Pain of Salvation - Karachay: Inside Out
This has always been a favorite track from One Hour by the Concrete Lake, but I don't often see it mentioned by fans. Why? I have no clue to be honest, other than the fact the whole record is sort of looked down upon a little bit per both the production and maybe more so the albums before and after it are so fucking good.
But the inspiration by singling this one out mostly from 1 of the most recent episodes of the Pain of Salvation documentary series from 2007-2011? included it and reminded me how much I loved it. It's a track I have not listened to in many years sadly, but I'm glad I did.
Musically, it always was a bit like Pain of Salvation doing a progressive Power Metal tune. A little like the Andre Matos-Angra from the 90's, with the fast keys and energetic guitar riff and drum work. And the dynamics work really well, and close out One Hour by the Concrete Lake with a big climax.
One other note, it actually has the "Karachay" prefix/subname as One Hour is a concept album about a lake and environmental concerns; and the lake, refers to Lake Karachay. I honestly never realized this, at least in song titles. The final 4 tracks (Suite?) all refer to Lake Karachay, just as the "Spirit of Man" and "Part of the Machine" refer to 2 other "suites" of sorts on the album as well.