho
3 Alaska
3 Montana
3 North Dakota
3 South Dakota
3 Wyoming