Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues by subpop
Well Well Well. The band, who early in 2008, released an EP I liked Sun Giant and reminded me of my beloved (and almost entirely unknown) Cavil at Rest, and then went on to release their self-titled full-length record a few months later and became the hipster-est of all hipster bands in a few short months. And I went on to realize the album had 1 or 2 good songs on it, with the rest basically using the exact same idea, on every song.
Okay, fine. But of course the praise I never felt was deserved. But that's the way the Hipfork machine works, right? as I came to learn. And Cavil at Rest went on to become even less like this band, even with their name change to Local Natives and their debut album in late 2009 Gorilla Manor.
That all being said, the Fleet Kittens, could be worthy of their real name (or better) if they would evolve and change their style, even the slightest amount. First off, on Sun Giant they had drums and more electric guitar, than on the lp that followed. They need to do more of that.
But they also need to get away from the same formula of Accapella Folk Music with a bit of acoustic guitar. Change it. Add piano, horns, tom drums, xylophone, even a fucking FEMALE SINGER might help. Just stop writing music as a bloody one-trick-pony as their debut album is/was.
And this new song of theirs, after hearing it once, really doesn't sound much different. 5+ minutes in, there finally is a little bit of drum work and electric guitar. But it's so stripped down and in the background, it may as well not even be there.
Maybe they need a different producer or something. Get Rick Rubin or David Botrill to have them use more loudness, more range, more color. ANYTHING frankly. Get them to show some fucking balls! lol.
But basically, I will check this record out, and if it's basically Fleet Kittens Part 2.0. It's sayonara to this band. But by some miracle they do something new and different, I'll be at least close to back where I was after enjoying Sun Giant.
Eating Crow? no. The mere fact I'm even giving them mention and actually going to listen to this album, more or less doesn't warrant that at this point. The sad thing is, they could be good, if they modified and evolved their sound enough. Could they be even close to as good as Local Natives? fat chance. But unlike some of the other Hipfork groups (Vampire Weekend, Yeasayer), I suppose they at least could climb out of the style-with-no-substance category with the right changes.
I guess we'll find out on May 3rd (or around that time).