The new Cloud Cult album The Seeker has obviously been on my mind a lot the last couple of weeks. And in the process, I thought it would make sense to make a review video of it, which makes sense.
But I also just thought, why not do a Random Artist Feature video about them.
So, over the last few days, I've been revisiting their catalog and history quite a bit.
I hopefully will manage to finish my revisiting or hearing for the 1st time, stuff like The Shade Project perhaps, and even Who Killed Puck? which I thought I had, but can't seem to find it. But I did find it on YouTube at least.
After that is all accomplished, a video and/or another write-up about Cloud Cult may happen.
I actually have meant to try and dissect their whole catalog for quite sometime, especially their 1st 4 or 5 albums. Them and Lehto and Wright actually.
I don't know how in-depth it'll be on video, but at least revisiting those early albums again, I am reminded why I feel/felt about them how I do, etc.
I guess I am finding the inspiration/motivation after being so connected to The Seeker of late, and even the fact it's their 10th studio record. It's kind of a milestone or significant time for Cloud Cult and to be a Cloud Cult fan.