I noticed Gavin Hayes from dredg post about this project just a bit ago on his twitter.
Help some friends, and our guitarist, create some music! RT @mengles: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/evaru..
I just checked out some of their music, and it's not bad. Kind of acoustic piano-driven Female singer/songwriter with orchestral flourishes. Somewhat in the vein of Brooke Waggoner or Sucre I suppose. The compositions sound nice enough, so I pledged.
However, what is a bit confusing is their Kickstarter campaign. It's great they are using it, however the dollar amount of $17,000 and maybe even more so, given the time frame of 33 days left. I can't find the actual launch date, but I'm just guessing it was launched within the last day or 2.
Raising as much as $17,000, and in just over a month? maybe it'll happen (I gave $25, which is pretty blind given I only just heard them for the 1st time), but if it does not, this project supports another puzzling way of thinking with artists and the AMOUNT OF TIME THEY EXPECT TO RAISE SAID FUNDS FROM KICKSTARTER.
And I'm not sure how Kickstarter campaigns are set up, but I would think if the album is expected in May of 2013, they could give themselves AT LEAST 3 MONTHS to raise that level of money.
What I have felt bands should do, is instead of launching the Kickstarter campaign and then going out and advertising, while the CLOCK HAS ALREADY STARTED COUNTING DOWN.
Go Out and MENTION a Kickstarter Campaign will be LAUNCHED SOON. Maybe even just see on Facebook and Twitter how many "Likes" and "Retweets" you get, even by posting about it a handful of times over say 33 days or so.
That all being said, I hope this Kickstarter campaign is a success. In the mean time, I probably will pick up a copy of their 1st record High Collar Dark Sky, just based on some of the impressive samples on the bandcamp page below.